
  • 网络Frontal region;frontal area;Frons;frontal zone;region frontalis
  1. 运用新的体视学方法研究大鼠胼胝体及胼胝体额区有髓神经纤维

    Rat corpus callosum and myelinated nerve fibers in its frontal region by a new stereological method

  2. 大鼠胼胝体体积和胼胝体额区有髓神经纤维老年改变

    Age-related changes of corpus callosum volume and myelinated fibers in frontal region of corpus callosum in rats

  3. 大部分认知功能与脑诱发电位的潜伏期P2相关。结论:正常老人的额叶萎缩,额区、前额的慢波化可能是其受控加工认知功能下降的基础。

    Conclusion : the atrophy and slowing waves of frontal lobe area were essential sources of decline of controlled processing cognitive functions .

  4. 目的:采用汉语双字词对再认过程中额区新旧效应与熟悉感判别有关、顶区新旧效应与回忆有关的ERP熟悉感/回忆假说进行检验。

    Objective : Using Chinese words to examine the claim that the frontal ERP old / new effect is related to familiarity and the parietal old / new effect is related to recollection ( the ERP familiarity / recollection hypothesis ) .

  5. 个体在顶区和枕区的P1潜伏期要显著快于额区,晚正电位也首先表现在顶枕区域。

    The P1 latency in the parietal and occipital region was significantly faster than the frontal , and late positive potential also first showed in the parietal and the occipital region .

  6. SWD的脑电地形图显示各频带的最高功率区在额区和额前部,不同病人和同一病人多阵SWD均如此,相当恒定。

    Despite somewhat of variability , the maximum power of each band of SWDs was rather constantly in the frontal and per - frontal areas among different patients and different seizures within the same patient .

  7. 结果:脑电图主要表现为额区广泛性慢波,脑电图的改变随着DEACMP的损伤程度和转归发生一致变化。

    Results : EEG showed mainly suffusing slow waves in frontal labe , The change of EEG of DEACMP was identical with the severity of brain damage and the prognosis of conscious status .

  8. ERPs数据揭示了两种年龄相关的差异,一是老年人神经活动水平显著低于年轻人,二是老年人在内隐学习中脑区激活范围更大,包括对额区甚至整个脑区的大范围激活。

    ERPs data suggested two age-related changes in neural activity . One is that brain activity occurred in more areas for old people , including the prefrontal area and even the whole brain ; the other is the activity level was lower in the old .

  9. 在1个疗程(14d)输液治疗结束时,左右两侧额区、内眦区、眶上区、枕区、耳后区或面颊区的温差均明显小于首日输液治疗前。

    After a course ( 14 days ) of transfusion treatment , the temperature difference between the corresponding parts as inner canthus , frontal area , supraorbital region , cheek regions , occipital region and postauricular region reduced apparently compared with that measured before transfusion of the last day .

  10. 与安静状态相比,心算时20Hz以上的高频活动同步性显著下降,且以左后脑区最明显,θ,α等低频活动的同步性增强,特别是额区和中央脑区。

    During mental arithmetic , compared with the rest condition , the CohA in high frequency range ( above 20 Hz ) decreased significantly , especially at the left-rear brain area , and increased at frontal and central brain regions in low frequency range (θ band and α band ) .

  11. 内窥镜鱼尾纹除皱术的颞额区应用解剖学

    Applied anatomy of the temporal and frontal regions in endoscopic temporal lifting

  12. 叶酸缺乏孕鼠子代血细胞形态学改变及脑额区皮层超微结构表现

    Changes of blood cells and ultrastructure in fetal rats with maternal folate deficiency

  13. 鼻额区、鼻根部解剖-美学关系对隆鼻术的指导意义

    The Referring Significance of Anatomy of Rhino-frontal Area and Nose Root on Rhinoplasty : from Aesthetic Standpoint

  14. 对两半球差异波的显著性检验发现,额区、中央区、颞区差异均具有统计学意义。

    The significant test of two hemispheres difference waves found that frontal , central area , temporal differences were statistically significant .

  15. 额区和中线部位为高同步区,与后联合区对应的后脑区为低同步区。

    The high synchronization was found at the frontal and midline brain regions and the low synchronization at the rear brain areas .

  16. 老年人认知障碍与颈动脉粥样硬化相关性研究额区脑波年老化特点及其与某些认知能力的相关性

    Relationship between Cognitive Impairment and Carotid Atherosclerosis in Elderly Patients FRONTAL EEG CHARACTERS IN AGING AND ITS CORRELATIVITY WITH SOME COGNITIVE ABILITIES

  17. 应用脑波超慢涨落分析方法,观察了气功意念导引时左右额区及左右枕区脑电波变化。

    Using brain super-slow encephalofluctuography technology , changes on EEG at anterior and posterior brain areas , associated with Qigong guiding mind were studied .

  18. 目的探讨如何根据鼻额区、鼻根部解剖-美学关系,改进隆鼻术中假体的雕刻方法及置放位置。

    Objective To investigate the modification of nasal prothesis and its positioning method from an aesthetic standpoint and anatomic basis of rhino-frontal area and nose root .

  19. 各波的绝对潜伏期和绝对波幅:额区、中央区和枕区3个区域差异无显著性意义(P>0.05)。

    There were no significant differences in the absolute latency and amplitude of waves among the frontal region , central region and occipital region ( P > 0.05 ) .

  20. 额区脑波年老化特点及其与某些认知能力的相关性如果需要了解这种特制密封的性能与优点,请参阅下列图形和符号。

    FRONTAL EEG CHARACTERS IN AGING AND ITS CORRELATIVITY WITH SOME COGNITIVE ABILITIES Please refer to the following drawing and notations for detail of specific seal features and benefits .

  21. 结果单因素分析显示脑血管病变、双侧额区白质病变评分及脑室指数在两组之间差异有显著性意义(P<0.05)。

    Results Univariate analysis showed that cerebrovascular lesions , bilateral frontal white matter lesions ( WML ) and ventricular index on CT scan had significant difference between MCI and NC .

  22. 临床表现为发作性四肢强直以前,猫的前脑区(额区、基底结)出现高血流灌注和高葡萄糖代谢;

    The region of hyperperfusion rCBF and high glucose metabolism of cat brain was located at the forebrain ( frontal region , basal ganglion ) before spasm occurring in four legs ;

  23. 结扎家兔颈总动脉和椎动脉后额区皮质超微结构变化&突触和突起双侧颈总动脉结扎对大鼠学习记忆相关脑区血流量的影响


  24. 刺激额区皮层对中脑网状结构痛敏神经元电活动的影响及与针刺效应的关系

    The effect of stimulating the cortex of the frontal area on the electrical activity of the pain sensation neurons of the mesencephalic reticular formation , and its relationship to the effect of Acupuncture

  25. 结果显著的表情效应分别于3个时段出现在不同的头皮区域:后顶区和双枕区(280~340ms),左额区(400~420ms)和右额区(480~500ms)。

    Results Significant facial expression effects occurred separately in the left parietal and bilateral occipital regions ( 280-340 ms ), left frontal region ( 400-420 ms ), and right prefrontal region ( 480-500 ms ) .

  26. 男性犯罪青少年在额区、中央顶区及颞区脑区存在一定的功能异常,暴力犯罪青少年较非暴力犯罪青少年更加明显。

    Some cognitive dysfunction in frontal area , central parietal area and temporal area is found in male juvenile delinquents , the violent juvenile delinquents may be more severe than that of the non-violent juvenile delinquents . 3 .

  27. 结论支持ADHD是由于额前区执行功能不成熟的病因学说。

    Conclusion The findings support the hypothesis that ADHD is associated with a dysfunction of prefrontal brain regions .

  28. 在鼻额三角区内,通过光线的调节,可获得一个H形边缘样的曲线,H的中间连线相当于鼻根部的位置。

    In the nasofrontal triangle area , through regulation of the light , it can access to an " H " shaped curve . The middle position of " H " curve is equivalent to nasion .

  29. 笔者报告27例婴儿感染性外部性脑积水,其典型CT表现为:纵裂前部及额顶区蛛网膜下腔增宽、脑底池扩大。

    The authers report 27 cases of infective external hydrocephalus in infants . The typical CT findings are as follows : the front part of the interhemispheric fissure and subarachnoid space along the convexities are widening , the cerebral based cistern is enlarging .

  30. 目的:利用KCl滴注大脑皮质制作大鼠皮层传播性抑制(Corticalspreadingdepression,CSD)模型,研究94-95-10L对c-fos基因在大鼠脑额顶区内扣带回、新皮质和梨状区表达的影响。

    Objective : Our aim was to study the effect of 94 95 10L on c fos gene expression in the cortex of rats with cortical spreading depression ( CSD ) induced by KCl .