
  • 网络land-transferring fees;land transfer fees;land grant fee;land conveyance fees
  1. 自实行国有土地有偿出让制度后,地方政府的土地出让金收入迅速增长,占财政收入比重不断提升,土地财政俨然成了第二财政。

    Ever since the implementation of state-owned land compensated transfer system , the incomes of the land-transferring fees of the local government has increased rapidly , accounting for a larger portion of the fiscal revenue .

  2. 由于土地出让金是地方政府一大财源,因此各地政府无不希望本地房价节节攀升,因为房价升了地价就能涨。

    Because the land grant fee is a big financial resource of local governments , so governments in all places all want a constant rise of real estate which can result in a rise in land price .

  3. 支出的比例占土地出让金收入的30%至45%。

    30-45 % of the land grant fee can be paid .

  4. 购买二手房要交纳土地出让金吗?

    Housing land sold to pay the purchase of second-hand gold ?

  5. 物业税与土地出让金不可替代性

    Discussion on the Non-replacement of Property Tax and Land Transferring Fee

  6. 土地出让金的财政学分析

    Analysis of Land Transfer Rent on the Base of Finance

  7. 土地出让金对经济增长作用机理研究

    Research on the Effect of Land Premium on Economic Growth

  8. 改变用途后,土地出让金及出让年限应如何确定?

    How to confirm the deadline and transfer fund when the land usage was changed ?

  9. 对民航企业存货、土地出让金、与税有关的问题进行了探讨。

    Analysis of the stock-in-trade , land transfer fee and tax issue of civil aviation enterprises .

  10. 缴纳的土地出让金即为改变用途后的土地增值收益。

    To some extent , the land transfer payments are equivalent to the land value-added benefits .

  11. 提出级差收益分布理论模型,指出土地出让金应服从级差分布原则,并对重庆市土地出让金级差分布情况进行了分析,提出相应的建议及对策。

    Then it analyses the granting fee distribution condition in Chongqing and puts forward corresponding suggestions and countermeasures .

  12. 商业银行不得向房地产开发企业发放用于缴交土地出让金的贷款。

    A commercial bank may not grant the loan to a real estate development enterprise for the payment of land transfer fund .

  13. 因此,在具体税制设计中建议从几个方面入手:税收和地租是两个经济性质截然不同的范畴,不应把土地出让金纳入房地产税中;

    Tax and rent are two totally different concept , so should not take the price of land into real estate tax .

  14. 对税收优惠政策的讨论贯穿于土地出让金和财政扶持政策的分析中,它们之间有较强的联系。

    The discussion of Tax Preferential Policy is among the discussion of land price and Financial Supporting Policy for their strong linkage .

  15. 针对这一现象,对土地出让金及其形成机理进行了分析,提出了土地出让金系数测算的基本思路和数理模型,并对重庆市的土地出让金标准进行了实证分析。

    Focusing on this phenomenon , the thesis analyzes the theoretic base of the granting fee and puts forward the granting fee coefficient mode .

  16. 巨额土地出让金最终转嫁到房价中,这构成了房产泡沫大厦的地基;

    The large amount land fees from sales pass the burden finally to the house price , this constituted the real estate froth building ground ;

  17. 第五、六部分建立了武汉市住宅价格特征模型,并应用模型对新区内某一地块的土地出让金的回收情况做出预测。

    The fifth and sixth parts set up the hedonic housing price model for Wuhan , and make a prediction on certain lands ' returning .

  18. 地方政府因着他的收取土地出让金使得或明或暗的状态都不会影响自己博弈参与者的身份。

    Because of his local government land transfer fee makes overt or covert status will not affect the identity of participants in their own game .

  19. 土地出让金在我国的发展历史不长,它是90年代由我国土地使用权出让制度孕育出的一个新名词。

    Land Finance in China not long history , it is 90 by the system of land use rights in China gave birth to a new term .

  20. 投资工业生产建设的项目,政府未进行基础设施投入的,免交全部土地出让金。

    Any entity that invests in industrial production construction project , for which the state has not invested in infrastructure , is exempted from land transfer charge .

  21. 对于财政紧张、以土地出让金为收入主要来源的地方政府,地价暴跌可能意味着一场灾难。

    For local governments with stretched finances that rely on land sales for the bulk of their revenues , the tumble in land prices could spell disaster .

  22. 最脆弱的是那些更小、更穷的城市,原因就在于它们的经济多样性更差,导致它们除了土地出让金几乎没有任何别的财源。

    Most vulnerable are the smaller , poorer cities precisely because their economies are less diversified , leaving them few sources of money other than land sales .

  23. 因而,买受人购买已购公有住房,需支出两笔费用,即购房款和土地出让金。

    Consequently , vendee is bought already bought public housing , require pay two charge , buy house money and gold of land sell one 's own things namely .

  24. 在此基础上,选择了我国物业税的税制模式,分析明确了物业税和土地出让金的关系,并且建设性的提出了土地批租制完善与改进的方案;

    After having clear cognition on it , we choose taxation pattern , clarify its relationship with land remise fund and improve land leasehold system with land annual rent system .

  25. 某些开发商动辄圈地上百万平方米,分期缴纳土地出让金、分期取得土地使用权证、分期开发的惯常做法或将难以为继。

    Some developers often enclosed million square metres of land sold to pay the instalments phased obtain land use warrants , phased development of the practice or will be hobbled .

  26. 在近期我国房地产市场异常火爆的经济背景下,土地出让金、房地产税收以及房地产价格之间的密切联系越来越受到人们的关注。

    In the recent hot real estate market , more and more attention is paid to the close link among land transferring fees , real estate taxes and real estate prices .

  27. 此外,我知道凡经济适用房的项目都会得到诸如免收土地出让金,减免多项税费的优惠条件。

    In addition , I know that the application of the Housing project will be economic , such as waiving land leasing , a number of tax relief on concessional terms .

  28. 因此,保证充足的财源以应对城市发展建设、公共服务支出,消除对土地出让金收入的依赖,是我国当前亟待解决的问题。

    Therefore , to ensure adequate financial resources for urban development and construction , public services , eliminating dependence on land revenue , is the current problem to be solved in our country .

  29. 房地产市场降温使得地方官员失去了作为主要现金来源的土地出让金收入。今年以来的地方财政收入增速较去年下滑了近20个百分点。

    The cooling property market has deprived them of land sales , which is a main source of cash , and fiscal revenue growth is nearly 20 percentage points lower than last year .

  30. 土地出让金是伴随征地行为发生后上缴到国家财政的一笔资金,可以拿出部分比例作为政府缴纳资金。

    The Price of land value after land expropriation action is the fund that should turn in to national finance , may put out the partial proportions to pay the fund as the government .