
hé zuò jīnɡ yínɡ qǐ yè
  • Cooperative enterprise;cooperative venture
  1. 第八十五条中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业、外资企业使用土地的,适用本法;

    Article 85 This law applies to the use of land by Sino-foreign joint and cooperative ventures , and wholly foreign-owned enterprises .

  2. 中华人民共和国中外合作经营企业法

    Law of the people 's Republic of China on Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures

  3. 共同建立一家合作经营企业,对吉林省内的油页岩资源进行勘探与开发。

    Joint venture to explore and develop oil shale resources in Jilin Province .

  4. 中外合作经营企业之法律分析

    Legislative Analysis of Sino & Foreign Cooperative Business

  5. 申请中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业和外资企业

    Those who apply for establishing Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures , Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures or foreign-capital enterprises

  6. 本合作经营企业合同,此后应持续有效两年。

    The Contract for the contractual joint venture shall continue from a period o two years thereafter .

  7. 似惟有本文提出的“特殊信贷说”,可比较适当地说明中外合作经营企业外方先行回收投资法律制度的基本特征。

    It seems that the " special loan " doctrine forwarded by this article will tell the actual characteristic of the regime .

  8. 中外合作经营企业外方先行回收投资的法律性质新探

    A New Perspectives on the Legal Nature of the foreign party 's Recovering its Investment in Chinese-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures ahead of Time

  9. 规定不适用于中外合资经营企业、外合作经营企业和外资企业所有的房屋。

    These Provisions shall not apply to the houses owned by Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures , Chinese-foreign contractual ventures , and foreign-capital enterprises .

  10. 第九条中外合作经营企业减、税进口的货物,不得擅自出售或转让。

    Article 9 the goods imported by Chinese-foreign cooperative enterprises with a tax reduction or exemption may not be sold or transferred without authorization .

  11. 可依法成立合资合作经营企业,对土地农行农业综合开发,发展多种经营。

    They may set up joint or cooperative ventures in accordance with law to engage in the integrated development of agriculture and diversified operations there .

  12. 第八条中外合作经营企业出口应征收出口关税的商品,应照章缴纳出口关税。

    Article 8 When Chinese-foreign cooperative enterprises export commodities that are subject to export Customs duty , they shall pay the Customs duty according to regulations .

  13. 早在改革开放初期,我国就制定了以《中外合资经营企业法》、《中外合作经营企业法》和《外商独资企业法》为代表的外商直接投资法律体系,以吸引外商来华投资。

    As early as the policy of reform and opening up was enforced , China established its law system on Foreign Direct Investment to attract foreign capital .

  14. 草案通过后,将取代现行的“外资三法”,即中外合资经营企业法、外资企业法和中外合作经营企业法。

    If it 's adopted , it will replace three existing laws on foreign equity joint ventures , wholly foreign-owned enterprises , and cross-border contractual joint ventures .

  15. 对于中外合作经营企业外方先行回收投资的法律性质,现行的各种学说均不能作出准确的界定。

    The right opinions can not be found on the Legal Nature of the foreign party 's Recovering its Investment in Chinese-Foreign Contractual Joint Ventures ahead of Time by now .

  16. 一旦实施,这部新法律将取代现行的“外资三法”,即中外合资经营企业法、外资企业法、中外合作经营企业法,这三部法律从上世纪80年代沿用至今。

    Once implemented , the law will replace three existing laws on Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures , wholly foreign-owned enterprises and contractual joint-ventures , which have been on-the-books since 1980s .

  17. 第七条中外合作经营企业经批准进口供加工内销产品的料、件,应在进口时照章征税。

    Article 7 Chinese-foreign cooperative enterprises that are approved to import materials and parts for processing products for domestic sale shall pay tax according to regulations at the time of import .

  18. 建立工会组织的中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业、外资企业依照国家有关规定向本企业工会拨交经费。

    A Sino-foreign joint equity enterprise , Sino-foreign cooperative enterprise or sole foreign investment enterprise establishing a trade union organization shall allocate funds to the said trade union pursuant to relevant State regulations .

  19. 中外合资经营企业法人、中外合作经营企业法人和外资企业法人以企业所有的财产承担民事责任,法律另有规定的除外。

    A Chinese-foreign equity joint venture , Chinese-foreign contractual joint venture or foreign-capital enterprise as legal person shall bear civil liability with the property it owns , except as stipulated otherwise by law .

  20. 申请设立中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业和外资企业应当在合同、章程审批之前,向登记主管机关申请企业名称登记。

    Those who apply for establishing Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures , Chinese-foreign contractual joint ventures or foreign-capital enterprises shall apply to the registration authorities for registering the names of the enterprises before their contracts and articles of association are examined and approved .

  21. 我国外商投资企业法规定,申请设立中外合资经营企业或中外合作经营企业必须提交中外合资经营企业合同或中外合作经营企业合同,由审批机关进行审批。

    Chinese foreign invested enterprise laws regulate that the investors should put in the contract of the equity joint venture or the contractual joint venture to the institution examining and approving , and waiting for being approved by the authority when they want to set up the venture .

  22. 20.加快构建新型农业经营体系。推进家庭经营、集体经营、合作经营、企业经营等共同发展的农业经营方式。

    20 . Accelerate the building of a new agricultural-operation system based on a mix of family , collective , cooperative and enterprise operations .

  23. 坚持家庭经营在农业中的基础性地位,推进家庭经营、集体经营、合作经营、企业经营等共同发展的农业经营方式创新。

    Adhere to the status of the family-run foundation in agriculture , promoting family-run , collective management , co-management , business development and other forms of agriculture co-innovation .

  24. 本市行政区域内的企业、其他组织与投资者成立合资、合作经营开发企业的,必须具有房地产开发经营资格。

    Enterprises and other organizations within the jurisdiction of the city , who intend to enter into development enterprises with investors , must have the necessary qualifications for developing and managing real estate .

  25. Afa是一个非营利性艺术组织,致力于合作经营与当地企业和利用澳门的文化和创意产业。

    AFA is a non-profit art organisation dedicated to co-operating with local enterprises and exploiting Macau 's cultural and creative industries .

  26. 企业整体资产价值评估在企业之间合作经营、并购、企业内部股份制改革、资产抵押或者担保、资产损失索赔、企业破产清算等方面有着广泛地应用。

    Overall asset evaluation method has a wide application in cooperation between enterprises , mergers and acquisitions , joint-stock enterprise reform , asset-backed or guarantees , asset loss claims , bankruptcy and liquidation .

  27. 投资合作:成立中外合作经营企业,共享利润;

    Investment cooperation : establish a Sino-foreign cooperative enterprise and share profit ;