
  • 网络moving average;EMA
  1. 现有许多种关于股票投资的技术分析方法,如移动平均线,PE值,相对强弱指数等等。

    There are many technical analysis methods for investment on stock market , such as Moving Average , PE value , RSI etc.

  2. 计算MACD首先要选定移动平均线的初值,一般以起始日的收盘价作为指数平滑移动平均线(EMA)的初值。

    Firstly select initial value of moving average to calculate MACD ; we generally consider the close of beginning date as the initial value of EMA .

  3. 对数据预处理后得到的数据进行挖掘,将股市中广泛使用的技术指标如KD指标、指数平滑异同移动平均线MACD、相对强弱指标RSI等引入模型。

    After building the data pre-processing set before data mining , lots of widely used stock market technical indicators such as the KD indicators , similarities and differences between exponential smoothing moving average MACD , Relative Strength Index RSI , will be introduced into the model .

  4. 移动平均线有用吗?&基于上证指数的实证研究

    Are Moving Average Rules Profitable ? Evidence from Shanghai Composite Index

  5. 物流预测技术中的移动平均线方法

    The Method of Moving Average Line in Logistics Predicting Technique

  6. 基于马尔可夫链的移动平均线分析新思维

    A New Moving Average Model Based on Markov Chain

  7. 强劲的下降趋势压力由顾比复合移动平均线的关系显示出来。

    The strong downward pressure is shown by the Guppy Multiple Moving Average relationships .

  8. 卖方们围看着标准普尔500指数的50天移动平均线,预测下一个交易日股指是否还会继续上涨。

    Sellers crowded around the S & P500's50-day moving average for a third day .

  9. 试错是一个方法来确定一个适当的移动平均线的长度。

    Trial and error is one method to determine an appropriate moving average length .

  10. 移动平均线方法的最佳步长组合的确定

    How to choose the optimal double moving average

  11. 移动平均线交易规则检验

    Test of Trading Rule of Moving Average

  12. 移动平均线的最佳参数组合

    The optimal parameter combinations of crossing average

  13. 不过只要市场位于200天移动平均线以上,那么一般来说就会出现牛市。

    As long as the market is above it , things generally are biased to go higher .

  14. 本文讨论了在中国股票市场上,移动平均线是否具有获取超额利润的能力。

    This paper assesses whether moving average rules can gain excess profits in China 's stock market .

  15. 技术分析人士指出,该指数已跌破60天移动平均线,这是一个熊市指标。

    Technical analysts noted that the index had broken below its 60-day moving average a bearish indicator .

  16. 近期技术面支持指数向移动平均线短期回调。

    Our near-term technical bias on the index favors a short-term pullback toward the trend channel moving average .

  17. 如果第二个低仍高于低频段,那么移动平均线太长。

    If the second low remains above the lower band , then the moving average is too long .

  18. 采用移动平均线的技术分析方法进行了可预测性研究。

    This paper uses the moving average trading rule of the technical analysis method to do predictability research .

  19. 当四月短线交易者们使反弹形成的时候,顾比复合移动平均线长期组分离程度仍然比较大。

    When the short term traders developed the rally in April the long term GMMA remained well separated .

  20. 需要注意的是,21期是指数移动平均线,5期是一个简单的移动平均线。

    Note that the21 period is an exponential moving average and the5 period is a simple moving average .

  21. 美元兑一篮子贸易加权货币近日突破了200日移动平均线。

    Measured against a trade weighted basket of currencies , the dollar recently broke above its 200-day moving average .

  22. 看涨安装时确认的价格将上述中层薪金级别的,或者简单移动平均线。

    The bullish setup is confirmed when the price moves above the middle band , or simple moving average .

  23. 指数接下来必须在顾比复合移动平均线短期组上边缘的数值附近反复活动。

    The index must continue to cluster near the value of the upper edge of the short term GMMA averages .

  24. 如果广域市场指数结结实实地掉到200日移动平均线以下,则标志着市场将长期走跌。

    When the broad market indices fall firmly below the 200-day average , it signals an extended bearish period ahead .

  25. 今周市场在更低点开市,另一支撑位置为$50.17,14日移动平均线。

    As we opened lower this morning , the next support is at $ 50.17 , the14 day moving average .

  26. 如果价格似乎进入外层空间常常带,然后再移动平均线可能需要。

    If prices appear to penetrate the outer bands too often , then a longer moving average may be required .

  27. 顾比复合移动平均线长期组下边缘是一个更加有用的度量趋势强度和潜在反弹点的方法。

    The lower edge of the long term GMMA is a more useful measure of trend strength and potential rebound points .

  28. 更准确的方法来确定移动平均线的长度是它的匹配与反应后低底部。

    A more exact method to determine moving average length is by matching it with a reaction low after a bottom .

  29. 如突破此位则有望涨至55日及100日简单移动平均线交叉位置81.90-82.00区域,该区域也为下一阻力位。

    Above this may see towards the55 and100-day SMA 's which currently converge around the81.90-82.00 area as the next level of resistance .

  30. 虽然轻油在日内高点50.58美金中下跌,技术观点来看,目前所有移动平均线仍向上升。

    Although WTI retracted from the intraday high of $ 50.58 the technicals have now improved with all moving averages pointing higher .