
  1. 合同权利义务因当事人的合意而成立时,即具有合理性和法律上的效力。

    Rights and obligations derived from mutuality is reasonable and enforceable .

  2. 浅析财产合同权利义务的终止

    On Ending Rights and Obligations in Property Contracts

  3. 后契约义务是合同权利义务终止后,当事人负有的附随义务。

    The post-contractual obligation is the statutory attached obligation that contracting parties should bear after the termination of contract .

  4. 第六章合同的权利义务终止

    Chapter Six : Discharge of Contractual Rights and Obligations

  5. 人身保险合同主体权利义务关系的法律思考

    A Legal Reflection on the Rights and Obligations of Parties to Personal Insurance Contracts

  6. 合同的权利义务终止,不影响合同中结算和清理条款的效力。

    Discharge of contractual rights and obligations does not affect the validity of contract provisions concerning settlement of account and winding-up .

  7. 存款合同的权利义务正好是存款保险合同的客体,因此,存款合同是存款保险合同的客体合同。

    The content in the deposit contract is the object of the deposit insurance contract ; thus the former is the object contract of the latter .

  8. 第九章转让9.1未经另一方事先书面同意,无论是委托方或是咨询方均不得将其合同权利或义务转让或转包给他人。

    Article 9 Assignment 9.1 Neither Client nor Consultant shall assign or sublet their rights or obligations hereunder without the prior written consent of the other party .

  9. 债权人免除债务人部分或者全部债务的,合同的权利义务部分或者全部终止。

    Where the obligee released the obligor from performance in part or in whole , the rights and obligations under the contract are discharged in part or in whole .

  10. 这一规定有两方面含义:(1)劳动合同的权利义务随企业分立、合并等情况发生而依法概括转移;

    This regulation has two meanings : ( 1 ) with enterprise separation and merger and other conditions , the labor contract 's rights and obligations will go through overall transfer ;

  11. 第一百零六条债权和债务同归于一人的,合同的权利义务终止,但涉及第三人利益的除外。

    Article106if the same party assumed all the rights and obligations under a contract , the rights and obligations thereunder are discharged , except where the contract involves the interests of a third person .

  12. 根据债的相对性规则,合同权利、义务关系仅发生在当事人之间,债权人要实现自己的债权,只能向债务人请求依约履行。

    According to the relativity of debts , contract rights and responsibilities only occurs between the two sides of the contract , and so the creditor can only make requests to whom he had credited , the direct debtor , for an obligation to the contract .

  13. 第四部分是对物业服务合同主体的权利义务的分析。

    The fourth part analyses the real estate service contract subjects ' right and obligation .

  14. 预购人转让预购合同的权利和义务,必须到登记机关办理登记手续。

    When the staff of the purchasing in advance transfers its right and duty , must register too .

  15. 在此基础上确立了劳动合同当事人的权利义务关系,要求双方遵循诚信原则。

    On this basis , establish a labor contract describing the rights and obligations of the parties under the principle of good faith .

  16. 在规范的劳动法律关系中,劳动合同双方的权利义务十分清晰,并有法定的程序。

    In the regulatory labor legal relations , the rights and obligations of the contracting parties are very clear , and there are statutory procedures therefor .

  17. 在这些当事人之间,存在着错综复杂的法律关系:既有合同约定的权利义务关系,也有法律直接规定的权利义务关系。

    Among the parties there are complicated legal relations consist of the relations of rights and duties engaged in contract and the relations of righs and duties stipulated by law .

  18. 第二章重点论述了独立担保合同当事人的权利义务问题,以构建出独立担保制度的法律框架。

    Chapter two puts its emphasis on the rights and obligations of each party in the legal system of independent guarantee , so that it can establish the framework of independent guarantee .

  19. 而在保险条款中,保证的事项也应进行适当控制,以达到既能合理控制风险,又能均衡保险合同双方权利和义务的目的。

    And even in marine insurance clauses , in order to control the risks reasonably and balance the two parties of marine insurance contract , the subject of warranty should be controlled .

  20. 文章第一部分采用实证调查法和比较分析法,在广泛调查的基础上,对代言行为进行了分类,界定了形象代言的含义,从分析代言合同切入到权利义务关系的合理界定。

    In the first part of the paper , empirical survey and comparative analysis are used , endorsement of the image is classified and defined based on extensive investigation , and from analyze endorsement contracts into define the rights and obligations reasonably .

  21. 银行通过在合同中设置权利义务表面上对等、预期民事责任分配不均等的机制来实现监管资本套利,借此将风险转移给金融消费者,并且避开监管约束。

    Banks ostensibly set equally agreed terms of rights and obligations in the contract , but unevenly distribute anticipative civil liability to achieve Regulatory Capital Arbitrage , and then transfer all risks to the financial consumers with the effect of avoiding regulatory constraints .

  22. 业主将其在本合同下的权利和义务让与至其自身附属人员;

    The customer assigns the right and obligation under the contract to own affiliated person ;

  23. 就合同保方的权利和义务方面的谈判非常成功。

    The negotiations on the rights and obligations of the parties under contract turned out to be very successful .

  24. 在国际贸易中,风险的转移和承担与合同当事人的权利和义务密切相关。

    In International trade , the transfer and assumption of risks related to the contract party 's right and duty closely .

  25. 未经业主事先书面同意,承包商不得将其在本合同下的权利和义务让与至他人。

    The Contractor shall not assign its rights and obligations under the contract to other person without prior written consent of the customer .

  26. 房地产转让时,土地使用权出让合同载明的权利、义务随之转移。

    When real estate is transferred , the rights and obligations stated in the contract for granting the land-use right shall be transferred therewith .

  27. 委托方与被委托方应当签订委托合同,双方的权利义务由合同约定。

    The agent and the principal shall conclude and sign an agency agreement , in which the rights and obligations of both parties should be specified .

  28. 提示:本合同系对双方权利义务的重要约定,务请仔细审阅后谨慎签署。

    Important instructions : this employment contract covenants the important rights and obligations of the employer and employee , please review it carefully before your execution .

  29. 不利解释原则是为了平衡保险合同双方的权利与义务,保护弱势地位的被保险人。

    Detrimental to the principles of interpretation of insurance contracts in order to balance the rights and obligations to protect the weak position of the insured .

  30. 作业:服务提供商不得转让或分包合同的任何权利或义务履行本协议项下的无客户的书面同意。

    Assignment : The Service Provider shall not assign or sub-contract any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the Client 's prior written consent .