
hé tonɡ zhènɡ běn
  • original of a contract
  1. 这是我们准备好的两份合同正本。

    818 Here are the two originals of the contract we prepared .

  2. 请原谅,我们对合同正本还有一条意见。

    Excuse me , we have one more different view on the original of the contract .

  3. 在收到具有双方正式签章的合同正本原件之前,以传真等形式传递的具有双方签章的合同亦被认可生效;

    Fax copies of this Contract and other relative fulfillment documents are considered as original till received in original by both parties .

  4. 今寄上标题合同正本一式二份,请会签后寄回一份,以便存档。

    We are enclosing herewith the captioned contract in two originals , of which please return one copy to us duly counter-signed for our records .

  5. 本合同正本一式四份,双方各二份。

    The Contract is in four ( 4 ) originals , two ( 2 ) for the Buyer and two ( 2 ) for the Seller .

  6. 合同正本采用英文写成。两种文本具有同等法律效力。此合约是具有法律约束力。此合约以英文本为准。

    The original of the contract is write in both Chinese and English . each language is legally of equal effect . This Agreement constitutes a legally binding agreement between the parties hereto . This Agreement should be interpreted in its English version in case of ambiguities .

  7. 计算机的出口,凭商务部批准的《出口计算机技术审查表》和经营者的出口合同(正本复印件)签发出口许可证。

    Export license for computer is issued by Examination Form for Export of Computer Technology and managers'export contract ( copy of reserved copy ) .

  8. 其它实行出口许可证管理的出口货物,凭商务部批准文件及经营者的出口合同(正本复印件)签发出口许可证。

    Export license for other goods subject to export license administration is issued by approval documents of Ministry of Commerce and managers'export contract ( copy of reserved copy ) .

  9. 其授权代表拥有充分授权代表其签署本合同(授权书正本交另一方存查);

    Its authorized representatives are fully authorized to sign this contract on its behalf ( the original of letter of authorization shall be submitted to another party for record );