
chí yán lǚ xínɡ
  • delay of performance;delay in payment
  1. 若当事人违反该协议,须结合违约的形态,如履行不能、迟延履行、瑕疵履行或根本未履行而适用合同法关于无名合同的规定承担相应的责任。

    If the party breaches the contract , the liability should be applied according to the concrete forms of the breach of the contract under the provisions of the nameless contract , such as the impossibility of performance , delay of performance , blemish implementation or refusal to fulfill .

  2. 第二,行政主体不履行职权,迟延履行或拒绝履行作为义务。

    Administrative subject neglects , delays or refuses to perform the duty .

  3. 延迟付款:甲方付款每延迟一日,按照同期银行利息支付乙方迟延履行利息。

    Deferred payment : If Party A delay in payment , it must pay interest on bank interest to Party B.

  4. 前一部分将违约障碍分为不完全履行、迟延履行、履行不能、双方违约四个部分。

    The former classifies breach obstacles into partial performance , delayed performance , impossibility of performance and both parties ' fault .

  5. 当事人一方迟延履行债务或者有其他违约行为致使不能实现合同目的;

    ( iv ) the other party delayed performance or otherwise breached the contract , thereby frustrating the purpose of the contract ;

  6. 当事人迟延履行后发生不可抗力的,不能免除责任。

    Where an event of force majeure occurred after the party 's delay in performance , it is not exempted from liability .

  7. 对于迟延履行期间利息的确定,根据利息计算的要素,应从法律依据、利率和期限三个方面入手。

    When it comes to determine the interest during the delay in performance , legal basis , interest rate and maturity should be cleared at first .

  8. 履行不能是大陆法系债法上的重要概念,与迟延履行、不完全履行共同构成债务不履行的三大形态,是契约法上的核心问题之一。

    Impossibility of performance , an important concept in the law of obligation in the Continent Law System , is one of core questions in contract law .

  9. 当事人就迟延履行约定违约金的,违约方支付违约金后,还应当履行债务。

    Where the parties prescribed liquidated damages for delayed performance , the breaching party shall , in addition to payment of the liquidated damages , render performance .

  10. 当事人一方迟延履行主要债务,经催告后在合理期限内仍未履行;

    ( iii ) the other party delayed performance of its main obligations , and failed to perform within a reasonable time after receiving demand for performance ;

  11. 再保险分出人不得以再保险接受人未履行再保险责任为由,拒绝履行或者迟延履行其原保险责任。

    The ceding insurance company shall not decline or delay fulfilling its obligation of the direct insurance on the basis that the reinsurer fails to fulfill the reinsurance obligation .

  12. 当事人一方因不可抗力事件不能按合同约定的期限履行的,在事件的后果影响持续的期间内,免除其迟延履行的责任。

    If a party cannot perform its obligations within the contractually agreed time limit owing to force majeure , it shall be relieved of the liability for delayed performance during the aftereffect of the event .

  13. 韩国民法规定了迟延履行与履行不能作为发生法定解除权的原因,而对于其他发生契约解除的情形通过类推适用债务不履行责任的一般条款来实现。

    The reasons for delay in performance can not be used as compliance with the statutory right to terminate the Korean civil law , by analogy , apply to debt breach of duty , the general terms and for the case of rescission .

  14. 然后走向庭院。珀奇先生很快就跟了上来;他就把这位先生领进小酒店,毫不迟延地履行了他的诺言,因为珀奇的时间是宝贵的。

    Being promptly joined by Mr Perch , he conveyed that gentleman to the tavern , and fulfilled his pledge - hastily , for Perch 's time was precious .

  15. 本人因承担合同履行责任可能会遭受额外费用的承担,以及对相对人的履行迟延或履行不能的违约损害赔偿,还可能因本人行使处分权不当而遭受损失。

    Principal may bear the additional costs for assuming the contract and make compensation to counterpart for the losses of misfeasance , and may also suffer losses from the misbehavior when exercising the right of disposition .

  16. 不完全履行是区别于履行不能和履行迟延的一种履行障碍形态。

    Inadequate performance is a form of performance obstacle .