
  1. 迟子建小说有着浓浓的乡恋情结。

    Chi Zijian 's novel has strong hometown feelings .

  2. 对迟子建的小说稍加审视,我们就可看出其作品中明显的女性视角。

    At fact we can clearly find the female perspective in her works .

  3. 迟子建小说的叙事空间营构

    The Narrative Spatial Construction of CHI Zhi-jian 's Novels

  4. 从自然出发,迟子建形成了自己的生命观和艺术观。

    From nature , Chi formed her own view of life and art .

  5. 论迟子建小说的民间倾向

    The Folk Trend of Chi Zi-jian 's Novels

  6. 因而迟子建作品的魅力值得我们去深思、探讨。

    Therefore , the glamour of Chi Zi-jian 's works are worth studying and researching .

  7. 其次,论述迟子建营造的乡村与城市双重叙事空间里隐喻性的生态批判。

    Secondly , discusses the metaphorical ecological critique concealed in the country-city this double narrative spaces .

  8. 迟子建小说中童年母题的外在表现形式及其文化内涵

    On the External Manifestation and the Cultural Connotation of the Childhood Motif in Chi Zi-jian 's Novels

  9. 第一章,从迟子建寻觅家园的原因入手,挖掘其创作的内在驱动力。

    Starts with the reason of Home Searching to dig the internal driving force of her creation .

  10. 迟子建的小说文本钟情于历史,并吸纳了新的方法。

    Chi Zijian 's novel text closely relates the history , and has taken in the new method .

  11. 迟子建90年代的乡村小说创作体现了作家们共同的文化取向,又有自己独特的个性。

    Chi Zi-jian 's rural novels embody the writers ' common cultural orientation as well its typical characteristics .

  12. 长篇小说《树下》表现了迟子建对普通人生命的一贯关注。

    The novel 《 Under The Tree 》 shows ChiZiJian 's attention paid to the lives of nomal persons .

  13. 其次,在对傻子形象的塑造中,迟子建准确把握傻子的个体规定性和他们的心理内涵,遵从傻子最真实的状态进行抒写。

    When creating the Fool Image , she precisely grasped its characteristics and described them by their real status .

  14. 对芳草的又一声深切呼唤&评迟子建的中篇小说《世界上所有的夜晚》

    Another Deep Call to " Meadows " & Criticizing the Novelette All Nights in the World by Chi Zijian ;

  15. 第四,迟子建小说人物身上所表现出来的仁爱精神,所体现出的智慧以及对义的追求,都是她所追求的儒家理想人格的具体体现。

    Fourth , the humanitarianism , wisdom , and pursuit of loyalty are manifestations of the ideal personality of Confucianism .

  16. 迟子建的小说创作,始终贯穿着“对辛酸生活的温情表达”。

    The topic of Chizijian 's novel writing concentrates all the time on the expression of bitter life with tender feelings .

  17. 本文从宗教这一全新视点,逐层深入分析萨满教文化对迟子建创作的影响,论文分为五部分。

    This paper deeply analyzes the various layers of influence with which the culture of shamanism has impacted Chizjjian 's writing .

  18. 迟子建小说的诗化倾向主要体现在淡化故事、诗化语言、艺术构思等三个方面。

    Her novels ' poetic tendency is embodied in three aspects : desalted stories , poetic text , and artistic conceiving .

  19. 迟子建的自信完全站得住脚,这是一位具有罕见才华的作家对鄂温克人恰如其分的致敬。

    Chi was right to be confident . This is a fitting tribute to the Evenki by a writer of rare talent .

  20. 迟子建和沈从文虽属不同时代的作家,但其小说都以对人性美的充分展示为母题,营造起了自己的“现实童话”与“梦中田园”。

    Though as writers of different times , Chi Zijian and Shen Congwen fully reveal the beauty of human nature in their novels .

  21. 迟子建小说中的神话、梦及苦难叙事,展示给读者以纯净、明朗、哀而不伤的艺术世界。

    The mythology , dream and narration of misery of Chi zijian ' novels show readers an artistic world of purity , brightness and peace .

  22. 坎帕尼亚区的说欧斯干语的远古民族的人。论迟子建小说中满&通古斯语族的萨满招魂母题

    An Oscan-speaking member of an ancient people of Campania . Motif of Shamans ' Summoning the Spirits in Manchu-Tungusic Group Reflected in Chi zi-jian 's Works

  23. 本文从三个方面入手,由作品内容来探讨迟子建创作的独特内涵。

    The thesis , by analyzing the content of Chi Zijian 's works , discusses the special meaning of the author 's creation in three aspects .

  24. 萧红和迟子建虽属于不同的时代,但她们拥有相同的生命意识,即自然与人平等。

    Xiao Hong and Chi Zijian lived in the different times , but they had the same life consciousness , that is , nature and human being are equal .

  25. 同时,迟子建还是一位理想主义者,她洞悉人世间的悲欢善恶,执着地守护着人类善良的本性。

    At the same time , she is also an idealist . She discerns the kinds of joys and sorrows of good and evil , and guards the nature of human kind .

  26. 作为新时期文学的后起之秀,迟子建的创作既有独特的创作个性,又关联着某些重要的文学现象。

    Content : As a successor of literature in a new era , the produces of Chizijian not only have special creative feature , but also associate with some important literary phenomenon .

  27. 本文试从迟子建对于和谐的审美追求入手,结合作家的身世与文本分析,探讨其小说创作的风格特点。

    Combining the analysis of the writer 's life experience and the text analysis , this thesis discusses the style characteristic of her novels from the perspective of the harmonious aesthetic pursuit .

  28. 迟子建是萧红创作的承继和发展者,她带着“北极村童话”走上文坛,倾情地抒写着边陲的“原始风景”。

    CHI Zi-jian has inherited and developed Xiao 's style , emerged in the literary world together with her Fairy Tale in Arctic Village and virgin landscapes are described with passion by her .

  29. 首先,一方面,迟子建在创作中时时显现出所受中国传统伦理道德观念的影响,这体现了她对传统伦理道德理想的认识、继承和坚守;

    First of all , Chi Zijian 's works embody the influence of the traditional Chinese ethic and moral concepts , which implies her deep concern with and her inheritance and adherence to them .

  30. 迟子建认为人死了之后,灵魂依然存在,死亡只不过是生命存在的另外一种方式,人和灵魂可以穿越时空进行交流。

    Chi believes that the soul still exists after death , death is an life form in a different way , and the soul can be carried out through the exchange of time and space .