
jiě chú tiáo jiàn
  • Release conditions;resolutory condition;dissolving condition;resolutive condition
  1. 第三合同解除条件的适用原则。

    Third , the application rule to the conditions of rescission of the contract .

  2. 第二部分为合同法定解除条件的立法例及学说比较分析。

    The second part is a legal contract termination conditions of the legislation and comparative analysis theory .

  3. 对此大多数学者支持附解除条件说,笔者也倾向于此种观点。

    Which most scholars support the lifting of the conditions attached to that , I also tend to such a point of view .

  4. 在现代法律体系下,彩礼的法律属性应是附解除条件的赠与,所附的解除条件是法定婚姻关系未缔结。

    In the modern legal system , the legal property of bride price should be remove the conditions attached to the gift , the enclosed condition is marriage relationship has not been established .

  5. 该部分以权利能力认定为思路,通过比较不同的立法例和学说,得出了我国应采取的模式为总括保护主义之下的法定解除条件说的结论。

    Following the thought of recognizing legal capacity , this part reaches the conclusion that China should adopt the mode of statutory resolutely condition under general protectionism after comparing different legislative precedents and theories .

  6. 主要存在以下观点:所有权说、从契约说、定金说、不当得利说、附义务赠与说、附解除条件说。

    The main point of view the following : ownership of said lease , said deposit , said unjust enrichment that the obligations attached to a gift that said the conditions attached to the lifting .

  7. 论文从社会募捐的理论基础为切入点,总结分析对社会募捐性质的几种争议,然后得出社会募捐应定性为一种附解除条件的利他赠与合同的结论。

    Begin with the theoretical basis of social collection to begin , first of all analyzes the social nature of the fundraising several main controversy , and then reaches the conclusion that social collection is qualitative for a special donative contract .

  8. 第二,合同解除的条件。

    Second , the conditions of " rescission of contracts " .

  9. 有关解除制裁条件的谈判在继续进行。

    Talks continue over the conditions for lifting sanctions .

  10. 简述了法定解除的条件,强调了法律对法定解除条件的限制。

    It also discuss the requirements of legal rescission , and emphasizes legal restrictions of it .

  11. 其次,阐述了大学生基层就业行政合同的主体及内容,并分析了大学生基层就业行政合同的订立、变更和解除的条件及程序。

    Then it explains the subjects and contents of these administrative contracts and analyzes the terms and procedures to enter into , alter and cancel these contracts .

  12. 这些差异主要表现在合同解除的条件、解除权的行使、与损害赔偿的关系及解除合同的法律后果等方面。

    These differences are mainly in the aspects as to conditions of contract invalidation , exercise of invalidation right , compensation relations and the legal outcomes of invalidation .

  13. 如果对法定解除的条件设置过于严格,将导致人们很难从病态的合同中摆脱出来。

    If the statutory conditions for the lifting of the settings are too strict and will lead to sick people is very difficult to get out of the contract .

  14. 如相关条款本身设置不严密,包括合同订立、解除的条件、程序和法律后果的规定都存在很多漏洞。

    For example , some relevant provisions are not rigorous , including many weakness loopholes about the conditions , procedures and the legal consequences for concluding and rescinding the contract .

  15. 主要研究结果如下:不同光周期和温度条件处理眼斑芫菁的成虫和卵,观察卵滞育及解除的条件。

    The main results as follows : Diapause incidence of offspring in M. cichorii was evaluated by exposing parents generation and offsprings to different photoperiod and temperature , observing condition of diapause and diapause termination .

  16. 合同违约解除的经济学条件

    The Economic Conditions of Breach and Release Contract

  17. 当事人可以约定一方解除合同的条件。

    The parties may prescribe a condition under which one party is entitled to terminate the contract .

  18. 合同解除是当条件具备时,通过当事人双方或单方的解除行为,使有效合同关系消灭。

    Dissolution of contract means the termination of a valid contract by one or both parties under necessary conditions .

  19. 在这种临界状态中,我们无法用待定拉氏乘子法把变分约束条件吸收入泛函,从而解除这个约束条件。

    In this critical state , the corresponding variational constraint can not be eliminated by means of simple Lagrange multiplier method .

  20. 以7和16℃下处理60天以上为滞育解除的适宜条件。

    The most favourable laboratory conditions for the termination of diapause were 7 ℃ and 16 ℃ for 60 days and over .

  21. 第三部分主要介绍了中英两国合同解除权行使条件的差异。自卸开底泥驳的设计与改进

    On the other side , it emphasizes the differences of nature of discharge . The design and improvement on bottom - discharge hopper barge

  22. 英国政府上周四表示,男同志不得捐血禁令即将解除,不过条件是捐血男性必须在一年内无同性性行为。

    Britain said last Thursday that it was lifting a ban on gay men giving blood providing they have not had homosexual intercourse within a year .

  23. 较高含量的GA、较低含量的ABA是种子解除休眠的重要条件。

    Higher content of GA and lower content of ABA were an important condition for seed dormancy . 3 .

  24. 这种新单元具有各向异性特征,解除了正则性条件的束缚,有较好的应用性。

    This new element has the anisotropic characteristic , it has relieved the regular condition and a better using .

  25. 法定解除是合同解除条件中的主体部分,也是整个合同解除制度的核心所在。

    Legal termination is the main part of the termination of the contract conditions , but also the termination of the contract system core .

  26. 运用比较分析的方法,比较中韩两国建设工程合同的订立与生效、合同履行过程中当事人的权利义务、合同解除的种类与条件等。

    Using the method of comparison , compare that the rights and obligations of the parties and the types of the termination of the contract and the conditions with construction project contract conclusion , taking effort , performance .

  27. 行使合同解除权既要满足解除合同的条件,也要履行相应的法定程序,合同解除后必然产生相应的法律后果。

    To relieve the contract there are conditions to be contended and procedures to be carried out , which can produce legal effect .

  28. 在此定义的基础上,详细分析了合同解除的性质,并在第二节重点研究了合同解除与合同终止以及合同解除与合同附有解除条件的区别。

    In the second section , I mainly study the difference between rescission and termination , and the difference between rescission and the contract with dissolving conditions .

  29. 法律规定或者当事人约定解除权行使期限,期限届满当事人不行使的,该权利消灭。当事人可以约定一方解除合同的条件。

    Where the law or the parties prescribe a period for exercising termination right , failure by a party to exercise it at the end of the period shall extinguish such right . The parties may prescribe a condition under which one party is entitled to terminate the contract .