
  • supplementary agreement;Supplemental Agreement;Side Agreement
  1. 未尽事宜,由甲乙双方另行签订补充协议予以约定。

    Anything unstated herein shall be subject to a supplementary agreement entered into both Parties .

  2. 但是,记者从多家房地产经纪公司获悉,签订补充协议的寥寥可数。

    However , the reporter learned from the many real estate brokerage companies , signed supplementary agreement few .

  3. 销售合同的任何修正案、修订案或补充协议也需经WIRTGENCHINA的书面确认方能有效。

    The validity of any modifications , amendments or ancillary agreements to the sales contract is also subject to written confirmation by WIRTGEN CHINA .

  4. USB补充协议OTG协议还支持点对点的传输,使该系统发展前景更为广阔。

    Also USB complementary protocol and OTG protocol both sustain point-to-point transmission which causes the wider future of the computer system .

  5. OSPFgracefulrestart是OSPF协议的补充协议,目的是使路由器的OSPF路由软件在重启过程中,继续实现报文转发。

    OSPF graceful restart protocol , an implementation to OSPF , has the function of maintaining the data forwarding capability in the process of the OSPF being restarted in the router .

  6. “乌兹别克斯坦共和国吉萨尔(gissar)和乌斯秋尔特(ustyurt)西南地区气田产品分成协议”1号补充协议。

    Supplementary agreement No.1 to " product sharing agreement for the fields in the territory of south-west Gissar and ustyurt region of the Republic of uzbekistan " .

  7. 本补充协议构成原协议不可分割的部分。

    This Supplemental Agreement shall constitute an inseparable part of the Original Agreement .

  8. 不同的声音:《北京晚报》购房补充协议204条?签了!

    Different voice : " Beijing Wanbao ," the purchase of204 additional agreement ? Signed !

  9. 原协议和本补充协议应对各方具有同等约束力。

    This Supplemental Agreement and the Original Agreement shall be equally binding to the Parties .

  10. 达不成补充协议的,仲裁协议无效。

    If no such supplementary agreement can be reached , the arbitration agreement shall be null and void .

  11. 原协议延期或终止的,本补充协议一并延期或终止。

    If the Original Agreement were extended or terminated , this Supplemental Agreement shall be simultaneously extended or terminated .

  12. 他正在最终敲定一项补充协议,不久将宣布的这项协议将成为他数额最大的代言协议。

    He is finalizing a supplements deal , to be announced shortly , that will rank among his biggest endorsements .

  13. 双方同意为了施行现协定,如果有需要可以签订补充协议。

    Both sides accept to sign any complementary agreements , as necessitated , for the implementation of the present agreement .

  14. 本补充协议于文首标明的协议日期签署并同时生效。

    This Supplemental Agreement is executed on the date first above written and shall take effect as of such date .

  15. 本协议未尽事宜,双方另行协商并以书面补充协议确定之。

    Both parties negotiate and confirm the issues which are not addressed in this Agreement in a written supplemental agreement .

  16. 除非本补充协议做出明确的修改或替换,原协议的其他条款仍然有效。

    Except for otherwise expressly revised or superseded herein , the provisions of the Original Agreement shall remain in effective .

  17. 本合同未尽事宜,甲乙双方可以协商解决并签订书面补充协议。

    For issues not stipulated in this Contract , Party A and B may sign a supplement agreement after multiple negotiation .

  18. 最后,提出通过后期增加补充协议进行挽救,并加强基层第一线的投资控制力度和发挥监理在投资控制中的作用,从而加强代建制模式下的保障性住房政府投资控制的对策建议。

    Finally , it is proposed to strengthen the control mode of agent construction of affordable housing in government investment suggestions .

  19. 本合同的附件以及在本合同履行过程中签订的补充协议,系本合同不可分割的组成部分。

    The Annexes and any supplementary agreement entered into during the performance hereof shall be an integral part of this Contract .

  20. 然而,更令人震惊的是,里斯本条约可以在未来不需要补充协议或全民公决的条件下无限期延长。

    Most alarmingly , though , is that the Lisbon Treaty can be extended indefinitely without recourse to further treaties or referendums .

  21. 克林顿总统支持北美自由贸易协议、但他同时对谈判关于环境和劳动标准问题的补充协议也感兴趣。

    President Clinton supports the North American Free Trade Agreement , but is interested in negotiating supplemental agreements on environmental issues and labor standards .

  22. 本补充协议以中文和英文书就,一式二份,甲乙双方各持一份,具有同等效力;

    This Supplemental Agreement is written in both Chinese and English language in two copies , each Party having one copy with equal legal validity ;

  23. 活动进行过程中,如出现本合同未尽事宜或者需要修改的事项,由双方协商签订补充协议;

    During the activity , matters not covered by the Contract or matters need to be changed shall be settled by both parties through concluding agreement .

  24. 本合同未尽事宜,双方协议订补充协议,与本合同具有同样法律效应。

    Any supplementary item or condition not covered in the contract shall be agreed by both parties in the supplementary agreement and equally authentic with the Contract .

  25. 本合同的其他条款以及补充协议等附件是本合同不可分割的部分,具有与本协定书同等的法律效力。

    Other articles and supplementary agreements of the Contract are integral part of the Contract , and shall have the same legal binding force with the Contract .

  26. 从保险原则、合同法及社会“示范效应”的角度看,潜规则下的货物运输“补充协议”不应由保险公司埋单。

    Such tacit " supplementary agreements " should not be applicable to insurers according to the insurance principles , the contract law and the demonstrative social effect .

  27. 除非得到西门子公司和分包商的同意,以及现场书面的分包合同补充协议,否则分包合同的修订条款都无效。

    No amendment to the terms of the Sub-Contract shall be valid unless agreed to by Siemens and the Sub-Contractor and formalized by a written Supplementary Agreement to this Sub-Contract .

  28. 上周末签署的第二份协议《海峡两岸空运补充协议》将扩大两岸之间去年才开通的直飞航班,从每周108班次包机航班增至270班次定期航班。

    A second agreement signed this weekend expands direct flights across the Taiwan Strait , which only began last year , from 108 chartered flights to 270 scheduled flights a week .

  29. 除非本补充协议另有规定,本补充协议所使用词汇应具有原协议中所定义的含义。

    The execution , effectiveness , construction , performance , amendment and termination of this Supplemental Agreement and the resolution of disputes hereunder shall be governed by the laws of China .

  30. 因解释和履行本补充协议而发生的任何争议,本补充协议双方应首先通过友好协商的方式加以解决。

    In the event of any dispute with respect to the construction and performance of the provisions of this Supplemental Agreement , the Parties shall negotiate in good faith to resolve the dispute .