
  • 网络complement fixation test;CFT
  1. 免疫荧光试验,单克隆抗体保护试验及补体结合试验证明对Ⅰ相及Ⅱ相的抗原性无变化。

    It was proved that antigenicity of Coxiella burnetii phase I and II were still actively reacted in immunofluorescent technic , monoclonal antibody technic and Complement fixation test .

  2. 国内外有许多犬恶丝虫病检测方法的报道,如:微丝蚴检查、血凝试验、琼脂扩散试验、补体结合试验、荧光抗体标记技术、PCR法等,但效果均不理想。

    So far there are no ideal diagnostic although many detection methods were reported , such as : microfilaria examination , blood clotting tests , agar diffusion test , complement fixation test , fluorescent antibody labeling , PCR method .

  3. 应用间接ELISA和补体结合试验(CFT)对来自3个省自治区3817头份牛血清进行了检测。

    A total of 3 817 bovine serum samples were detected by indirect ELISA and CFT .

  4. 微量补体结合试验检测牛、羊副结核病的研究

    Study of microcomplement fixation test for cattle Paratuberculosis and sheep paratuberculosis

  5. 应用间接补体结合试验检测猪衣原体抗体的研究

    Using Indirect Complement Fixation Tests to Detect Chlamydia Antibody in Pigs

  6. 济南地区流行性乙型脑炎补体结合试验结果

    Evaluation of Complement Fixation Test of Epidemic Encephalitis B in Jinan Area

  7. 5例肺吸虫表现为脑实质内斑片状不规则低密度区,呈轻~中度强化,脑脊液补体结合试验阳性;

    Irregularly low density area was found in 5 cases with pulmonary fluke infection .

  8. 应用固相补体结合试验诊断家畜布鲁氏菌病的试验报告

    The use of solid complement - fixation test in the diagnosis of brucellosis in domestic animals

  9. 快速凝集试验与补体结合试验检测牛边缘无浆体感染的效果对比

    A Comparative Study of RCA and CF Test for the Detection of Anaplasma marginalis Infection in Cattle

  10. 室内黄胸鼠的血清钩端螺旋体补体结合试验呈强阳性。

    The complement fixation Reactions of Serum leptospira of Rattus flavipectus which lived in houses were strongly positive .

  11. 赖特尔补体结合试验

    Reiter complement fixation test

  12. 对18只绵羊血清标本进行补体结合试验的结果10只为阳性,阳性率为55.5%,而且抗体滴度较高。

    In the sera of 18 local sheep tested with CF the antibody-positive rate was 55.5 % ( 10 / 18 ) with higher titre .

  13. 本报告指出虽然液相补体结合试验诊断家畜布病的特异性较强,灵敏度较高,但其操作不如固相补体结合试验简便,而且耗材料量大,不利于在基层兽医部门直接应用。

    Despite its high specificity and sensitivity in the diagnosis of brucellosis in animals , the routine liquid CF test is not fit for field use , for it is complicated and requires many reagents .

  14. 友谊医院72例秋季腹泻,22例(30.1%)粪便轮状病毒阳性,29例双份血清补体结合试验,20例(70.0%)抗体4倍以上升高。

    73 stool specimens were collected by You Yi Hospital , the rotavirus was found in 22 cases ( 30.1 % ), 20 / 29 cases had a four-fold elevation af antibody titers from the double serum specimens by complement fixation tests .

  15. 用补体结合试验方法对当地居民进行了血清流行病学调查,共检查农牧民728人,其中抗体阳性者71人,阳性率10.2%,在有放牧史的156人中血清学阳性者30人,阳性率19.25%;

    In a sero-epidemiological survey the sera of 728 residents were examined with complement fixation test , 71 were positive ( 10.2 % ) . In 156 persons who had the history of grazing sheep 30 were positive with the antibody positive rate of 19.25 % .

  16. 红细胞可被广泛用于疾病诊断,如血凝、血凝抑制、补体结合反应、溶血试验、玫瑰花环试验等诊断技术均需要使用红细胞。

    Erythrocytes are usually used for clinical diagnosis methods , eg. Hemagglutination test , hemagglutination inhibition test , hemolysis test etc.