
  1. 行政任务民营化研究行政私法行为的价值阐释

    Research on Privatization of Administrative Functions On the Functions of Administrative Private Behavior

  2. 这些价值的存在使行政私法行为具有广阔的生存空间。

    These functions make administrative private behavior have a broad liv - ing space .

  3. 行政私法行为及其法律控制

    Administrative private behavior and its control

  4. 税收规避与私法行为

    Tax Avoidance and Private Law Act

  5. 在行为方面,社会权力的勃兴促进了行政私法行为的形成。

    In terms of behavior , the development of social power promotes the formation of the executive private law .

  6. 既不存在诉讼行为与私法行为并存形态,也不存在既非诉讼行为也非私法行为的例外形态。

    There are neither legal action coexist with the private behavior patterns are there excepted forms that are not legal action or non-private conduct .

  7. 如何界定行政私法行为,如何对行政私法行为进行法律控制,成为我们迫切需要解决的课题。

    How to define the administrative private behavior and how to control it has become the subject that we need to be solved urgently .

  8. 政府采购行为由以实现公务需要的行政辅助行为和以实现公共利益为目的的行政私法行为构成,政府采购表现出来的私法性质并不能决定它的本质,其要接受公法的调整。

    Act of government procurement constituted with administrative auxiliary act for realizing the need of public affairs and administrative private act for realizing the public interests . However , the nature of government procurement showed private law can 't be determined its , which is regulated by public law .

  9. 就法律性质而言,执行和解具有公法执行行为和私法契约行为的双重法律性质;

    As to its legal nature , it has dual legal natures of executive behavior of public law and contractual behavior of civil law ;

  10. 首先探讨了法律为什么可以参与调整这一向来被人们视为私法领域的行为。

    First explored can participate in law why adjustment has always been seen as the field of private law .

  11. 此外,它通过意思表示为确定私法自治的行为提供了分析工具。

    In addition , through the meaning expressing it provide an analyzing tool for the determination of civil law autonomous behavior .

  12. 本文认为,不动产登记行为从其实质而言,属于一种私法上的行为,是引起物权变动的物权行为,并且负担了物权的公示功能。

    This paper argues that the act of registration of its real estate , it is a change in property caused by acts of property , and the burden of the property of the publicity function .

  13. 商事公告是一种具有私法性质的商行为。

    Business notices are business acts that are of the nature of private law .

  14. 刑事悬赏是本质上侦查机关私法上的法律行为,行为的目的就是与举报者即刑事悬赏的相对人就犯罪信息进行交易。

    Criminal reward in nature is a legal behavior by civil law . The purpose of the behavior is to trade information about crime with the informers .

  15. 然而,法院强制拍卖的性质究竟系私法上的法律行为还是公法上的处分行为,直接影响到拍卖的法律效果。

    However , the court forced sale of the private nature of the legal system or whether the law on the punishment , directly affect the legal effect of the auction .

  16. 文章认为,当其以商业组织面目出现时,具有私法人属性,与企业签定上市协议、与证券商签定市场参与协议,总体上属于私法行为。

    The author believes that when a stock exchange projects itself as a business organization , it has the attribute of private legal person . The acts of signing listing agreement with corporations and market participation agreement with securities traders are generally governed by private laws .

  17. 私法与公法有着性质上的区别,但在税收这一问题上,两者又有着不可割裂的联系,私法行为是税收行为得以进行的重要前提。

    Though public law and private law are different in their qualities , they cannot be dissevered in terms of tax .