
sī rén ɡuān xi
  • personal relations
  1. 一定要注意:中国人讲究人情和私人关系。

    Please notice that the Chinese stress personal relations .

  2. 由私人关系的独特存在方式而产生的信任,增长了违法的机会。

    The trust engendered by personal relations presents , by its very existence , enhanced opportunity for malfeasance .

  3. 卡恩与欧洲领导人的私人关系、以及他促成imf援助的能力,使他在为希腊、爱尔兰和葡萄牙安排纾困的过程中成为关键人物。

    His personal relationships with European leaders and ability to push through IMF support made him a crucial figure in arranging bail-outs for Greece , Ireland and Portugal .

  4. 关注弹性就业的MomCorps招聘公司的首席执行长奥凯利(AllisonO'Kelly)说,至少某种私人关系是能够在引起招聘方注意的问题上起到关键作用的。

    ' At least some kind of personal relationship is critical to getting noticed , 'points out Allison O'Kelly , CEO of Mom Corps , a flex-time recruiting firm .

  5. 你或许与iPhone之间存在一种温馨的私人关系,就像苹果首席执行官蒂莫西·D·库克(TimothyD.Cook)在周一的电话会议上对华尔街分析师所说的那样。

    You may have the warm and personal relationship with the iPhone that Timothy D. Cook , Apple 's chief executive , described on Monday to Wall Street analysts during a conference call .

  6. 两家银行的高管表示,这宗交易已经谈了几个月,更多是得益于三井住友高层与执掌东亚银行多年的李国宝(DavidLi)之间的私人关系。

    Executives at both banks say the deal has been in progress for months and has more to do with personal connections between senior ranks at Sumitomo Mitsui and David Li , who has presided over Bank of East Asia for many years .

  7. Kruger说最近一期《私人关系》对男性的调查也得到类似的结论。

    Kruger said male participants in the study , which was published recently in the journal " Personal Relationships ," drew similar conclusions based on men 's facial features .

  8. 最后,他们付给她一小笔定金,安排她和资深编辑泰·霍霍夫(TayHohoff)合作,她和霍霍夫建立起亲密的工作和私人关系。

    Eventually they paid a small advance and assigned her to work with Tay Hohoff , an experienced editor with whom she developed a close working and personal relationship .

  9. 德同董事会主席乔·安德鲁(JoeAndrew)说,他们与私营企业,以及大型国有企业首席执行官的私人关系,以及目前走出中国、进入西方的所有业务,明显会为我们创造大量机会。

    The personal relationships they have with the C.E.O.s of private companies and big , state-owned enterprises is obviously something that creates a tremendous opportunity for us , with all that work that is now coming out into the West , said Joe Andrew , the chairman of Dentons .

  10. 学习效应、私人关系、审计任期与审计质量

    Study Effect , Private Relationship , Audit Tenure and Audit Quality

  11. 私人关系对渠道合同影响的实证研究

    The Empirical Study on Influence of Private Relationship on Channel Contract

  12. 笔者还通过私人关系接触到一些用户并对其进行深度的访谈,从而对问题有更深、更全的了解。

    The author also did some deep interviews through personal relationships .

  13. 很多申请人都是通过私人关系推荐上来的

    Most of our candidates are recommended through personal connections .

  14. 传记作者探察了总统私人关系的心理动态。

    Biographers probe the psycho-dynamics of presidents ' personal relationships .

  15. 太太没有私人关系&她是我的管家,不过昨天已经辞职了!

    Until yesterday she was my housekeeper but she quit !

  16. 女人之间亲密的私人关系的一种形式。

    The formation of a close personal relationship between women .

  17. 在任何重要的人际关系中,不论是私人关系还是职业关系,信任都是必不可少的。

    Trust is essential in any important relationship , whether personal or professional .

  18. 爱德华并不把他在生意中的道德准则运用到私人关系中去。

    Edward does not carry over his business ethics into his personal relationships .

  19. 虽然他们的私人关系变得亲密。

    As intimate as their personai affair had become .

  20. 他有一整套私人关系网。

    He had an entire good old boy network .

  21. 边界人员私人关系对渠道关系行为的影响研究

    Research on the influence of personal relationship between boundary personnel on channel relational behaviors

  22. 他父亲利用私人关系后,他在市政府里谋到一个轻松的工作。

    He get a plush job in city hall after his father pull string .

  23. 说要揭发工作间私人关系。

    Disclosure of personal relationships on the job .

  24. 另一后遗症则是私人关系在获取短缺物资及服务时变得特别重要。

    Another was the importance of personal connections in obtaining scarce goods and services .

  25. 渐渐的,私人关系也开始慢慢发展,而且变得越来越友好。

    Gradually , human relations developed as well , they became more and more friendly .

  26. 亲密的朋友可能对你的位置虎视眈眈,而与他们的私人关系也会影响到你的判断。

    Close colleagues may want your job , and relationships with them may distract you .

  27. 在亚洲,在发展商业关系之前,必须建立亲密的私人关系。

    In Asia , personal relationships must be strong before a business relationship can develop .

  28. 没错,能永远当作,我处理私人关系的金科玉律。

    Solid gold . Yes , that 's always been my bible for personal relationships .

  29. 他说,我们两人之间的私人关系从来都是合不来的。

    He said that the personal chemistry between the two of us had never been right .

  30. 这可能会带来关于一个生意伙伴或者私人关系全新而显著的感知。

    There could be a significant new light of awareness regarding a business or personal relationship .