
sī rén jiào shī
  • tutor;coach;private coach
  1. 在孩子们住院期间,有个私人教师给他们上课。

    There was a tutor to teach the children while they were in the hospital .

  2. 在生病期间,她在家接受私人教师的辅导。

    She was tutored at home during her illness .

  3. 安妮公主有私人教师。

    Princess Anne has private tutors .

  4. 她父亲决定她应该有私人教师指导。

    Her father had decided she ought to have private tuition .

  5. 刘易斯的父亲决定花钱请一位私人教师。

    Lewis ' father decided to pay for a private teacher .

  6. 私人教师为学生准备考试而雇用的私人教师

    A private tutor employed to prepare a student for an examination

  7. 如果可能的话继续聘请私人教师。

    Continue with your private tutor , if possible .

  8. 除此之外,这会使你感觉,自己又多了一位私人教师。

    Besides , it 'll feel like you 've got your own private teacher .

  9. 她现在只当私人教师。

    She now teaches only private pupils .

  10. 我甚至还给他请了私人教师。

    I even gave him personai tutors .

  11. 清华提供中文课程,我每天都在一名私人教师的辅导下学习一个小时。

    Tsinghua offers lessons and I studied with a private tutor for one hour each day .

  12. 他在导师的辅导下搞研究。家庭教师,私人教师

    He studies under a tutor .

  13. 任私人教师辅导某人准备考试

    Tutor sb for an examination

  14. 配有私人教师的一对一的课程是学习外语的最有效的途径。

    One-on-one classes with a private teacher are the most efficient way to learn a foreign language .

  15. 主要指私人教师和一些大臣对子孙的训练。

    It points to the training of the children that the private teachers and some ministers gave .

  16. 一旦你可以和私人教师进行基本会话,你就需要寻找其他的搭档。

    Once you can have basic conversations with your private tutor , you need to find other partners .

  17. 集体课堂会让你坐在后排偷懒,而私人教师会强迫你学习。

    Group classes allow you to sit back and be lazy , while a private tutor forces you to learn .

  18. 你至少需要私人教师陪练一个月时间,我建议每天四小时。

    Get a private tutor . You want one for at least a month . I recommend four hours / day .

  19. 朱琪在播客中成功做到了热情和惹人喜爱不过当然,没有什么比一位私人教师更重要。

    Ms Zhu manages to be warm and personable in a podcast although , of course , nothing beats a personal tutor .

  20. 她自学了代数、几何、地理和历史,作为私人教师,她把这些课程再教给年轻姑娘。

    She learned algebra and geometry , geography and history , as a private teacher , she put these lessons to teach young girl again .

  21. 私人教师在被雇来辅导这个男孩后三周后失去信心,因为孩子毫无进步的迹象。

    The private tutor threw up his hands three weeks after he was hired to coach the boy , who had shown no sign of improvement .

  22. 他毕业后,开始为一个贵族世家工作,也就是卡文迪许家族,在那里他成为了他们儿子的私人教师。

    And after he graduated , he entered the service of an aristocratic family , the Cavandish family , where he became a private tutor to their son .

  23. 在和私人教师学习或者自己练习的时候,你都会开始遇到很多不认识的单词和词组。

    Youre going to start encountering a lot of words and phrases that you dont know , both with your private tutor , and when you practice languages on your own .

  24. 其它人在担心考试是否真正公平:进入最好高中的学生和父母花钱请最昂贵的私人教师的学生是否必然会取得好成绩?

    Others worry about whether the test is truly fair : Do students who attend the best secondary schools and whose parents fork out for expensive test-prep tutors inevitably earn the highest scores ?

  25. 他做出了不从事企业战略工作的战略性转变,尽管他自己的学校曾经建议他别从事教育方面的职业,虽然他担任过私人教师。

    His strategic shift away from corporate strategy was in spite of the fact that his own school had deterred him from making a career in education , even though he had worked as a private tutor .

  26. 然而家人并不就此罢休,他们又想方设法帮布朗维尔捞到一份私人教师的活儿,希望这份差事能够使他自由发展文学才能,走上应得的功成名就的大道:这次又失败了。

    Hopes still high , the family landed Branwell a job as a private tutor , hoping this would free him to develop his literary skills and achieve the success and fame that he deserved . Failure again .

  27. 他是我的私人数学教师。

    He is my coach in mathematics .

  28. 私人辅导员及教师在私人培训机构教授学生诸如艺术、舞蹈、戏剧和音乐等科目的实践、理论和表演。

    PRIVATE TUTORS AND TEACHERS teach students in the practice , theory and performance of subjects , such as art , dance , drama and music , in private training establishments .

  29. 在绝大多数公司和机构中,不允许接受客户或顾客的私人礼物,为什么教师要与众不同?

    In most companies and organizations you 're not allowed to accept personal gifts from clients / customers so why should a teacher be any different ?