
  1. 夫妻日常家事代理权的立法构思

    Legislative Suggestion on Agent Right to the Daily Domestic Housework

  2. 第二部分论述了日常家事代理权的行使。

    The Second part describes the wielding of the daily household matters authority .

  3. 关于夫妻日常家事代理权的几点思考

    On the Right to Housekeeping Agency between Spouses

  4. 夫妻日常家事代理权的主体,理应界定为具有合法夫妻关系的夫妻双方。

    The subject of the daily household matters authority should be the legal couples .

  5. 论日常家事代理权

    On the Agent Right of Daily Household Matters

  6. 时至今日,世界上很多国家都已建立夫妻日常家事代理权制度。

    Today , many countries of the world have established couples daily chores agency system .

  7. 第三部分则从反面论述了日常家事代理权的限制和消灭两个问题。

    The third part discussed the restriction and elimination of daily housework agency from the opposite .

  8. 夫妻日常家事代理权是规范夫妻关系的一项重要制度。

    The agent right to the daily domestic homework is an important regulation which can restrict the conjugal relation .

  9. 本部分比较研究了英美法系以及大陆法系一些国家有关日常家事代理权立法的规定。

    This section a comparative study of Anglo-American law system and continental some relevant state daily chores agency legislative provisions .

  10. 纠纷的焦点之一就是夫妻一方是否享有夫妻日常家事代理权。

    The focus of the dispute is if one of the spouses enjoys the right to housekeeping agency between spouses .

  11. 同时这三个国家对夫妻日常家事代理权、夫妻财产补偿制度、约定财产制的公示都有可借鉴之处。

    All these countries regulate the agent right to the daily housework in conjugal relation and the matrimonial property compensation system .

  12. 在分析了我国现行立法有关日常家事代理权规定的不足的基础之上,提出了完善立法的几点建议。

    On the foundation of analyzing of our country law on daily household matters authority , author proposes some suggestions of perfecting the legislation .

  13. 夫妻日常家事代理权制度是从配偶权中派生的一项制度,在我国现行的婚姻法中并没有作出规定。

    The daily household matters authority is a kind of system derived from Spouse Right , which is not defined in our current law system .

  14. 先对为什么要引入日常家事代理权作出思考,然后对立法提出具体有效的建议。

    Why should the introduction of the first day of the agency to think of family , then legislative proposals put forward concrete and effective .

  15. 为突出对夫妻双方利益的平等保护,有必要对夫妻日常家事代理权进行必要的限制。

    It is necessary to strict the right to housekeeping agency between spouses in order to give prominence to the equal protection of the two party 's benefit .

  16. 我国立法应当构建完整的夫妻日常家事代理权制度,并把其作为一项特殊的法定代理权。

    Our country legislation should constructs the complete husbands and wives daily family work right of agent system , and thinks it an special legal right of agent .

  17. 日常家事代理权具体指夫妻之间因日常家庭生活的需要,配偶一方与第三人为法律行为时当然享有的代理权。

    In specific , it means owing to the needs of daily life , wife or husband certainly enjoys the authority in doing legal behaviors with the third person .

  18. 日常家事代理权是一种特殊的意定代理权,它是传统民法亲属法中用以规范夫妻关系的一项重要制度。

    The daily household matters authority is a kind of special entrusted authority . It is an important system used to standardize the conjugal relation in the traditional relative law .

  19. 第四部分系对我国婚姻立法有关日常家事代理权规定之检讨,该部分是本文的重点。

    The fourth part is the self-criticism to regulation of our country marriage law about the daily household matters authority , and this part is a focal point of this paper .

  20. 其含义随着时代的变迁而逐渐发生变化,现代的日常家事代理权是法制昌明、社会进步的产物,是夫妻关系新型化的标志。

    Its meaning changes gradually with the changes of times . Modern daily household matters authority is the result of legal system flourishing and social progress and a new-type sign of conjugal relation .

  21. 夫妻日常家事代理权,又称夫妻相互代理权,指夫妻因日常家庭事务与第三人为一定法律行为时互为代理的权利。即夫妻于日常家务事互为代理人,互有代理权。

    The right to housekeeping agency between spouses refers to anyone of the husband and wife in the daily family affairs enjoys the mutual agent right with the third person carrying on the legal act .

  22. 其次,指出日常家事代理权行使的谨慎、合理原则,即应尽注意义务及勤勉义务和必须在法律规定的日常家事范围内行使的原则。

    Secondly , points out daily chores agency exercise caution , reasonable principle , namely bounden duty of care and diligence obligations prescribed by law and must be within the scope of daily chores exercise principle .

  23. 但我国立法长期以来对此缺乏关注,在现行婚姻法中没有明确规定日常家事代理权的法律条文,仅在司法解释中有所提及。

    But Chinese marriage law has been lack of focusing on it for a long time , there is no provisions of daily housework agency laws in Chinese marriage law , just mentioned in judicial explanation .

  24. 为了指导人们正确地行使日常家事代理权,在该部分作者分别就日常家事代理权行使的原则、行使的主体、行使的形式及行使的效力一一进行了分析。

    In order to instruct people how to exercise the daily household matters authority correctly , author analyzes on principle , subject , form and effect of the exercise of daily household matters authority in this part .

  25. 日常家事代理权在规范夫妻关系、维护财产交易安全、保障第三人利益方面具有不可替代的价值,因此被许多国家的立法所认可。

    Daily housework agency has irreplaceable value in regulating the relationship between husband and wife , maintaining the property transaction security and safeguarding the interests of a third person , therefore it has got legislative recognized by many countries .

  26. 日常家事代理权是指配偶一方在与第三人就日常家事为法律行为时,享有代理配偶他方行使从事法律行为的权利,行为的后果由配偶双方互负连带责任。

    Daily household affairs authority is the right that when one spouse does family affairs as a legal act with a third person , he or she is legally qualified to present an act for his or her spouse .

  27. 本文对日常家事代理权进行了较为全面的探讨和分析,针对我国现行立法的缺陷和不足,在借鉴其他国家先进的立法经验的基础之上,对完善我国立法提出一些建议。

    This paper carries on comparatively overall discussion and analysis of the daily household matters authority , legislates to give some suggestion in perfecting our law on using experience of other countries ' advanced law according to current defect and deficiency .

  28. 本文对主体范围进行了扩大分析,除婚姻关系存续期间存在的夫妻日常家事代理权外,还要分析婚前同居及婚姻解除后的各种特殊情况。

    This paper expanded the range of exercising main body , besides the daily housework agency during the existence of marriage , also analyzing the daily housework agency during various special cases , for example , premarital cohabitation and marriage of termination .

  29. 第四部分在分析我国立法有关日常家事代理权的不足之处后,结合我国本土情况,对建立完善的日常家事代理权提出了一些具体建议。

    The fourth part after analyzing the deficiency of daily housework agency in legislation , and on the basis of combining the local condition of China , putting forward some concrete suggestions about how to establish and perfect the daily housework agency .

  30. 本部分旨在探讨国外立法的先进之处,例如,法国的概括加列举的立法体例及其关于夫妻日常家事代理权的规定;德国的分居债务区别对待制度;日本的告知免责制度等等。

    This part aims at investigating and discussing the advanced legislation abroad , for example , the legislation system of summarizing and enumerating and matrimonial daily matters agency in French , different debt system in the days of separation in German and so on .