
dǐ xīn
  • basic salary;base pay
底薪 [dǐ xīn]
  • [basic salary] 过去物价不稳定时的计算工资的基数。有的在这基数之外另加津贴,成为实际的工资。有的根据当时若干种主要生活必需品的物价指数,对基数加以调整,折算实际的工资

底薪[dǐ xīn]
  1. 你到现在还是领底薪而已,因为你不是个马屁精。

    You are still getting a base pay because you 're not an ass-kisser .

  2. 他们都认为具竞争力的底薪是最重要的原因。但他们对排在第二至第四重要原因的看法有很大分歧。

    Though they both agree the competitive base pay is the most important reason , they differ greatly in the second to forth important reasons .

  3. 小牛仍然有意以底薪签P。

    The Mavs remain interested in signing P.

  4. RobertHalf的年度薪资指导给出了几种行业以及不同市场行情下的底薪信息。

    Robert Half 's annual Salary Guides provide information on starting salaries for several industries and markets .

  5. 其前任刘易斯(KennethLewis)通常的底薪为150万美元。

    His predecessor , Kenneth Lewis , typically received a base salary of $ 1.5 million .

  6. 在美国西北大学(NorthwesternUniversity)凯洛格管理学院(KelloggSchoolofManagement)2015届MBA毕业生中,进入科技行业的毕业生平均底薪为119459美元。

    Among the class of 2015 MBA graduates at Northwestern University 's Kellogg School of Management , the average base salary for those taking jobs in the technology industry was $ 119459 .

  7. 而像是Costco和GAP这样的大公司都已经为员工开出了更高的底薪。

    But large companies , as well , Costco and the Gap - they 're choosing to pay their employees higher starting wages .

  8. 咨询公司韬睿惠悦(TowersWatson)发布的全球薪资报告显示,2014年,新加坡的高管底薪水平最高,平均为每年58.6万美元,而香港的高管底薪为每年44.5万美元。

    Base salaries for executives in 2014 were highest in Singapore , with an average base bay of $ 586000 a year - compared to $ 445000 a year in Hong Kong , according to a report on global pay by consultancy Towers Watson .

  9. 我们提供丰厚的底薪加上销售的提成。

    Our company provides good basic salary and commission on sales .

  10. 薪金待遇:底薪8000+高提成。

    Salary & Compensation : Base salary RMB8000 + high commission .

  11. 专业人员以上职类基薪/底薪表

    Base / floor salary scale for the professional and higher categories

  12. 另外还有一笔65万美元的底薪。

    There 's a $ 650000 base salary on top of that .

  13. 但是,如今的趋势是底薪越来越低,而奖金越来越高。

    However , the trend today is for lower bases and increased .

  14. 你美容院员工的底薪和佣金合理吗?

    Is the structure of salary and commission reasonable in your beauty salon ?

  15. 除3000的底薪外,剩余的收入都是浮动工资。

    Apart from 3000 yuan basic salary , the remaining income is floating wages .

  16. 你的待遇主要是股票,而不是以底薪为主。

    The bulk of your pay package is shares , not the basic monthly salary .

  17. 应该设定底薪吗?如果该设,那么应该设为多少才适当?

    Should there be a guaranteed wage ? If so , how should it be set ?

  18. 四个星期以后,她得到了这份工作,底薪32000美元。

    Four weeks later she was hired at a starting salary of $ 32,000 . ( para . 2 )

  19. 投行雇员的薪酬由两部分组成:稳定的底薪和变化的奖金。

    The compensation of an employee consists of two parts : a stable base salary and a variable incentive .

  20. 把底薪控制在最低水平,在销售人员实现较高的销售目标后再给予他们大量奖励。

    Keep bases to a minimum , but give them lots of upside if they sell above highly set goals .

  21. 通过对于服务营销观念的分析,本文认为增加底薪,意味着提高了员工的让渡价值。

    For service marketing concept , the paper think that an increase in basic salary means increase the costumes value .

  22. 男:嗯,加上佣金的话,我赚四万六千英镑,但底薪是三万五千英镑。

    Man : Well , with commission I make forty-six thousand pounds but the basic salary is thirty-five thousand pounds .

  23. 而且,更为“普通”的员工差得也不远,至少从底薪上来看是这样的。

    And more " rank and file " employees aren 't too far behind , at least where base salaries are concerned .

  24. 而今,随着裁员和底薪压力的增加,律师以及其他的法律界人士必须以比前更快、更灵活地去工作。

    With staff cuts and pressure to lower fees , lawyers and legal professionals today must work faster and smarter than ever before .

  25. 与亚洲电子元器件现货行业领导者地位相称的行业顶尖的薪酬待遇,包括累进制的底薪与优厚的佣金;

    As the industry leader in Asia , Compo offers the top level compensation package , including progressive base salary and high commission ;

  26. 优点:由学校的合作项目或机构安排,通常不会与教学计划产生冲突,而且还有底薪。

    Benefits : arranged through school cooperative program or organizations , often no conflict with academic schedule ; can come with a basic salary .

  27. 另据路透社报道,由于明年台积电公司业务涨势喜人,因此台积电公司从下月起将把全体员工的底薪水平提升15个百分点。

    Also Monday , Reuters reported that TSMC will raise base salaries for employees by15 percent beginning next month , anticipating a strong year .

  28. 唯一可被接受的待遇,是跟公司股票有关,你的待遇主要是股票,而不是以底薪为主。

    Attractive salaries are those linked with the company 's shares . The bulk of your pay package is shares , not the basic monthly salary .

  29. 也就是说他们在领到薪水(又称底薪)的同时还可以得到销售业绩中的一小部分提成。

    This means that they get a salary ( sometimes called a retainer ) and then get a small percentage of the sales that they make .

  30. 对于其它工作,如销售,职工放弃带薪休假是为了避免奖金的缩水,因为带薪休假期间只能拿底薪。

    In other jobs , such as sales , employees forego paid leave to avoid smaller bonuses , as only basic salary is given during that time .