
  • 网络diapiric structure;diapir structures
  1. 运用工程地质学的分析方法,从盆地演化过程着手,建立底辟构造形成机制概念模型。

    On the basis of engineering geological analysis , the conceptual model of the diapiric structure is discussed in this paper .

  2. 江陵凹陷底辟构造形成机制研究

    Study of mass mechanics for the formation and evolution of the diapiric structure in the Jiangling Sag

  3. 莺歌海盆地流体底辟构造及其对天然气成藏的贡献

    Fluid diapirs and their contributions to hydrocarbon accumulation in Yinggehai Basin

  4. 昆阳群中岩石底辟构造初步分析

    Primary analysis of the diapir structure of rock in the Kunyang group

  5. 龙门山北段构造模式及油气勘探方向渤海地区底辟构造及其油气地质意义

    The structural pattern and oil-gas exploration direction of Northen section of Longmen Mountain

  6. 莺歌海盆地底辟构造的成因及石油地质意义

    Genesis of diapir structures in Yinggehai Basin and its significances to petroleum geology

  7. 库车前陆盆地勘探程度较低,应注重寻找盐底辟构造,以及与其相关的圈闭。

    Searching salt diapers and related traps in Kuqa foreland basin is important .

  8. 北京西山房山岩体岩浆底辟构造及其地质意义

    Magmatic Diapir of Fangshan Pluton in the Western Hills , Beijing and Its Geological Significance

  9. 珠江口盆地白云凹陷底辟构造类型及其成因

    Diapir Structure and Its Origin in the Baiyun Depression , Pearl River Mouth Basin , China

  10. 流体底辟构造及其成因探讨

    Fluid diapir structure and its geneses

  11. 东海与泥底辟构造有关的天然气水合物初探

    The Elementary Research of Gas Hydrate Associated with Mud Diapir Structure in the East China Sea

  12. 底辟构造成因类型

    Genetic Types of Diapiric Structures

  13. 盆地内所发现的底辟构造除泥丘外,还有火山岩墙存在;

    Besides of the mudlump , there are many volcanic dikes ( diapiric structure ) developed in this basin ;

  14. 下构造层发育逆冲断层、褶皱、走滑构造和岩浆底辟构造;

    The thrust faults , folds , strike-slip faults and magmatic diapir structures were formed in the lower layer ;

  15. 莺歌海盆地的泥-流体底辟构造发育演化是区域构造应力场变化和超压体系形成演化的结果。

    The evolution of mud-fluid diapir in Yinggehai Basin is the result of regional stress field variation and ( over-pressure ) system formation and evolution .

  16. 因此,泥底辟构造带无疑是莺&琼大气区最有勘探开发前景的领域之一。

    Therefore the mud diapir structure belt is one of the most potential areas for exploration and development in Ying Qiong giant gas area undoubtedly .

  17. 莺歌海盆地泥-流体底辟构造与天然气运聚柴达木盆地北缘地区油气储层中流体包裹体特征及成藏期研究

    MUD-FLUID DIAPIR AND HYDROCARBON ACCUMULATION IN YINGGEHAI BASIN Fluid inclusion characteristics of oil and gas reservoirs in the northern Qaidam Basin and implications for petroleum accumulation

  18. 中部弱超压和深部强超压3部分组成,断裂系统、不整合面和相互连通的孔隙系统及底辟构造组成了凹陷内流体纵、横向输导的复杂网络系统;

    The fault systems , unconformity surfaces , interconnecting pore systems and diapir structures constitute the complex network system of vertical and horizontal transportation within the depression .

  19. 莺歌海盆地特有的地质特征使泥底辟构造带广泛形成具有特色的油气藏。

    The oil and gas reservoirs with distinctive features were widely formed in the mud diapir structure belt because of the special geological conditions in Yinggehai Basin .

  20. 深水油气的成藏模式,除裂陷盆地的成藏模式外,还有裂后热沉降期裂陷的深水浊积砂岩油藏、底辟构造油藏等特殊类型。

    TECTONIC-THERMAL MODELING OF RIFTING BASIN The hydrocarbon reservoirs preserved in the various trap in the rifting basin , and some unique deepwater turbidite sandstone , and diapir structures .

  21. 在高分辨率地震剖面解释中,直接识别泥底辟构造存在一定困难,主要因为泥底辟构造和火成岩侵入体在形态上十分相似,容易造成解释的多解性。

    In the high-resolution seismic profile , to directly identify the diapir is often difficult due to much similarity between diapir and the invasion of igneous rock , thus leading to multi-resolution .

  22. 认为北西向断裂控制了盆地的总体构造格局,尤其是强烈的右旋扭动形成南北向雁行式的张裂隙,诱导了泥-流体底辟构造的发生;

    The NW-trending fault con-trolled the general tectonic framework of the basin , and especially the strong dextral shear formed the N-S-trending echelon tensile fractures and induced the occurrence of the mud-fluid diapirism .

  23. 海底天然气水合物的聚集与烃流体的垂向运移有关,泥火山底辟构造控制了海底天然气水合物的聚集和分布;

    The accumulation of natural gas hydrate beneath the seafloor is related with the vertical migration of hydrocarbon fluid , and diapir structure of mud volcano has controlled the accumulation and distribution of the hydrate .

  24. 通过对库车前陆盆地和波斯湾盆地的盐层发育状况、盐构造特征以及盐构造与油气关系的对比研究,认为盐底辟构造与油气密切相关。

    Compared Kuqa foreland basin with Persian Gulf Basin in development of salt layers , salt tectonics and the relation between salt tectonics and hydrocarbon , it is concluded that the salt diapers are relative to hydrocarbon .

  25. 指出:莺歌海盆地是新生代发育的一个高温盆地,其高地温场及高大地热流值主要集中于盆地中部坳陷区的泥底辟构造带;

    Yinggehai basin is a high geotemperature basin that developed at Eogene , and its high geotemperature field and high value of terrestrial heat flow mainly concentrate in the shale piercement belt of central downwarp area in basin .

  26. DF1&1气田位于莺歌海盆地泥底辟构造带北部,是一个由泥底辟而形成的继承性背斜构造,即整装的浅层大气田。

    DF1 & 1 gas field is located in the north of the mud diapir structure belt in Yinggehai Basin , being a successive anticlinal structure formed by mud diapiric activity , i. e. an integral shallow giant gas field .

  27. 以沉降为主要趋势的盆地的油气藏有底辟构造油气藏、断层油气藏、披覆构造油气藏,其烃源岩与油藏在空间上是分离的,并通过断层相连;

    There are 3 types of reservoir for the continuing subsidence type basin , there are diapir reservoir , fault reservior , drape reservoir , and the source rock is apart from the reservoir , they are contact by fault ;

  28. 新构造运动不但控制了盆地的形成演化、沉降&沉积中心的迁移和底辟构造带发育以及它们的雁行排列特征,同时还控制了盆地油气的成藏和分布。

    The neotectonic movement in the Yinggehai basin not only controlled the formation and evolution of the basin , the shifting of subsidence and sedimentation centers and the formation of diapir structure belts and their echelon arrangement , but also dominated the petroleum accumulation and distribution .

  29. 莺歌海盆地中央泥底辟构造带是非常有利的含气构造带,由于受深部热流体和浅层气的共同影响,在构造顶部的地震资料存在着不同程度的模糊带。

    The central mud diapir structure belt in Yinggehai Basin is the structural belt quite beneficial to gas accumulation . Under the influence of both deep thermal fluid and shallow gas , a varisized white zone can be found in the seismic data at the top of structure .

  30. 莺歌海盆地是一个在新生代发育起来的南海北部被动大陆边缘的年轻高热盆地,其高地温场及高大地热流值主要集中于盆地中部坳陷区的泥-流体底辟构造带。

    The Yinggehai basin is a young but high geotemperature basin that was developed in the Cenozoic at the northern continental margin of South China Sea . Its high geotemperature and heat flow fields are mainly located in the mud-fluid diapir structure areas in the center of the basin .