
  • 网络Stratigraphic trap
  1. 该区圈闭类型较多,除了有大、中型背斜构造外,还有大型的地层圈闭。

    Besides conventional structural traps , there are large potential stratigraphic traps .

  2. 番禺隆起新近系层序、沉积演化与地层圈闭

    Sequence architecture , sedimentary evolution and stratigraphic traps of the Neogene in Panyu Uplift

  3. 通过沉积相展布、岩性地层圈闭分布规律、主控因素和成藏规律分析,预测出Puffin组各小层利区带。

    Analyzed the distribution of sedimentary facies , distribution rule of lithologic-stratigraphic trap , main controlling factor and pooling pattern , predicted the probability area of each sublayer in Puffin formation .

  4. 岩性圈闭有不整合地层圈闭和岩性尖灭圈闭。

    The lithologic traps consist in unconformable stratigraphic trap and lithologic pinchout trap .

  5. 济阳坳陷地层圈闭成藏特征及地质风险评价

    The reservoir characteristics and geologic risk evaluation of the Jiyang downwarp stratigraphic trap

  6. 岩性地层圈闭勘探思路及其工业制图的建议

    Exploration Thinking and Mapping Suggestion for Lithologic-stratigraphic Oil Traps

  7. 纵向水道泥质充填封堵地层圈闭带规模大,封堵条件好,属于岩性圈闭;

    Longitudinal-channel mud-filling play zone with large trap area and fine condition of plug-back ;

  8. 地层圈闭准确描述技术。

    Reservoir description technology of stratigraphic trap .

  9. 地层圈闭主要表现为削切不整合面,超覆不整合面;

    The stratigraphic traps are mainly expressed as truncated unconformity surfaces and overlap unconformity surfaces ;

  10. 坳陷湖盆缓坡层序地层学研究与岩性地层圈闭有利区带预测

    Sequence Stratigraphy Research and Lithologic-Stratigraphic Trap Prospective Area Prediction in Gentle Slope of Depression Basin

  11. 沉积盆地岩性地层圈闭成藏主控因素分析

    Analysis of the key control factors of the formation of lithological stratigraphic traps in sedimentary basins

  12. 有人主张,地层圈闭也许比构造圈闭存有更多的石油。

    It is claimed that more petroleum may be preserved in stratigraphic than in structural traps .

  13. 歧口凹陷区特有的岩相古地理环境,形成了大量的岩性地层圈闭。

    With special lithofacies paleographical setting in Qikou sag , a lot of lithostratigraphic traps form .

  14. 岩性圈闭和地层圈闭的形成与海平面变化和褶皱运动有关。

    For lithologic and stratigraphic traps , their origination might relate to sea level changes and folding .

  15. 油气勘探的重点是南、北及西侧斜坡地带的地层圈闭。

    The oilgas prospection should focus on stratigraphic traps on the southern , northern and eastern slope zones .

  16. 岩性地层圈闭研究综述

    Summary on litho-stratigraphic trap

  17. 在大多数沉积盆地中,构造圈闭和地层圈闭是很多的,所以石油并不是一种不常见的地质产品。

    Stratigraphic and structural traps abound in most sedimentary basins . Thus oil is not an unusual geological product .

  18. 按照成因类型,将发现的圈闭分成构造圈闭、地层圈闭、岩性圈闭三大类。

    All the traps were divided into 3 major categories , such as structure traps , formation traps and rock traps .

  19. 应用井约束正演模型技术解决地层圈闭描述中的几个难题&以济阳坳陷为例

    Application of a well-constrained forward model technique in solving difficulties of stratigraphic trap description & taking Jiyang Depression as an example

  20. 挠曲坡折带岩性地层圈闭发育,生储盖条件配置良好;

    The flexure slope breaks are good position for lithostratigraphic traps , which is in good condition of generation , reservoir and seal .

  21. 应用表明,所建立的地质风险评价标准,能反映济阳坳陷地层圈闭勘探的实际情况。

    The application results indicated that the established geologic risk evaluation criteria could reflect the real situation of Jiyang downwarp stratigraphic trap exploration .

  22. 目前该盆地已进入高成熟勘探阶段,大多数的构造圈闭都已找到,下一步的目标在岩性地层圈闭。

    The basin development is entering into high maturity stage . Most of structural traps have already found , the next target is lithologic-stratigraphic trap .

  23. 存在有断块(鼻)圈闭、岩性圈闭、地层圈闭、复合圈闭等多种圈闭类型;

    In this sag , four traps are found : fault block or fault nose trap , lithologic trap , stratigraphic trap and complex trap .

  24. 重力搬运沉积作用形成的岩性地层圈闭对深水油气勘探具有非常重要的作用。

    The stratigraphic trap formation by mass transport deposition ( MTD ) in the deepwater area is very important for the deepwater exploration and production .

  25. 高分辨地震资料解释中,层序地层学、储层描述、三维可视化等已成为岩性地层圈闭的主要识别技术。

    The acquisition and processing of high-resolution seismic data , sequence stratigraphy , reservoir description and3-D visualization have become main identifying techniques of lithostratigraphic traps .

  26. 沾化凹陷西部地层圈闭地震预测技术研究胜利油区沾化凹陷新近系层序地层构型

    Seismic Prediction Technology Study for Stratigraphic Reservoir in West of Zhanhua Depression Model of sequence stratum of neogene in Zhanhua Sag of Shengli oil field

  27. 有利油气聚集带分布在孔店组上下界面、由构造&岩性组合而形成的圈闭和不整合面遮挡而成的地层圈闭区。

    The movement made it possible for oil and gas accumulation zone to distribute at both the top interface and the bottom interface of Kongdian Group .

  28. 由于距离烃源岩较远,油气运移聚集条件成为地层圈闭成藏的主要控制因素。

    Due to far away from the hydrocarbon source rock , oil-gas migration and building-up conditions became the main controlling factor of the formation trap reservoir forming .

  29. 采用叠合的思路评价了岩性地层圈闭的有利区带,并在区带评价的基础上在深南背斜西翼提出了一个勘探目标。

    The favorable area of subtle traps was optimized following the " superposition " path and pointed out an exploratory target in the west flank of ShenNan anticline .

  30. 本文认为岩性地层圈闭与构造圈闭在成藏条件和成藏机制方面存在一定差别,岩性地层圈闭的形成条件复杂,决定了其成藏主控因素具有自身的特点。

    In this paper , it is held that there are some differences between structural traps and lithological stratigraphic traps on the aspects of formation condition and mechanism .