
  • earth stratosphere
  1. 太阳辐射紫外线和氧反应在整个地球平流层(上部大气圈)内产生一个臭氧层。

    Reactions between oxygen and ultraviolet radiation from the sun create a layer of ozone throughout Earth 's stratosphere ( upper atmosphere ) .

  2. 这位来自43岁,来自奥地利的无畏的菲利克斯,从地球的平流层跳下,直到落地在美国新墨西哥州,飞降了38.6公里,他震惊了世界。

    The 43-year-old from Austria , known as Fearless Felix , stunned the world by falling 38.6 km from Earths stratosphere before landing on his feet in the American state of New Mexico .

  3. 地球大气平流层中的臭氧层对太阳中的紫外线有较强的吸收作用,从而保护地球上的生物免受紫外线辐射的伤害。但伴随着现代工业的迅速发展,大气中氟氯烃类化合物浓度在逐年增加。

    The ozone in the stratosphere of the earth can effectively absorb the solar UV radiation , which protect the life on the earth from harm of ultraviolet radiation . However , with the rapid development of modern industry , the concentration of HCFC compounds is increasing year by year .

  4. 地球大气中的平流层最主要的作用就是吸收紫外线,也因此会对这一周期变化特别敏感。

    The stratosphere , the part of the Earth 's atmosphere which does most to absorb UV , might thus be expected to be particularly sensitive to the cycle .