
  • 网络Depth;MOULDED DEPTH;Mould Depth;Depth Moulded
  1. 特大型深基坑的成功支护和止水

    Successful Bracing and Water Stop for Extra large Deep Foundation Pit

  2. 特大型深基坑抽渗结合配合区域明排水的设计与施工

    Combined drainage design and construction of very large deep foundation pit

  3. 目的探讨前牙内倾型深覆(牙合)矫治的有效方法。

    Objective To investigate the treatment methods for lingual tipping deep overbite .

  4. 特大型深基坑预应力抗拔基础桩施工技术

    Construction technology of prestressed anti-pulling pile in oversized foundation pit

  5. 河道型深水库的温度分层模拟

    Simulation on thermal stratification of the river-like deep reservoir

  6. 氧化型深部酸化工艺在西峰油田的应用

    Application of oxidized deep acidizing technology in Xifeng Oilfield

  7. 调制型深部多束激光针灸仪

    A modulated type deep multi-beam laser acupuncture stimulator

  8. 在常值的内聚力假定下,计算了Ⅰ型深裂纹的凝合区尺寸。

    Cohesive zone sizes of deep type ⅰ crack were calculated assuming that cohesive force is constant .

  9. 世博轴地下综合体2标段特大型深基坑施工技术

    Construction Technology for No.2 Section of Ultra Large and Deep Foundation Pit in World Expo Axis Underground Complex Project

  10. 特大型深基坑上部挡土墙下部护坡桩支护设计与施工

    Support design and construction of slope protection piles at the foot of upper retaining wall of very large deep foundation pit

  11. 它们形成于古岛弧的地动力学构造环境,一般位于蛇绿岩建造带中,成因上与原地型深成花岗岩类岩体有关。

    They are formed in geodynamic tectonic surroundings of ancient island arc , usually oc-cured in the zone of ophiolitic formation and related with proto - plutonic granitoid rocks in genesis .

  12. 本文对高角型深覆(牙合)形成的机理、切牙压低量的意义、应用多用途弓的注意事项进行了讨论。

    It was also debated in this article that the mechanism of deep overbite of high angle , sence of the amount of intrusion of incisors and notice in using utility arch .

  13. 结论治疗前牙内倾型深覆(牙合)的关键在于升高后牙牙槽高度,降低前牙牙槽高度,改正前牙轴向,促进下颌骨的生长发育。

    Conclusion The key factors of lingual tipping deep overbite treatment include elevating the posterior alveolar height , reducing the anterior alveolar height , correcting the anterior dental axis , and increasing mandibular growth .

  14. 详细研究表明,两盆地在构造回返程度、地层压力特征、气源岩生气时代等方面存在较大差异,不宜将川西坳陷的天然气聚集简单地归结为阿尔伯达型深盆气藏。

    However , detailed study showed that the intensity of structural reversion , pressure attributes of gas-bearing strata , and the time of gas generation of source rocks of these two basins are quite different .

  15. 针对国内某一特大型深基坑施工,利用本文方法进行了应力和变形分析、土层参数反分析、基坑支撑体系的体系可靠度分析,对基坑的安全稳定性进行了评价,得到合理的研究结果。

    Finally this paper bring forward the method to attain the critical target of the strain 7 . For certain project of deep foundation , stress-deformation analysis , soil parameters back-analysis , system reliability analysis of the support and the evaluation of the stability are done .

  16. NGS型高效深锥浓缩机的应用

    The Application of NGS High Efficient Deep Cone Thickener

  17. 在以淤积为主时期的调整,是通过断面不同部位的淤积来实现的,但都是由U型较大河槽向V型窄深小槽发展。

    The bed regulation is realized through sediment silting in different parts in cross section during silting period and the deformation of bed form changed from broad U type channel to narrow and deep V type channel .

  18. AT-25柴油机连杆齿型面的深磨试验研究

    Experiment of Deep Grinding of Connecting Rod Profile of AT-25 Diesel Engine

  19. 目的探讨171例老年退变型下肢深静脉瓣膜功能不全(DDVI)的临床表现及多普勒超声诊断。

    Objective To research the clinical symptoms and characteristics of ultrasonic Doppler from 171 patients with the deep venous incompetence of degeneration of advanced age ( DDVI ) .

  20. Ⅱ型&深静脉瓣膜功能不全(60.12%);

    Type ⅱ, incompetence of the deep venous valve ( 60.12 % );

  21. 沉积型高岭土深加工及其在阴极电泳漆中的应用

    Further-processing of Sedimentary Kaolin and it 's Application in Cathode Electrophoresis Paint

  22. 小河岩体是一个“I”型高位深成岩体。

    Xiaohe rock body is a " I-type " high-plutonic rock body .

  23. 反杓型及深杓型血压昼夜节律对早期肾功能的影响

    Effects of Circadian Rhythm of Anti-dipper and Over-dippers Blood Pressure on Early Renal Function

  24. 直通型精细深拉深小件的统一研究&深拉深实验平台

    The United Research on the Fine Deeply-drawing and Directly-passing Small-parts & the Deeply-drawing Experiment Platform

  25. 微细浸染型金矿深源成矿流体的硅同位素地球化学示踪

    Trace of silicon isotope geochemistry of deep origin mineralization fluid for Carlin type gold deposits

  26. 急性中央型下肢深静脉血栓的导管接触性溶栓实验研究

    The Experimental Study on the Utility of Catheter-directed Thrombolysis Therapy for the Acute Central Lower Extremity Deep Vein Thrombosis

  27. 通过对现有深松机的比较研究,确定了1ZS-2型振动深松机的总体结构;设计了典型零部件并进行了选材和强度校核。

    The overall scheme of the1ZS-2 type vibrating subsoiler was determined in this paper by compared the present subsoilers .

  28. 老年退变型下肢深静脉瓣膜功能不全171例临床分析

    A clinical analysis of the deep venous incompetence of degeneration of advanced age : a report of 171 cases

  29. 根据对36个历史个例的高低空环流形势的分析,建立了4种强冰雪冻害的天气概念模型:冷涡型、深槽型、浅槽型、锋区平直型;

    Based on studying the upper and lower air circulation of 36 weather processes , four synoptic models are given .

  30. 滇黔桂微细浸染型金矿深部物源的稀土元素证据

    An evidence for REE geochemistry of plutonic materials originating from Carlin type gold deposits in the Yunnan Guizhou Guangxi triangle area