
xínɡ lù
  • catalog of products
  1. 很多的B2B电子商贸门户的发展和主办的第三次缔约方者充当信息媒介,使买家和卖家一起在型录,交流,拍卖等市场。

    Many of the B2B e-commerce portals are developed and hosted by third parties who serve as infomediaries that bring buyers and sellers together in catalog , exchange , and auction markets .

  2. 身处在这个CD播放机的行业中,假使贵公司能寄一份贵公司的型录,并告知敝公司你们销售最佳商品CIF到台湾的最低价格,我们将不胜感激。

    Being in the market for CD players , we shall be greatly obliged if you will send us a copy of your catalogue , informing us of your best terms and lowest prices CIF Taiwan .

  3. 企宏电工全系列产品型录,欢迎点此进入下载页面!

    CH-sys all products catalogs , please click here to download .

  4. 免税商品型录就在您前方的椅背置物袋里。

    NO07 , The duty-free catalog is in the seat pocket in front of you .

  5. 贵公司是否能寄一份你们的型录,并附上价格、付款明细?

    Will you please send us a copy of your catalogue , with details of prices and items of payment ?

  6. 任何得自私藏之丛书,如铁路运费费率及蒙哥马利.德公司的商品型录等。

    Price series that can be obtained from private sources such as railroad freight rates and Montgomery Ward 's catalogues .

  7. 画册设计可以大气磅礴,也可以翔实细腻,包括:企业及产品画册设计、产品型录设计、企业年报设计等。

    The album design can be grand and magnificent , can also be informative and delicate , include : enterprises and products pictorial design , product catalog design , corporate annual report design .