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型芯 [xíng xìn]
  • [nowel;core] 铸造空心大工件时用的铸模里的芯子

  1. 以电熔刚玉为骨料、氢氧化钡为粘结剂、铝粉为添加剂的型芯混合料在吹入CO2气体后即可实现硬化。

    The core sand mixture using alumina as refractory particle , barium hydroxide as binder , and aluminium power as additive can be hardened by CO_2 .

  2. 举例用的模具是由六个板组成的包含型芯、脱模衬套、齿轮和齿条以及止推片、轴瓦和方形密封圈载一起的冷端或“B”面。

    For used molds are composed of six panels contains the core , Demoulding Bushing , gear and rack and the thrust piece , bearing and seal set with a square of the cold-side or " B " side .

  3. Al2O3/SiO2纳米复合陶瓷型芯材料的制备与性能

    Preparation and properties of al_2o_3 / sio_2 ceramic core nano-composites

  4. 填料中Na2O含量对陶瓷型芯质量的影响

    Effects of Na_2O Content in Filler on Quality of Ceramic Core

  5. PVC水管弯头快速可换型芯注射模设计

    Design of the Injection Mould with a Rapid-Replacing Core for PVC Water Pipe Elbow

  6. 强化处理对Al2O3/SiO2陶瓷型芯高温变形的影响纺织品纳米技术往何处去

    Influence of Strengthening Treatment on the Deformation of Al_2O_3 / SiO_2 Nano-compound Ceramic Core at High Temperature

  7. 介绍用SLS技术制造熔模铸造型芯的方法与技术关键。

    The method to make investment casting cores using SLS technique is studied .

  8. 根据铸造铝合金波导成形的基本特征,提出了采用硫酸镁和金属盐B作为可溶性石膏型芯材料的添加剂,研究了添加剂加入量、工艺因素对石膏混合料的影响。

    According to the forming characteristic of the cast aluminium alloy waveguide components , this article presents that magnesium sulfate and metal-salt B can be added into solube plaster core materials and studies the influence of adding amount and technological factors on plaster mixtures .

  9. 介绍了PVC四通管注射模设计,阐述了弯型芯的旋转抽芯过程以及模具顶出、回程及冷却系统设计。

    The design of the injection mould for PVC four-way pipes was introduced . The rotating core-pulling process of the bent core and the design of the ejection , returning and cooling systems of the mould were stated .

  10. 单晶空心叶片用AC-2陶瓷型芯的组织和性能研究

    Microstructure and Properties of Alumina Based Ceramic Cores AC-2 for Single Crystal Blades

  11. 介绍了AC-1型芯的各项性能和应用情况。

    The properties and ap - plications of AC - 1 core are described .

  12. 介绍了RYT大型远红外复合烘干炉的主要结构和特点,以及使用该设备进行铸件砂型和型芯烘干的应用情况。

    The structure and features of RYT far-infrared combined dry oven and its application in drying casting molds and cores are described in this paper .

  13. 本文还介绍了采用电熔刚玉砂为主体材料、以K2CO3为粘结剂的水溶性型芯铸造C&3风铲壳体的情况,以及对壳体进行耐压试验、整机性能试验的考核情况。

    The paper also introduces the casting of the case of the C-3 type pneumatic chipper by adopting the water soluble core method . It gives a brief account of a trial test of resistance to pressure on the case and the performance measurement of the C-3 type pneumatic chipper .

  14. 铝铸件用可溶型芯材料性能的研究

    Study on Performance of Soluble Core Material used for Aluminum Castings

  15. 轻合金铸造用新型型芯探索研究

    Research of a new core used in light - alloy casting

  16. 空心叶片残留型芯影像的射线照相对比度

    The Radiographic Image Contrast of Residual Ceramic Cores in Hollow Blades

  17. 用于铝合金铸件的可溶型芯材料的配比

    Ingredient Ratio between Soluble Materials for Cores of Aluminium Alloy Castings

  18. 瓶盖注射模螺纹型芯的螺纹制造工艺

    The Manufacturing Process for Core Thread of Bottle Cap Injection Mould

  19. 而制造陶瓷型芯是其关键技术。

    And the manufacturing of ceramic cores is their key technology .

  20. 体电流法分析矩型芯倾斜光纤光栅的辐射场

    Analysis of Tilted Fiber Gratings with Rectangular-Core Using Volume Current Method

  21. 快速组合可换型芯注塑模的模块化设计

    Modularization design methodology of injection mould with rapid combined changeable cavities

  22. 复合材料可熔性合金型芯成形工艺及其应用

    The Shaping Process and Application of Meltable Alloy Core in Composite

  23. 铸造动物蛋白质胶型芯砂的清洁生产工艺

    Clean process of animal protein glue mold and core sand foundry

  24. 代替陶瓷型芯生产空心铸件的精铸工艺

    Production of Hollow Investment Casting Components with Ceramic Mold Core Free

  25. 自硬型芯工艺在异型铸件生产中的应用

    Application of Self-hardening sand Mould and Core in the Abnormity Casting

  26. 型芯撑标准和系列的探讨

    Study for the Standards and Series of the Core Support

  27. 多型芯径向抽芯压铸模设计

    Design of Die Casting Mould with Radial Multiple Core Pulling

  28. 硅基陶瓷型芯性能对空心叶片不露芯率的影响

    Effect of Silica-based Ceramic Core on Non Core-basseted Rate of Hollow Blade

  29. 槽型芯湿法烟气脱硫的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Wet Flue Gas Desulfurization by Groove Pole

  30. 添加30wt%ZrSiO4硅基陶瓷型芯高温特性的研究

    High Temperature Characterization of Silica-base Cores with 30wt % ZrSiO_4