
  • 网络briquette;formed coal
  1. 煤矸石型煤着火燃尽性能的实验研究

    ExperimentaI Study on the Ignitability and Combustion Efficiency of Gangue Briquettes

  2. 纸浆黑液制气化型煤黏结剂研究

    Preparation of Binder for Gasifying Briquettes with Black Liquor from Pulping

  3. MS粘结剂是理想的固硫型煤粘结剂。

    MS binder is suitable for capturing sulfur briquette .

  4. ML工业型煤成型机的设计及仿真分析

    Design and simulation analysis of industrial coal briquetting machine CARBONIZATION OF BRIQUETTES

  5. CR型煤促燃技术研究

    Study on Combustion - Supporting Technology of Civil Briquettes

  6. 用CMC作为生物质型煤粘结剂的试验研讨

    A Study of Experiment on Binder CMC for Moulded Bio-Base Coal

  7. 型煤定量给料器的SRM驱动系统设计

    Design of SRM Drive System of Fixed Feeder for Briquette Coal

  8. MH工业型煤技术

    MH Industrial Coal Briquette Technology

  9. 锅炉使用型煤可明显地减少烟尘和SO2的排放,有利于环境保护。

    The shaped coal used in boiler could reduce outcome of ash and SO_2 . It is benefit to environment protection .

  10. 目的在固硫型煤可降低空气中SO2污染的条件下,研究其对人体生物学指标的影响。

    Objective On the basis of briquette reducing SO2 air pollution , we researched its influence to biological indexes of population .

  11. 且生物质复合型煤(BCC)具有着火温度低、燃尽率高等特点。

    It is revealed that BCC has a low ignition point , low ash contend and good sulfur fixation quality .

  12. 燃煤工业锅炉燃烧工业固硫型煤时,可明显地降低SO2和烟尘的排放量,并节约煤炭。

    Burning industrial fixed sulfur model coal by industrial boilers , the emission of SO 2 and smoke dust can be decreased significantly and coal may be saved on .

  13. 型煤燃烧过程中石灰石固硫的试验研究(Ⅰ)&CaCO3、Na2CO3和K2CO3固硫试验

    A Study of Experiments on Sulfur Fixation with Limestone during Moulded Coal Combustion ( Part I ) The Sulfur Fixation with CaCO_3Na_2CO_3 and K_2CO_3

  14. 以人羊膜FL细胞非程序性DNA合成(UDS)为观察指标,对3种炉具的型煤焦油进行了遗传毒性检测。

    The study was designed to detect the genotoxicity of molding coal tar of three types of stove using the unscheduled DNA synthesis ( UDS ) assay of human amnion cell line FL.

  15. HFX-1复合粘结剂及工业锅炉型煤的研制

    HFX-1 Compound Binder of High Strength Waterproof Industrial Briquette

  16. 介绍了型煤定量给料器的开关磁阻电动机(SRM)驱动系统的工作原理和特点,讨论了型煤定量给料器给料控制的实现方法。

    The paper introduces the working principle and characteristic of switch reluctance motor ( SRM ) drive system of fixed feeder for briquette coal , discusses the realizing methods of fixed feeder for briquette coal .

  17. 研究应用工业固硫型煤技术控制燃煤工业锅炉SO2的污染,研究表明,燃煤工业固硫型煤是控制燃煤工业锅炉SO2污染的最经济、简便、有效的方法。

    Research on controlling sulfur dioxide pollution from industrial coal-fired boilers by burning industrial fixed sulfur model coal indicates it is the most economic , simple and effective mean for controlling sulfur dioxide pollution from industrial coal-fired boilers .

  18. 针对工业锅炉的洁净型煤技术不仅可以实现在无需除尘和脱硫设备的情况下大大减少SO2和烟尘的排放,还可以通过混配适当的添加剂充分改善燃煤的燃烧特性,提高工业锅炉的燃烧效率。

    The clean coal briquette technology for industrial boilers can not only greatly reduce the emission of sulfur dioxide and flue dust without any desulfurization equipment and dust collector installed , but also improve the combustion properties of coal .

  19. 本文论述了我国燃煤工业锅炉排放SO2对大气污染的状况及发展趋势,以及应用工业固硫型煤控制燃煤工业锅炉对大气的污染。

    Research on the present situation and developing trend of SO 2 pollution from industrial coal fired boilers in China and control technology of SO 2 pollution of burning industrial fixed sulfur model coal have been conduced in this paper .

  20. 结果表明,固硫型煤的TG,DTG曲线变化趋势相似,都出现两个明显的失重峰:挥发分析出阶段和煤焦燃烧阶段。

    The results show that TG and DTG curves of different briquette are similar , two obvious weight loss peaks are observed respectively . So combustion of bio-briquette is divided into two main phases : devolatilization and char combustion .

  21. 介绍了FJC20型煤用喷射式浮选机的结构、工作原理以及在临涣选煤厂工业性试验的各项指标及应用情况;

    Introduced are the structure of FJC20 jet flotation machine , its working principle , and performance in industrial application trial at Linhuan Coal Preparation Plant .

  22. 在小氮肥厂以无烟粉煤加入HM-3粘结剂,制成气化型煤,检测其冷、热态抗压强度、落下强度,型煤性能优于目前工业上使用的石灰碳化煤球。

    The properties of gasification briquette , which is made from fine anthracite mixed with HM-3 adhesive , is better than that of lime carbonizing briquette currently used in small fertilizer plant in respect of compressive strength in cool and heat state and falling strength .

  23. 生物质型煤在固硫剂条件下的燃烧特性研究

    Study on Characteristics of Bio-briquette Combustion by Adding Sulfur Retention Additive

  24. 影响型煤在工业锅炉燃烧的因素分析

    Analysis on factors affected to coal briquette combusted in industrial boiler

  25. CT/n型锅炉炉前型煤机的应用研究

    CT / In front of boiler stove coal machine applied research

  26. 气化型煤新技术的应用与开发

    Use and Development of New Technology for Gasification of Formed Coal

  27. 提高型煤热态性能途径及其机理的研究

    Research on the way and mechanism for increasing briquette heat property

  28. 添加剂组分对工业型煤强度影响的实验研究

    Research on the effect of binder component on briquette 's strength

  29. 工业锅炉用洁净型煤SO2排放量试验研究

    Study on the technology of clean briquette for the industry boiler

  30. 基于孔隙分形几何的生物质型煤固硫性能研究

    Research on sulfur retention of bio-briquette based on pore fractal geometry