
  1. 《型世言》是明末重要的拟话本小说集之一。

    Xingshiyan is an important imitated Huaben story in the last stage of Mingdyanasty .

  2. 晚明小说《型世言》的文学迷失

    The literature lost about Xing Shi Yan , the novel writhen in late Ming Dynasty

  3. 《型世言》研究评述

    Research and Comment on Xing Shi Yan

  4. 《型世言》所提供的语言材料对近代汉语的研究具有重要的意义和作用。

    The language materials provided by Xingshiyan have great significance and important referential value to the study of Chinese .

  5. 将此置于文化史、思想史的长河进行考察,不难看出《型世言》具有的独特审美价值和认识价值。

    From the perspective of culture and ideology in history , Xing Shi Yan shows its aesthetic and cognizant value .

  6. 《型世言》是1987年法国科学研究中心陈庆浩在韩国汉城大学奎章阁发现的。

    In 1987 Xing Shi Yan was discovered at Kui Zhang Ge of Seoul University in Korea by Chen Qinghao , a professor of French Scientific Research Center .

  7. 《型世言》是一部淹没了三百多年的明代拟话本小说集,可谓话本小说大系中的一朵奇葩。

    Having been buried out over three hundred years , Xing Shi Yan which can be called as an exotic flower in this big family is a collection of stories in Ming Dynasty .

  8. 第一章对《型世言》成书时代的社会背景进行介绍,并结合陆人龙生平及文本,探究陆人龙的文化心态。

    Chapter One introduces the social background when Xing-shi-yan came into the world . Moreover , the author explores the cultural psychology of Lu Ren long by a consultation of his biography and the text .

  9. 《型世言》是一部优秀拟话本小说集,词汇丰富、细腻,涉及面广,使用了大量的明代口语、俗语,具有较高的藉料价值。

    Xing Shi Yan is an excellent novel collection of the imitation of hua ben . It has rich , exquisite words covered widely and includes a vast amount of colloquialisms and proverbs of Ming Dynasty , thus with a high value for language data .