
  • 网络Luigi;Stefano De Luigi
  1. 一天晚上,马可斯的老朋友路易吉说:"马可斯,为什么你的田地还没有准备好种植呢?"

    One evening Marcos ' old friend Luigi , " Marcos , why aren 't your fields ready for planting ? "

  2. “马科斯,你需要像用自己的背那样去用你的大脑。我有个主意给你,”路易吉说。

    " Marcos , you need to use your brain as much as your back . I have an idea for you , " Luigi said .

  3. 这个词在2014年任天堂开发的游戏《马里奥赛车8》上线以后开始流行起来,游戏里面马里奥的弟弟路易吉冰冷的眼神被网友们称为“路易吉死亡凝视”(或者路易吉死亡瞪)。

    The term got popular after the release of Mario Kart 8 in 2014 , in which Luigi 's ice-cold reaction to the administration was called the Luigi death stare by players .

  4. 她希望她的大声疾呼,能让她的儿子路易吉(luigi)记住,“永远不要忘记在自己的根本价值观中保留对女性的尊重”。

    She hoped her outcry would remind her son , Luigi , " never to forget to keep among his fundamental values a respect for women " .

  5. AtelierVersace主裁缝师路易吉•马希(LuigiMassi)为朱莉•皮特制作了婚纱,在设计中融入了孩子们的一些涂鸦。

    The master tailor Luigi Massi of Atelier Versace made Ms Jolie Pitt 's wedding dress , incorporating designs from her children 's drawings .

  6. 嗨,路易吉,去旅馆怎么走?

    Hey , Luigi . Which way to the hotel , man ?

  7. 那是路易吉告诉我的。

    That , and Luigi told me .

  8. 在汤姆自己不愿决斗的情况下,法官自己向路易吉挑战决斗。

    When Tom himself refuses to do it , the Judge challenges Luigi to a duel .

  9. 我称之为“跟我的朋友路易吉开的一次玩笑”。

    I call it , " What I accidentally did to my friend Luigi once . "

  10. 由于人格受到公开侮辱,路易吉向法官挑战要求再次决斗。

    Because of the public slurs on his character , Luigi challenges the Judge to another duel ;

  11. 路易吉-博比奥称该举措瞄准对象为那些“聒噪、无纪律、行为恶劣”之人。

    Bobbio says he wants to target people who are " rowdy , unruly or simply badly behaved " .

  12. 以前圭多和路易吉帮我干活的时候,他们为各种各样的事情争吵。

    You know , back when Guido and Luigi used to work for me , they would fight over everything .

  13. 经济学者杰夫•巴特勒、保拉•朱利亚诺和路易吉•圭索近期发表的一篇论文发现,对个人来说,对他人的信任存在一个最佳的“度”。

    A recent paper by economists Jeff Butler , Paola Giuliano and Luigi Guiso finds that for an individual , there 's an optimal level of trust in others .