
  • 网络Louis Dreyfus
  1. 路易达孚正在考虑改变公司所有制结构,并在探讨相应的可行办法,包括进行首次公开发行(ipo),或把一定数量的股份出售给长期投资者。

    Louis Dreyfus is considering a change of ownership and exploring options , including an initial public offering or the sale of a stake to long-term investors .

  2. 但上述谈判的知情人士表示,路易达孚商品公司(LouisDreyfusCommodities)的高级管理层更倾向于与奥兰全面合并。

    But people familiar with the talks said Louis Dreyfus Commodities ' senior management would prefer a full merger with Olam .

  3. 他表示,寻求出售股权或进行IPO的家族控股交易公司路易达孚(LouisDreyfus)将与嘉能可形成良好的互补。

    He said Louis Dreyfus , the family owned trader looking for a sale or IPO , would be a good complement .

  4. 上周,路易达孚(LouisDreyfus)首席执行官贡萨洛•拉米雷斯•马蒂亚雷纳(GonzaloRamírezMartiarena)表示,假定库存质量良好,中国可能需要18个月的时间来消化掉它们。路易达孚是全球最大的农产品交易商之一。

    Last week the chief executive of Louis Dreyfus Company , one of the world 's biggest agricultural traders , said it could take China 18 months to run down its stockpiles , assuming they were in good condition .

  5. 阿伦指控称,通过在大大高于实物市场主导价格的高价上构建看涨头寸,路易达孚“蓄意操纵并人为推高了”位于纽约的美国洲际交易所(intercontinentalexchange,简称ice)的棉花期货价格。

    Mr Allen alleges that Dreyfus " intentionally manipulated and artificially inflated " the price of futures on the new York-based ice cotton exchange by building a bullish position in the market at substantially higher prices than those prevailing in the physical market .

  6. 尼科西亚和路易达孚未回应置评请求。

    Mr Nicosia and Dreyfus did not return calls seeking comment .

  7. 阿伦在诉状中宣称,路易达孚及几家附属机构在2011年5月至7月间抬高了棉花期货的价格。

    Mark Allen claims in his lawsuit that Dreyfus and several subsidiaries inflated the price of cotton futures between May and July 2011 .

  8. 这位嘉能可前棉花交易主管宣称,甚至在实物市场上有交易商向路易达孚提供较低价格的棉花时,路易达孚都拒绝购买。

    The former head of cotton at Glencore alleges that Dreyfus refused to buy cheaper cotton in the physical market even when traders offered it .

  9. 由于大宗商品价格暴涨,奥兰和路易达孚都亟需资金改造自身业务,以实现多样化发展,从纯粹的中介机构发展为直接生产商和加工商。

    Both OLAM and Louis Dreyfus need funds to reshape their businesses amid the commodity price boom to diversify their roles from pure intermediaries into direct producers and processors .

  10. 另一方面,中国国内果汁市场快速成长,果汁消费量每5年翻一番,吸引了包括美国可口可乐、法国路易达孚等跨国集团在内的众多企业进入果汁市场。

    On the other hand , domestic juice market in China grows fast . Fruit juice consumption is doubled in every five years ; many multinational corporations are attracted to entry the fruit juice market in China , such as the American Coca-Cola and the French Louis Dreyfus .