
  • 网络Louisa;LUISA;louise;Luiza
  1. 我顺道去看了一下路易莎。她当时在睡觉。

    I looked in on Louisa . She was sleeping .

  2. 她马上就要为路易莎编好辫子了。

    She had almost finished braiding Louisa 's hair

  3. 路易莎大吃一惊,站在那里呆若木鸡。

    Luisa stood transfixed with shock .

  4. 路易莎打着圈儿翩翩起舞,裙摆时而肆意飞扬,时而盘绕脚边。

    Louisa was dancing , spinning by herself , her skirt flying out and coiling around her feet

  5. 据NPR新闻的路易莎·林报道,韩国已加强了监控。

    As NPR 's Louisa Lim reports South Korea has strengthened its surveillance posture .

  6. 据NPR新闻的路易莎·林报道,黑客攻击行为是反对美国媒体运动的一部分。

    NPR 's Louisa Lim reports the attacks appear to be part of a broad campaign against American media .

  7. 路易莎要是痊愈了,一切都会重新好起来。

    If Louisa recovered , it would all be well again .

  8. 路易莎,看在上帝的份上,别再胡闹了。

    Stop this nonsense , louisa , for god 's sake .

  9. 路易莎,请给孩子喝点儿酒。

    Louisa , please to give the lad some wine . '

  10. 路易莎:我跌进了一滩又湿又粘的东西里去了。

    Louisa : I just fell into something wet and sticky .

  11. 路易莎在家呢,对吧?

    I mean , Louisa 's at the house , right ?

  12. 朱诺:嗨,路易莎阿姨,我是朱诺。

    Julio : Hi , Aunt Louisa , it 's Julio .

  13. 路易莎说我应该下星期再做。

    Louisa said I should leave it till next week .

  14. “我的天,路易莎!”董贝先生说道。

    ' Good Heaven , Louisa ! 'said Mr Dombey .

  15. 得罪了路易莎和亨利表亲还不严重?

    Not the fact of having offended cousin Louisa and cousin Henry ?

  16. 路易莎我帮你拿点行李吧

    Louisa , let me give you a hand with those

  17. 帕特里克路易莎跟我说你是私人健身教练

    So , Patrick , Louisa tells me you 're a personal trainer

  18. 好好路易莎如果你可以给我一份日程

    Okay . Okay Louisa , if you can get me a schedule

  19. 路易莎:我不知道你如何应对所有这些工作。

    Luisa : I don 't know how you juggle all these jobs .

  20. 路易莎把他叫醒时天还是黑的。

    It was still dark when Louisa woke him .

  21. 我可不想反驳路易莎的话。

    Far be it from me to contradict louisa .

  22. 梅维丝:只要遵循一种战略,路易莎。

    Mavis : Just follow one strategy , Luisa .

  23. 还记得路易莎吗记得

    You remember Louisa ? Oh , yes . Yes

  24. 路易莎:是呀,我的衣服上也全是油。

    Louisa : Yeah , and my dress is all greasy , too .

  25. 最近,路易莎还开始隔天晚上出去。

    Lately , Louisa had stalled going out for the odd evening as well .

  26. 路易莎:但我以为你晚上有另一份兼职差事。

    Luisa : But I thought you had another part-time job in the evenings .

  27. 下次再会,路易莎.别忘了保持联系。

    See you soon , Luisa . Don 't forget to keep in touch .

  28. 路易莎:这条路真难走。

    Louisa : This road is so rough .

  29. 妈妈:路易莎,金鱼缸里的水换过了吗?

    Mum : Louisa , have you changed the water in the goldfish bowl ?

  30. 路易莎引人注目的外表和友好的举止让乔治对她一见钟情。

    George loves Louisa at first sight for her eye-catching appearance and friendly manner .