
  • 网络Marta;Martha;Rutsel S.J.Martha
  1. 玛尔塔喝了一杯果汁。

    Marta drank a glass of juice .

  2. 玛尔塔一副沮丧的模样。

    Marta looked upset

  3. 没人记得玛尔塔的生日,这使得她非常沮丧。

    That no one remembered her birthday left Marta very depressed .

  4. 玛尔塔:布鲁诺,你的双胞胎才五岁。

    Marta : Bruno , your twins are five years old .

  5. 这时玛尔塔走进房间,说午饭已经准备好了。

    Martha then entered the room to announce that lunch was ready .

  6. 玛尔塔:我也要扔掉的。

    Marta : I was going to throw that out , too .

  7. 玛尔塔:你不觉得是时候…?

    Marta : Don 't you think that it 's time to ... ?

  8. 玛尔塔:好是好,但是…

    Marta : That 's great , but ...

  9. 我们来到饭厅,等玛尔塔做午饭。

    We went to the dining room to wait for Martha to make lunch .

  10. 不要溺爱军队,玛尔塔。

    Don 't coddle the troops , Marta .

  11. “他走了吗?”玛尔塔听见关大门的响声就跑来问。

    " is he gone ?" Martha asked , after hearing the front door close loudly .

  12. 你要去哪里?佩德罗:我正要和玛尔塔去看电影。

    Where are you going ? Pedro : I 'm going to see the movies with marta .

  13. 出了女佣玛尔塔外,他还有个十七岁的教女格劳班和我本人。

    He owned the home himself , and all the contents inside , aside from Martha , the maid , Grauben , his seventeen-year-old goddaughter and myself .

  14. 下次放假我再来看你。玛尔塔:那是半年以后的事情了。米盖尔:时间会过得很快的。

    I 'll come for you the next vacation . marta : that 's half a year from now . miguel : the time will pass quickly .

  15. 在圣保罗州的萨奥贝纳多和尤文图斯队成长起来,这位射手不久就追随玛尔塔的步伐前往欧洲。

    Having outgrown the Sao Bernardo and Juventus teams in her native state of Sao Paulo , the goal-getter soon followed in Marta 's footsteps and headed to European shores .

  16. 她的成功有一个主要因素是她与天才玛尔塔的搭档,这对组合在场上分享着相互间的尊重和友谊产生的靠近心灵感应的默契。

    A vital factor in her success has been the partnership with the outrageously talented Marta , the pair sharing a near-telepathic on-the-field understanding born of great mutual respect and friendship .

  17. 过去的三年曾经是玛尔塔合演生活多媒体帝国股份有限公司会议部的一员,将负责该公司出版、网络和广播活动事项。

    Millard , who has been a member of Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia 's board for the past three years , will oversee the company 's publishing , Internet and broadcasting activities .