
mǎ lā jī shū
  • Malachi
  1. 该玛拉基书是最后一次在佳能的旧约先知。

    The Book of Malachi is the last in the canon of the Old Testament Prophets .

  2. 请读玛拉基书。

    Read the book of Malachi .

  3. 在玛拉基书3,1-4中,耶稣的行为想要传达什麽。

    In the context of Mal3.1-4 , what does Jesus'action convey .

  4. 从旧约最后一本书玛拉基书到第一本福音书马太福音间隔的时间。

    The time gap between Malachi the last book of the Old Testament and Matthew the first of the gospels .

  5. 孩子们用蹩脚的中文从店主那里得知,那个瓶子是玛拉基书从废物回收的篮子里拣出来的。

    Using their broken Mandarin , the children learned from the shopkeeper that Malachi had pulled the bottle from a recycling basket .

  6. 在玛拉基书3章6节,神说:“我耶和华是不改变的。”神爱以色列人,神也同样爱你。

    Do you think God has changed ? In Malachi 3 : 6 , God says , " I am the Lord , I change not . " Just as God loved the people of Israel , God loves you !