
  • 网络utility theory
  1. 相对于序数效用论来说,基数效用论的最大优势就在于它包含了更多的信息,即关于效用差额或者说偏好强度的信息。

    Compared with ordinal utility theory , the biggest advantage of cardinal utility theory is that it contains more information about the quantity of utility or strength of preference .

  2. 第三,笔者讨论了用其它规则替换Condorcet规则的问题。并结合基数效用论与序数效用论的分析,从若干例证的讨论中印证了博尔达(Berda)规则的内在矛盾。

    Thirdly , this article discusses the substitution of other rule for Condorcet Rule , and proves the internal contradiction of Berda Rule through the analysis of The utility theory of base figure and The utility theory of ordinal number .

  3. 应以效用论为基础对森林环境价值进行评价。

    Utilization theory is the basic theory to evaluate forest environmental value .

  4. 在神经经济学看来,基数效用论是完全合乎逻辑的。

    In neuroeconomics ' view , cardinal utility theory is entirely logical .

  5. 提出了指数效用论观点和测度方法。

    The concept of index utility and its mensuration is built up .

  6. 软件价值效用论与软件资本流通

    Labor value creation and capital circulation of the software

  7. 边际效用论价值述评

    To Review of the Value for the Theory of Marginal Utility marginal cost

  8. 高校教育资本的配置符合基数效用论规律。

    The allocation of college education capital accords with theory of cardinal utility .

  9. 评价基因治疗临床试验的伦理基础&规则效用论的分析进路及其局限性

    The Ethical Base for Assessing Gene Therapy Clinical Trials : the Rule Utilitarianism Approach and its Limitation

  10. 从经济学的理论视角来看,关联交易符合稀缺资源效用论,是对博弈论下的非合作博弈的反叛。

    From the angle of the theory of economics , the affiliated transaction accords with the rare resource utility theory .

  11. 并籍此认为,西方效用论的谬误之处在于将价格与价值的概念混为一谈。

    On this ground , the fallaciousness of the western utility theory lies in confusing the notation of the price and val.

  12. 这表明,序数效用论的应用领域是有局限性的,它并不能完全取代基数效用论。

    This means that the application fields of ordinal utility theory is very limited , hence it cannot replace the cardinal utility theory completely .

  13. 使用价值是可以衡量的,基数效用论和序数效用论是衡量效用的两种有用方法;

    The use value is measurable , and the cardinal theory of utility and the ordinal theory of utility are two useful methods that measure utility ;

  14. 实用主义从真理发生学及其实际经验兑现价值的角度,提出了独特的真理效用论;

    From the perspectives of the genetics of truth and the empirical cash value of truth , Pragmatists propose their distinctive pragmatic theory of truth ( PTOT ) .

  15. 人的价值研究维度从实物本体论和外在效用论向着内在于主体的实践能动论和价值过程论的转换,是新时代的呼唤。笔者认为,是客体本体论。

    It is time 's calling and demand for researches on man 's value from material object ontology and effective theory to practice dynamics and value process theory .

  16. 这样的研究领域很多,本文着重讨论了序数效用论无法解决而必须采用基数效用论的三个重要的经济问题:社会选择问题、不确定性问题以及边际效用递减问题。

    These research fields are very much , and this paper mainly discusses three important economic issues : social choice problem , uncertainty problem and diminishing marginal utility problem .

  17. 本文首先运用经济学中的效用论对中小企业的企业主歧视应届大学毕业生予以分析,然后从企业主的角度对企业主的歧视本质进行剖析,并提出几点思考。

    Using the utility theory in economics , the article analyses the entrepreneurs ' discrimination against the fresh university graduates and its the nature and then expresses some opinions on the discrimination .

  18. 本文借鉴传统的效用论、信息经济学论、企业边界论、博弈论、科斯定理等经济学理论,对我国金融衍生品市场监管体系存在的问题进行了深入剖析。

    Such as utility theory , information economics , corporate boundary theory , game theory , Coase theory what this paper draw on give the supervision system of financial derivatives to analyze these problems .

  19. 最终,在帕累托、希克斯和萨缪尔森等人的努力下,序数效用论逐渐取代基数效用论,成为主流经济学的标准分析范式。

    Finally , with the efforts of Pareto , Hicks , Samuelson and other scholars , ordinal utility theory gradually replaced cardinal utility theory , and became a standard analytical paradigm of the mainstream economics .

  20. 虽然在学理上,人们对于评价基因治疗临床方案的伦理基础仍存在分歧,但规则效用论应是一条可行的分析进路。

    Theoretically , there are disagreements on the ethical base on how to evaluate gene therapy clinical protocols , but this paper argues that rule utilitarianism is a sound approach to assess gene therapy clinical trials .

  21. 基数效用论认为,效用是消费者在消费某种商品时所感受到的心理满足感,这种满足感可以直接计量并加总求和,因而其大小可以用基数来表示。

    Cardinal utility theory says that utility is a sense of psychological satisfaction when the consumer consuming a commodity , and it can be directly measured and summed , hence its size can be expressed by cardinal number .

  22. 序数效用论认为,偏好与福利是一致的,人们选择了能使偏好最大化的商品组合也就实现了福利的最大化。

    The ordinal utility theory argues that preference maximization is consistent with welfare maximization , and people will realize the maximization of welfare , when they have chosen the right combination of goods which can realize preference maximization .

  23. 不同于传统福利经济学的效用论,由森发展而来的用能力来测度生活质量的福利经济学理论对非收入因素予以关注。

    Different from the traditional welfare economics of the utility theory , it use the sum of the development of competence ( capability ) to measure the quality of life of the theory of welfare economics to be concerned about the non-income factors .

  24. 效用价值论者Say和Malthus认为商品经济的公平效率应该是客观公平、效率优先。

    The theorists of utility value Say and Malthus think that the fair efficiency of the commodity economy should be objective and fair , efficiency first .

  25. 效用价值论不是一种科学的价值理论。

    Utility value theory is not a scientific value theory .

  26. 基于效用序数论体育消费者行为

    Discussion on Behaviors of Sports Consumers Based on Ordinal Utility

  27. 西方经济学价值观以边际效用价值论为主导;

    Boundary effect axiology is dominant in western economics value ;

  28. 边际效用价值论与劳动价值论的统一&兼论边际效用价值论100年的弯路

    The Union of Labor Theory of Value and Marginal Utility Theory of Value

  29. 效用价值论的四个矛盾

    Expounding the Four Contradictions of Utility Value Theory

  30. 运用效用基数论探讨体育消费行为

    Discussion on Sports Consumption Behavior by Cardinal Utility