
  1. 基于效用序数论体育消费者行为

    Discussion on Behaviors of Sports Consumers Based on Ordinal Utility

  2. 第三,笔者讨论了用其它规则替换Condorcet规则的问题。并结合基数效用论与序数效用论的分析,从若干例证的讨论中印证了博尔达(Berda)规则的内在矛盾。

    Thirdly , this article discusses the substitution of other rule for Condorcet Rule , and proves the internal contradiction of Berda Rule through the analysis of The utility theory of base figure and The utility theory of ordinal number .

  3. 使用价值是可以衡量的,基数效用论和序数效用论是衡量效用的两种有用方法;

    The use value is measurable , and the cardinal theory of utility and the ordinal theory of utility are two useful methods that measure utility ;

  4. 分析商品效用有基数效用论和序数效用论两种方法;

    There are two methods in analyzing commodity effectiveness , namely , the cardinal effectiveness theory and the ordinal effectiveness theory .