
  • 网络effective history;effective-history;effected history
  1. 最后指出效果历史意识是真正的诠释学经验。

    Lastly he concludes that consciousness of effective history is truly hermeneutic experience .

  2. 效果历史理论也不例外。

    So is to the theory of effective history .

  3. 历史流传物的经典化是一个效果历史事件。

    The canonization of historical transmission is an effective - historical event .

  4. 哲学诠释学的效果历史意识与文学史的诠释学意识“圣诞老人效应”诠释激情燃烧的十二月

    Historically Effected Consciousness of Philosophical Hermeneutics and Hermeneutic Consciousness of Literary History

  5. 文化理解的效果历史事件:一种本体论的诠释

    The Understanding of Culture as an Effectively Historical Event : An Ontological Interpretation

  6. 效果历史意识是哲学解释学的核心概念之一。

    Effective-historical consciousness is one of the most important concepts in philosophical hermeneutics .

  7. 这一理论主要包括三个影响因素:理解的历史性,视域融合,效果历史。

    It includes three factors : historical understanding , fusion of horizons , and effective history .

  8. 从后现代哲学的向度看,全科医学反对还原论,强调效果历史;

    From the view of post-modern philosophy , it objects deoxidize and emphasizes the history of effect ;

  9. 理解的实质是效果历史还是意识的能动反映?

    Is the essence of the view on understanding effective history or the consciousness ' mutual reflections ?

  10. 因此伽达默尔的传统观、效果历史、视域融合、语言、对话和主题可以起到确保理解的客观性、超越相对主义的作用。

    So tradition effective history horizon amalgamation , language ^ dialogue and subject could go beyond relativism .

  11. 伽达默尔提出了“理解的历史性、视界融合和效果历史”等原则。

    Gadamer has proposed three principles of comprehension which contains historicity , fusion of horizons and effective history .

  12. 最后,译本的效果历史也会唤起不同时代对新译本的期待。

    At last , the effective history of translation versions also calls for new translations at different periods .

  13. 因此,理解效果历史原则是把握加达默尔理解问题的关键。

    Therefore , the understanding of the principle of effective-history is the key to grasping the problem of understanding .

  14. 第三部分从效果历史的角度提出对待文学翻译,应当把它作为一种译者和原作共同合作的过程;

    Part 3 puts forward that literary translation should be considered as a kind of collaboration in the sense of effective history .

  15. 效果历史意识涵盖文本阅读效果史、生活经验、传统以及读者与文本的对话关系。

    Effective-historical consciousness comprises text-reading effect historical , people 's life experience , tradition , and the dialogue relationship between reader and text .

  16. 伽达默尔在前理解、完全性的先把握和视域融合等概念基础上提出效果历史的现点,认为理解是有历史性的。

    Based on the notions of pre-understanding and horizon fusions , Gadamer has installed the concept of effective history , emphasizing understanding being historical .

  17. 但如果从效果历史的角度来看,这种不可理喻的神性其实就是诗性。

    But this kind of unreasonable god nature is only poetic nature in fact , if we view it from the aspect of effective history .

  18. 阐释学中前理解、偏见、视域融合、效果历史等核心概念给翻译理论研究带来了新的启示。

    The core concepts such as pre-understanding , prejudice , fusion of horizons , and effective history in hermeneutics bring new light into translation theory study .

  19. 哲学阐释学提出的理解的历史性、视域融合和效果历史等三大原则对译者的主体性研究提供了新的视角。

    The three principles in philosophical hermeneutics historical understanding , horizon fusion and effective history offer a new perspective for the study on the translators ' subjectivity .

  20. 读者的效果历史意识通过与文本的平等交流才能得以自我检视,一部经典只有不断地与读者的效果历史意识对话,才能常新长生。

    Effective-historical consciousness can be crystallized only by equal dialogue with the text , and it is by such a process that a classical work may last .

  21. 创造性叛逆表征着译者视域与文本自身携带的效果历史理解域之间的融合以及因之而带来的意义生发。

    Creative treason represents the generation of meaning in the course of horizon fusion of the translator horizon and effective historical horizon carried by the original text .

  22. 文本的意义显现于与理解者不断形成的交互影响及由此产生的效果历史之中。

    The meaning of the text exists only when there be the effective influence between the reader and the writer , and the effective history created in reading .

  23. 此外,作为效果历史理论一部分的重要概念,诸如视域融合、诠释学循环将将在本文中的部分章节涉及。

    Fusion of horizons and Hermeneutics cycle are both important conceptions in Gadamer 's Hermeneutics , and they will be talked about in some chapters of this paper .

  24. 哲学诠释学三大原则(理解的历史性、视界融合、效果历史原则)为这方面的研究提供了有效的视角。

    The three principles of philosophical hermeneutics ( Historical understanding , Horizon fusion , Effective history principle ) offer an effective point of view to the study in this field .

  25. 人文科学中的理解既不是绝对主观的,也不是绝对客观的,而是二者的统一,用加达默尔的术语来说,它是一种效果历史。

    Understanding in the human sciences is neither completely subjective nor absolutely objective , it is a kind of effective history instead , or the unity of the subjective and the objective .

  26. 效果历史原则是指学生对文本的理解是处于变化、生成中的,教学设计必须充分关注学生原有视域与其所教授的文本视域之间关联及融合的可能性。

    Effect of history means students ' understanding of the text is changed , build , must fully pay attention to students ' original vision of instructional design and the link between the view of Professor text and integration possibilities .

  27. 根据油田已有的大量损害油层地质研究资料和措施效果历史数据,确定影响措施选择的决策因素指标,并以损害油层在某种措施下的增油效果和稳产时间为决策目标构建智能决策模型。

    With sufficient geological data of damaged formation and history data of measure effects , this model can ascertain the decision-making factors which will affect treatment selections and take the increase of oil recovery and dependable crop time as its decision-making target .

  28. 发展至现代哲学阐释学,则强调解释者的主观能动性,以理解的历史性、视界融合、效果历史三大思想作为主要理论原则。

    In modern philosophical hermeneutics , it puts its emphasis on the translators ' subjective initiative , with three ideas , that is , historicity of understanding , fusion of horizons , and the effect of history , as its main theoretical principles .

  29. 同时对涉及到前见理论的一些概念,例如;视域融合、时间距离、效果历史等进行了分析。

    At the same time , different types of prejudice will be distinguished and other concepts related to the prejudice theory such as : fusion of horizons , time distance and effect history , will also be paid much attention to in this part .

  30. 伽达默尔先通过考察三个例证,分析了经验概念,然后再分析了三种类型的我与你的关系,阐明了三种不同的诠释学经验,最后指出效果历史意识是真正的诠释学经验。

    First examined three examples to explain the notion of experience , then analyzed three types of " I " and " You " relations to clarity three different textualist experiences and finally made the conclusion that the effectual historic consciousness is the real textualist experience .