
lùn biàn
  • debate;argue
论辩 [lùn biàn]
  • [argue;debate] 讨论分辩

  • 论辩有力

  • 与之论辩(辨通辩)。--明. 宋濂《送东阳马生序》

论辩[lùn biàn]
  1. 近年、区域贸易协定(RTA)、以及基于RTA而蓬勃发展的区域贸易集团与全球治理之间关系的论辩成为研究的热点。

    In recent years , regional trade agreements ( of RTAs ), and based on RTAs and flourishing relationship between regional trading blocs and global governance debate has become a hot research .

  2. 法庭论辩还是进行法制宣传教育的一种好形式。

    Court debate is also a better way of law propaganda .

  3. 这本书既是一段历史,也是一篇主张宽容的激情论辩。

    The book is both a history and a passionate polemic for tolerance .

  4. 他论辩有力,把对方说得哑口无言。

    His forceful arguments silenced his opponent .

  5. 这一论辩很有力。

    It 's a strong argument .

  6. 首先考察了法律论证的理论渊源:法律论证最古老的思想渊源在古希腊之修辞学(rhetoric)和论辩术(dialectic)中就能发现法律论证的雏形。

    Firstly , it reviews the theoretical origin of legal argumentation : the most ancient thought origin of the legal argumentation is the rhetoric and dialectics in ancient Greek where we discovered the embryonic form of it .

  7. 贬低第三者信誉论辩只出现于美国听证会。(4)美国发言者更多使用反驳(Rebuttal),而中国听证会对反驳的运用较少。

    Degrading a third person only appears in American hearings . ( 4 ) More Rebuttals are used by American speakers than Chinese speakers .

  8. 图画诉诸眼睛,论辩诉诸理性。

    Pictures appeal to the eye ; arguments to the reason .

  9. 古代论辩艺术对新闻评论改革创新的借鉴意义

    Value of Learning Art of Chinese Ancient Argument to News Comments

  10. 本文从二方面对孟子的论辩艺术进行论述。

    This paper expounds Mencius ' argument arts from two sides .

  11. 论辩诉交易与司法公正

    On Plea Bargaining and Judicial Justice A New Theory of Justice

  12. 论朝鲜性理学史上的三次论辩

    On the Three Arguments in the History of Korean Rational Confucianism

  13. 论辩类篇章是英语语篇中一种典型的体裁。

    Arguments are one of the typical genres in English texts .

  14. 我们用论辩的感染力说服了人们。

    We have convinced people by the force of our argument .

  15. 论辩诉交易对我国刑事诉讼的借鉴意义

    Debating and Suing 's Reference Significance to China 's Criminal Action

  16. 部长论辩说裁减军费开支是必要的。

    The minister argued that cuts in military spending were needed .

  17. 20世纪辛弃疾词研究论辩

    The arguments on Xin qi-ji 's CI in the 20th century

  18. 第三部分:《墨子》论辩散文的思想内容。

    The third part : " Mo-tse " polemical essays ideological content .

  19. 生态人类学与地理学、环境史亲和性论辩

    The Affinity Argument among Anthropology of Ecology , Geography and Environmental History

  20. 亨利是一个出色的律师,因为他论辩时条理十分清晰。

    Henry is such a good lawyer because he argues so clearly .

  21. 辩论家从事或精通论辩的人。

    One given to or expert in dispute or argument .

  22. 理性的劝服:使用逻辑论辩和事实说服他人。

    Rational persuasion : using logical arguments and facts to persuade others .

  23. 法庭辩论中充满了冲突的观点和说服性的论辩。

    The courtroom argument is pervaded with conflicting opinions and persuasive arguments .

  24. 二分与多分:矛盾论与系统论之辩证法意义论辩&与邬焜先生商榷

    On the Dialectical Means of Contradiction Theory and Systems Theory

  25. 浅析《墨子》论辩中的非逻辑方法

    Preliminary analysis of non-logical methods in Mo Zi 's debate

  26. 试论先唐论辩散文的体式及其变迁

    On the Forms and Changes of the Argumentation Prose in Pre-Tang Days

  27. 实践理性源自言说、论辩与对话。

    Practical rational is ultimately decided by talk , argue and discourse .

  28. 从新修辞学论辩理论看英专学生逻辑思维特点

    English Majors ' Logical Thinking Features : A Perspective of New Rhetoric

  29. 如何加强论辩中反驳的力度

    How to strengthen the Power of Refutation in a Debate

  30. 本研究还提出中国听证会发言者可以更多加强论辩意识、发言者意识和听众意识。

    Chinese speakers can strengthen their awareness of argument , speaker and audience .