
  • 网络Incommensurability;incommensurable
  1. 试论非物质文化的不可通约性

    Tries to discuss the incommensurability of non-material cultures

  2. 然后文章介绍了反实在论者提出的三个诘难:悲观的元归纳论题、迪昂-蒯因论题和不可通约性论题。

    Then the article has described three problems which were proposed by anti-realist : Pessimistic Meta-induction Thesis , Duhem-Quine Thesis and Incommensurability Thesis .

  3. 第三,尽管库恩关于范式不可通约性的分析为相对主义进入科学敞开了大门,但后继的SSK的发展则已清楚地表明科学的发展有着十分光明的前景。

    Thirdly , although Kuhn opens the door for relativism to enter into the field of science , the further development has shown clearly that science has a very bright perspective .

  4. 本文以库恩的不可通约性理论为出发点,将该理论用以对文化的研究。

    This paper will use the Kuhn-incommensurability theory to the study culture .

  5. 库恩不可通约性论点的语言学转向

    Kuhn 's Linguistic Turn on the Thesis of Incommensurability

  6. 浅析库恩范式转换的不可通约性

    Incommensurability of Kuhn ′ s Paradigm Switch

  7. 论道德和精明理性的不可通约性

    Incommensurability Between Morality and Prudential Rationality

  8. 借鉴科学哲学家库恩的科学范式不可通约性思想,技术范式也存在着一定的不可通约性。

    Based on Kuhn 's theory of incommensurability of science paradigm , this article claims that technology paradigm is incommensurable accordingly .

  9. 在科学哲学里,不可通约性是指,对于同一领域,相继理论之间是不可通约的。

    In the field of philosophy of science , incommensurability means that for the same area , successive theories are incommensurable .

  10. 多元论者承认各种价值的不可通约性,而每一次价值的选择则意味着其它价值的丧失。

    The pluralists acknowledge the incommensurability of various kinds of values and every choice of value means the lose of its value .

  11. 作为库恩解说科学革命的必要前提,不可通约性论点是其科学哲学理论的重要组成部分。

    As a necessary presupposition to explain the scientific revolution , Kuhn 's theory of incommensurability is an important part of his scientific philosophy .

  12. 赋予不可通约性新的定位和解释,不可通约性是一种人类理解能力既是暂时又是永恒的滞后性。

    We give Incommensurability a new orientation and explanation , incommensurability is a lag of human understanding , the lag is temporary , also eternal .

  13. 柏林从人类终极价值之间的不可通约性的关系进而得出的多元主义结论与穆勒自由观具有实质性地继承关系。

    Berlin , the ultimate value of human Incommensurability between the relationship between pluralism and thus come to conclusions and Muller freedom has substantial inheritance .

  14. 从英汉语言的文化差异现象看文化的不可通约性不可通约性与科学合理性&库恩科学合理性理论研究

    On the cultural incommensurability in the light of the phenomena of English and Chinese cultural difference Incommensurability and Scientific Rationality : An Interpretation of Kuhn

  15. 由于科学哲学家们从各自的理论和观点出发讨论不可通约性问题,以致三十多年来,不可通约性问题成为科学哲学研究中的一个热点和难点。

    Incommensurability has become a hot and difficult topic in scientific philosophy research since 30 years ago because the scientific philosophers have their own theory and viewpoints .

  16. 数学用语不可通约性被引入科学哲学后,开始了对科学理论关系认识的崭新讨论。

    After the introduction of Mathematical term " incommensurability " in the philosophy of science , a new understanding of the relationship between scientific theories is discussed .

  17. 通过分析科学革命动态发展模式、不可通约性、科学共同体等几个方面论述了范式概念及其理论。

    Through the analysis of the dynamic development mode of scientific revolution , incommensurability , scientific community from the following aspects : " paradigm " concept and theory .

  18. 这样一些类似于语言相对主义、不可通约性和语言整体论的问题也是自然语言哲学家们所要面临的问题。

    Those series questions , such as : language relativism , not commensurability and the theory about language integrity are similar questions what the natural language philosophers have to face .

  19. 库恩提出了以范式概念为核心的科学发展理论,同时,提出范式转换不可通约性的思想,从而把范式转换神秘化。

    Paradigm is at the very core of Kuhn 's theory , based upon which he talked about tie incommensurability of paradigm switch , making a mystery of paradigm switch .

  20. 鉴于中西方语言文化的本体性差异与不可通约性,强调大学英语教学过程中的文化导入应该成为一项常抓不懈的外语教学策略。

    Considering that there is basic difference between Chinese language and culture and Western ones , special attention should be paid to the cultural introduction in college English teaching in China .

  21. 新范式是在旧范式的基础上发展起来的,新旧范式的转换不是世界观的彻底改变,而是向新的生命形式的发展,由此不可通约性就不成立了。

    New paradigm is developed on the basis of the old paradigm , the conversion of the old paradigm and the new paradigm are not the completely change , but to the new form of life .

  22. 当本文在展示文化中的不可通约性的时候,也就是展示文化相对主义的合理性存在的时候,但并没有忘记相对主义自身的相对性。

    When the author sets forth the incommensurability of culture , he also demonstrates the rationality exists in cultural relativism . Through the process , he did not forget tell us relativism has its own relativity .

  23. 库恩在《科学革命的结构》一书中提出的科学革命与不可通约性思想,对哲学界产生了极为重大的影响,同时也引起了广泛的争议。

    Thomas Kuhn 's ideas of the scientific revolution and incommensurability that were put forward by " The Structure of Scientific Revolution " had produced both very important influence and wide controversy to the field of philosophy .

  24. 文化政治和意识形态的不可通约性,其特征为各种影响稳定的效果,既确立又破坏了文化身份。在全球化背景下,中国语境正呈现出多元文化形态。

    It entails a process involving cultural politics and ideological incommensurability , characterized by destabilizing effects that both confirm and disrupt cultural identities . Against the background of globalization , there emerge multiple cultural identities in Chinese context .

  25. 哈金重新发现了科学中实验的本质、属性和地位,从而有力地反驳了曾经动摇了科学合理性基础的意义不可通约性的论题和观察/实验负载理论的论题。

    Hacking rediscovered the essence , poverties and role of experiment in scientific studies so as to convincingly refute the thesis of meaning-incommensurability and theory-ladenness of observation / experiment , which used to undermine the basis of scientific rationality .

  26. 从社会科学研究对象的确定、研究的角度、研究的方法角度归结出整体性、个体性、价值中立性、价值非中立性、可通约性、不可通约性的基本特征。

    From the determination of social sciences object of studying , research angle , research method angle Sums up the essential feature of the integrity , the individual , the value neutrality , the value non-neutrality , the commensurability , not the commensurability .

  27. 在现实的历史发展过程中,人的价值与货币价值有着既可通约又不可通约的辩证性上,它体现了历史发展过程中人性和社会制度进化的状况。

    The fact that the values of man and of money are at once commensurable and incommensurable reflects the historical evolution of human nature and social institutions .

  28. 当库恩提示我们,不可通约就是不可翻译性时,我们找到了不可通约性与文化的沟通点。

    When Kuhn prompts us that incommensurability can not translate , we have found the communication spot between incommensurability and cultural .

  29. 文化的民族性,是指一个文化系统的整体特征与其他文化相比较而显示出来的不可替代的独特的规定性,体现着不同民族的文化之间不可通约性的方面。

    Cultural nationality means the overall characteristics and irreplaceable unique normativeness , and stands for the incommensurability between different cultures .