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  • 网络let bygones be bygones;Against All Odds;Make it up
  1. 我们应该不计前嫌,彼此和睦相处。

    We should let bygones be bygones and try to get along with each other .

  2. fix:修理,修补forgive:原谅Jenny,补好这条裙子,我就不计前嫌了。

    Blair : Jenny , fix my dress , and all is forgiven . -

  3. 就是我们能够不计前嫌…我是说过去的意外

    is if we all can somehow get past ... The incident .

  4. 对于伤害过你的人不要怀恨在心,你应该宽大为怀,不计前嫌。

    Don 't hold grudges against people who have hurt you ; you should forgive and forget .

  5. 历史长河里,因为有了齐桓公的不计前嫌,才有了齐国的霸主地位。

    The long process of history , because of the Lord 's lucky that it enjoyed Qi hegemonic position .

  6. 东亚需要有高瞻远瞩的领袖,其雄才伟略和崇高名望须是战后欧洲的那一类型;他们除了要能不计前嫌,还须以对这区域有新的远见卓识来鼓舞其人民。

    East Asia needs visionary leaders of the calibre and stature of those in postwar Europe who could simultaneously bury the past and inspire the peoples of the region with a new vision of its future .