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yú xīn bù rěn
  • not to have the heart to;be against one's conscience;can't bear to
于心不忍[yú xīn bù rěn]
  1. 一看到动物哭哭啼啼,我就于心不忍,心慈手软起来。

    The sight of an animal in tears always makes me feel queer and softhearted .

  2. 我相信将他们留在这荒芜的地方,我们每个人都于心不忍;

    It went to all our hearts , I think , to leave them in that wretched state ;

  3. 这些人让我于心不忍。他们跟著我已经三天了,却没吃过什么东西。

    I feel sorry for these people because they have been with me for three days and now have nothing to eat .

  4. 在这样一个晚上,为了我的方便就是请您迈出这个门槛,那我也于心不忍啊!

    I should be sorry to ask you to cross the threshold , for my convenience , on such a night , 'I cried .

  5. 盖利斯好像于心不忍的一拳打在修背后腰部,刺客透不过来,痛苦的吸了一口气。

    A punch from GARETH , given somewhat reluctantly , it seemed , in the small of Hugh 's back , caused the assassin to gasp and draw a painful breath .