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  1. 君子喻于义,小人喻于利。(《论语》)

    The gentleman understands what is moral , the small man what is profitable .

  2. 结果:VEGF正义转染细胞所致移植瘤的生长速度明显快于反义转染细胞所致的移植瘤;

    Results : The growth rate of tumor in nude mice inoculated with sense VEGF cells was markedly higher than that in nude mice inoculated with antisense-VEGF cells .

  3. 方法:保护薇乔缝线反复浸于反义核酸溶液中72h,溴化乙锭(EB)标记,紫外灯下观察其吸附反义基因的情况。

    Methods : The Coated Vicryl was soaked in antisense oligonucleotide solution repeatedly for 72 h then marked with EB solution and observed under ultraviolet lamp .

  4. 北宋学者对儒家经典的研究侧重于探讨义理,苏轼亦如此。

    The scholars in the Northern Song Dynasty prefered to probe into the significance of the Confucian classics .

  5. 后期四个剧本着力于公义与私情的调适,以期达到兼美的理想境域。

    Four theatrical works in the later stage focuse on reaching unanimity between public service and his own interests , and the double beautiful .

  6. 由于人体细胞的无义突变也可能敏感于反义试剂的抑制作用,这就为治疗由于无义突变导致的多种疾病提供了一个新途径。

    Nonsense termination in human cells may also be susceptible to suppression by antisense agents , providing a new approach to address numerous diseases caused by nonsense mutations .

  7. 不过这并不能遮蔽本土侦探小说与武侠小说合流、游走于公义与律法之间的文本事实。

    The fact , however , that the Chinese detective stories and Kun Fu novels have been mixing together and wandering between justice and law , can 't be ignored .

  8. 目前该研究主要侧重于实义动词和名词的语义信息表达、排歧技术的改进和算法的完善。

    The studies of WSD have mainly focused on the representation of semantic information , the improvement of the technique and the perfection of the algorithms for the WSD of the notional verbs and nouns .

  9. 摘要作为清代乾嘉学派的代表人物,钱大昕博通群经,邃于经义,兼擅众长,在易学领域也取得了一定成就。

    As a representative figure of the Qian Jia philological School of the Qing dynasty , Qian Da-Xin was well versed in each Confucian classic , and attained certain achievements , among other things , in the studies of yi .

  10. 先秦儒家消费伦理的本质在于要求人们的消费行为合于“义”、至乎“礼”、归于“仁”,以达到物我并存、各得其宜、天下一家的境界。

    The nature of pre-Qin Confucian consumption moral principles requires people 's consumption action be in accordance with " Righteousness ", conform to " Rite " and " Kindheartedness " in order to achieve the harmony of the nature and the man .

  11. 该方法也适用于解析成语义向量表示的疑问句的相似度计算。

    The method is applicable to compute the similarity of two sentences represented in semantic vector ( quasi-case frame ) .

  12. 花粉发育相关基因的克隆和分析有助于通过反义技术等阻断与花粉发育有关基因的表达从而获得雄性不育植株。

    The cloning and characterization of pollen development related genes is important to analysis the mechanism of male sterility in Cruciferae and construct male sterility line .

  13. 他还会致力于建立公义社会、对抗贪污、促进穷人和残疾人的权益。

    He will also work for a just society , fight against corruption , enhance interests of the underprivileged and people with physical disabilities , he added .

  14. 罗九30这样,我们可说什么?那未曾追求义的外邦人,反得著了义,就是本于信的义。

    Rom.9:30 What then shall we say ? That the Gentiles who did not pursue righteousness have laid hold of righteousness , but a righteousness which is out of faith ;

  15. 但另一方面,人拥有一个躯体,他能经验到自己是一个整体,不同于躯体之义,相反地,还能自由处置自己的躯体。

    That is , man experiences himself as an entity that is not identical with his body , but that , on the contrary , has that body at its disposal .

  16. 并且给人看出我是在他里面,不是有自己那本于律法的义,乃是有那藉着信基督而有的义,就是那基于信、本于神的义。

    And be found in Him , not having my own righteousness which is out of the law , but that which is through faith in Christ , the righteousness which is out of God and based on faith .

  17. 光杆NP的典型指称义是通指,以其非个体性而区别于其他各种指称义,其典型的句法位置是动词之前的主语位置;

    Generic bare NPs can be distinguished from other types of referentiality in terms of their non-individuality , which typically appear in subject or topic positions .

  18. 于1960年,义属索马利亚和英属索马利亚合并成为索马利亚共和国。

    In1960 , Italian Somaliland united with British Somaliland to form the Republic of Somalia .

  19. 各项程序或缺乏程序均可能延误事情的解决,而这相当于有失公义。

    Procedures or the absence of procedure might delay settlement , and that would be tantamount to justice ill-served .

  20. 加三24这样,律法成了我们的儿童导师,带我们归于基督,好使我们本于信得称义。

    Gal.3:24 So then the law has become our child-conductor unto Christ that we might be justified out of faith .

  21. 罗五1所以,我们既本于信得称义,就藉著我们的主耶稣基督,对神有了和平。

    Rom.5:1 Therefore having been justified out of faith , we have peace toward God through our Lord Jesus Christ .

  22. 其一旦成词,就不同于两个词素义的简单相加。

    Once a coordinative complex word is formed , it is no longer the simple combination of the meaning of the original words .

  23. 雅二21我们的祖宗亚伯拉罕,把他儿子以撒献在坛上,岂不是本于行为得称义么?

    Jas . 2:21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works in that he offered up Isaac his son upon the altar ?

  24. 蒙古汗国建立后,几次征讨西夏,经过长期的抗争,西夏于末帝宝义二年(1227)被蒙古所灭。

    After the founding of the Kingdom of Mongolia , there were wars between them . With many years of fighting finally in the 2nd year of Baoyi ( 1227 ) of the last emperor , s reign , the Western Xia ended in the hands of the Mongolia .

  25. 感受动词通过与动作动词相同的形式表示感受义,它既不同于一般的动作动词,也不同于表感受义的形容词。

    Verbs of sensation or feelings are used to express one 's feelings and sensation in the same form as they are used as action verbs , yet they are different from either the action verbs or the adjectives expressing feelings or sensation .