
  • 网络Feng Dao;Feng Tao
  1. 总之,冯道是个颇有争议的历史人物。

    Obviously he was a controversial historical figure .

  2. 冯道是五代的政治人物,通过他可了解中央与地方关系的发展。

    Feng Dao is a politician of the Five Dynasties , through whom we can know the development between centre and locality .

  3. 冯道长期受到重用,是因为他是一位乱世的杰出政治家。

    The reason why Feng Dao could have taken important positions for such a long time is because he was a distinguished politician in troubled times .

  4. 正是依靠人生之道的支持,冯道才能在乱世长为将相,既保持自己的道德纯洁,又能以各种方式救济民众,保存文化。

    Owing to his philosophy of life , Feng Dao could maintain his moral purity , relieve the distressed , and preserve the ancient Chinese culture in various ways .

  5. 冯道身处中枢,他自身的发展深受这些关系的影响,而通过他又可以了解中央内部关系变化。

    Feng Dao is in the central political system , so his own development is affected by these relationships , and we can know the central internal relations from him .