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  1. 李白不仅是唐代的伟大诗人,在书法领域也做出了巨大的贡献。

    Li Bai was not only a great poet in the Tang Dynasty but also made considerable contributions to the world of Chinese calligraphy .

  2. 元稹是唐代的著名诗人,也是穆宗朝活跃的政治家之一。

    Yuan Zhen was a famous poet as well as one of the most active politicians at Mu Zong 's royal court in Tang Dynasty .

  3. 刘宋时期的杰出诗人鲍照与唐代的大诗人李白,在乐府诗创作方面有着许多相同之处:积极进取,建功立业的强烈愿望;

    The famous poets Bao Zhao and Li Bai have a lot of common in poem creation , for example : strong desire of keeping forging ahead ;

  4. 李白,中国唐代最杰出的诗人,有“诗仙”之称。

    Li Bai , an outstanding romantic poet in ancient China 's Tang dynasty , is crowned as Fairy Poet .

  5. 音乐是唐诗的重要题材,几乎唐代所有的著名诗人都写有过咏乐诗。而不同诗人的咏乐诗又体现出不同的风格。

    Music is an important subject of Tang Poetry , and almost all famous poets in Tang Dynasty wrote chant poems with different styles .

  6. 诗仙李白是唐代最著名的诗人,是盛唐文化孕育出来的天才。

    Li Bai , the God of poetry , is the most famous poet in Tang Dynasty and a genius gestated by prosperous Tang culture .

  7. 唐代著名的女性诗人皆为女冠,这在女性文学史上是一个颇为引人注目的现象。

    It was a conspicuous phenomenon in the history of the Chinese female literature that most of the noted female poets in the Tang dynasty were female Daoist .

  8. 唐代在扬州行旅的诗人主要有漫游、宦游和寓游三种诗人。

    The poet of the Tang Dynasty in Yangzhou Streams roaming , Official Travel and blending travel three poets .

  9. 众所周知,白居易是唐代卓越的现实主义诗人,同时也是非常优秀的音乐演奏家、评论家。

    As is known to all , bai juyi is extraordinary realistic poets in the tang dynasty , is also a very good music player , critics .

  10. 摘要李白是唐代写游仙诗较多的诗人,其游仙诗继承了魏晋游仙诗的传统并有所发展。

    Li Bai is a poet in the Tang Dynasty who writes a lot of lyrics , and the poems inherit and extend the tradition of poets in the wei & jing dynasties .

  11. 鲍照诗歌尚奇特点对南北朝和唐代的影响非常显著,特别是唐代的大诗人几乎都受到了他的影响。

    The impact is very remarkable , especially the famous poet in the Tang Dynasty has been nearly all influenced by him .