
  • Tangshan Earthquake;Aftershock;Tang Shan Earthquake
  1. 中国最牛C的导演冯小刚在拍摄完《唐山大地震》之后,公开声称Weinstein是“骗子。”

    One of China 's biggest directors , Feng Xiaogang , who made Aftershock , publically called Weinstein a " cheater . "

  2. 但是去年的《唐山大地震》的成功,让已53岁的的冯小刚一跃成为中国最有票房号召力的导演。

    But last year 's Aftershock has elevated the 53-year-old to the position of the most bankable director in China .

  3. 1976年唐山大地震时,北京曾感到震荡。

    Tremors were felt in Beijing when a great earthquake rocked Tangshan in1976 .

  4. 方法:35例唐山大地震所致慢性PTSD患者(PTSD组)和33例经历过唐山大地震的非PTSD患者(对照组)接受了PTSD症状频度和心身健康问卷的评定。

    Methods : 35 patients ( PTSD group ) with PTSD caused by Tangshan earthquake and 33 controls were assessed by PTSD symptoms frequency questionnaires and psychosomatic health questionnaires .

  5. 唐山大地震后华北地区中强震活动空间分布

    Spatial distribution of moderate earthquakes in North China after Tangshan earthquake

  6. 地热涡合并与1976年唐山大地震

    The merger of geothermal vortexes and the Tangshan earthquake in 1976

  7. 唐山大地震所致慢性创伤后应激障碍临床研究

    A Clinical Study of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Caused by Tangshan Earthquake

  8. 胎儿期经历唐山大地震的青少年心理状况

    Psychological status in adolescents who experienced Tangshan earthquake during fetal period

  9. 唐山大地震所致截瘫患者社会支持和生活质量与心身健康的对比研究

    Life Style and Psychosomatic Health in Paraplegic Suffers of Tangshan Earthquake

  10. 唐山大地震对胎儿神经心理发育影响的初步研究

    Effect of Tangshan Earthquake on the Neuropsychological Development of Fetus

  11. 1976年唐山大地震的震磁变化综述

    A Review of Seismomagnetic Variations before and after the 1976 Tangshan Earthquake

  12. 统计了发生在唐山大地震中的272座铁路桥梁的破坏概率。

    Damage probability of 272 Railroad Bridges in Tangshan earthquake is calculated .

  13. 唐山大地震孤儿远期心身健康的调查研究

    Long-term effects of Tangshan Earthquake on Psychosomatic Health of Orphans

  14. 唐山大地震中24万余人丧生,而此次四川大地震死亡人数已上升至1万2千多。

    The death toll from Monday 's disaster rose above 12000 Tuesday .

  15. 在唐山大地震中,成千上万的人遇难。

    The Tang Shan earthquake killed thousands of people .

  16. 唐山大地震所致孤儿心理创伤后应激障碍的调查

    Posttraumatic stress disorder in orphans caused by Tangshan earthquake

  17. 唐山大地震的死亡人数超过24万。

    The Tangshan earthquake left more than 240,000 dead .

  18. 唐山大地震的重复间隔

    The recurrence intervals of the strong earthquakes in Tangshan

  19. 重视高坝大库的抗震安全&纪念唐山大地震30周年

    Appeal for laying stress on seismic safety of high dams with large reservoir

  20. 唐山大地震是唐山人,也是整个中国的一次创伤。

    The earthquake is a wound of Tangshan , even the entire country .

  21. 这使唐山大地震成为历史上受害人数最多的十次地震之一。

    This makes the Tangshan earthquake among the top ten deadliest earthquakes in history .

  22. 我因过分激动而跳跃的心可与唐山大地震相媲美;

    I too excited and jumping from the heart with the Tangshan earthquake comparable ;

  23. 唐山大地震震害分布研究

    Research on distribution of disasters in Tangshan Earthquake

  24. 整个中国甚至是整个世界都被唐山大地震所震动。

    The whole China , even the world , was shocked by the Tangshan earthquake .

  25. 唐山大地震对人类心身健康远期影响

    Long Term Effect of Tangshan Earthquake on Mental and Physical Health of It 's Suffers

  26. 纪念唐山大地震30周年的一点想法

    A few thoughts appeared on the occasion of 30 anniversary of the great Tangshan earthquake

  27. 1976年7月28日唐山大地震震源区的前兆地震活动平静

    Precursory Seismic Quiescence before the Great Tangshan Earthquake of 28 . July , 1976 in China

  28. 随着时间的推移,伤亡数字也将会唐山大地震电影下载不断增加。

    With the passage of time , the number of casualties will also continue to increase .

  29. 海城、唐山大地震前后地震空间分布信息维数D1的特征

    Characteristics of information dimension d_1 of spatial distribution of shocks around Haicheng and Tangshan large earthquakes

  30. 汶川大地震期间唐山大地震亲历者心理状况调查

    The Investigation of the Mental State of the Survivals in Tangshan Earthquake during the Wenchuan Earthquake