
  1. 香港电影明星成龙在近期发布的2010年福布斯中国名人榜上排名第一。

    Hong Kong movie star Jackie Chan ranks number one in the recently released Forbes China Celebrity List of2010 .

  2. 诸如上述合约和新闻报道使李娜跻身上月发布的福布斯中国名人榜35名,而这还是在李娜赢得大满贯之前。

    Contracts and coverage from those kind of deals helped Li rank no.35 on the2011 Forbes China Celebrity List announced last month before her latest win ( see report in Chinese here and English here ) .

  3. 火箭队球星姚明上周刚签下了一分为期5年价值7500万美元的合同。他的收入位居福布斯杂志公布的中国名人榜第一名,这也是他连续第二年赢得第一的位置。

    he spent the whole wartime working in an army base in US . 5 . pull the trigger 6 . rookie Yao Ming topped Forbes Magazine 's list of Chinese celebrities again . The Houston Rockets ' star signed a five-year , $ 75 million contract last week , and earned the ranking for the second straight year .