
  • 网络fujian dialect
  1. 这个词是从福建方言中的“谢谢”直译过来的。

    The word " tea " is borrowed from southern Fujian dialect .

  2. 普通话一直是中国政府团结各族人民的战略的一个重要组成部分,在中国这个幅员辽阔的国家,西部有讲维语的穆斯林,南方则有人讲广东和福建方言。

    Mandarin has been an important part of the government 's strategy to unify a vast country that spans the Uighur-speaking Muslims of the far West , and the dialects of Cantonese and Fujianese in the south .

  3. 闽人迁徙海南省及福建闽南方言的传播;

    Secondly , Fujianese migrate to Hainan and the circulation of South Fujian dialect .

  4. 粤东闽语与福建闽南方言文白异读比较研究

    The Comparison of Min Dialect in Eastern Guangdong Province and Minnan Dialect in Fujian Province in Literary and Colloquial Readings

  5. 本文研究闽南方言的文白异读,分两大部分:(一)粤东闽语的内部比较;(二)粤东闽语与福建闽南方言的比较。

    This paper studies the literary and colloquial readings of Minnan dialect in Fujian and Eastern Guangdong Province , it includes two parts .

  6. Porkribtea在当地也叫bakkutteh,字面意思就是肉骨茶,发音源自中国福建省的方言。

    Pork rib tea is also called bak kut teh locally , which literally means meat bone tea , pronounced in the dialect of Fujian province in China .

  7. Porkribtea在当地也叫bakkutteh,字面意思就是“肉骨茶”,发音源自中国福建省的方言。

    Pork rib tea is also called bak kut teh locally , which literally means " meat bone tea , " pronounced in the dialect of Fujian province in China .

  8. 福建南部的方言&闽南语是这些词汇的另一大来源。

    The South Fujian dialect , Hokkienese , is another major contributor of Chinese words .

  9. 然而在福建,由于地方方言复杂,地区间语音差距颇大,使得歌唱中追求字正腔圆的语言问题,成了声乐工作者工作中最大的心病。

    But in Fujian , for the complicated regional dialects and a big phonetic difference between them , the linguistic problem that how to pronounce every word correctly and in a sweet , mellow voice in singing has become the greatest anxiety for the teaching staff in vocal music .