
  • 网络The Chinese language;Languages of China
  1. 在通过对前人研究成果的认真分析之后,本文作者发现,汉语作为礼仪之邦的中国的语言,尊敬表达已经被很多学者研究,这种研究多集中于对语言本身的探讨。

    The author finds out that there are abundant researches about honorific expressions in Chinese . However , those researches are mostly confined to the Chinese language itself , which is a typical honorific language .

  2. 假如我的论文既讨论中国的语言,也讨论其他语言,比如英语,那么,我应该把摘要提交到本工作坊还是ALT9会议?

    Shall I submit it to the workshop or ALT9 if my abstract is concerned not only with languages of China but also with other languages such as English ?

  3. 他们创造的隐语、谚语丰富了中国的语言。

    The argot and proverb created by them enrich Chinese language .

  4. 与此同时,北京方面已在中亚五国开办了11所孔子学院(ConfuciusInstitute),推广中国的语言、文化。

    Beijing , meanwhile , has set up 11 Confucius Institutes to promote Chinese language and culture in the five Central Asian " stans . "

  5. Swadesh的词表虽已成功适用于世界上上千种语言(罗赛塔计划RosettaProject),但却无法以中国的语言来验证。

    Although the word list of Swadesh has been successfully applied in thousands of languages in the world ( Rosetta Project ), it still cannot be testified by Chinese languages .

  6. 培生(Pearson)出版集团打算将其在中国的语言中心数量增加一倍,目标是通过新增50所教育机构达到10万名学生。

    Pearson , the publishing group , aims to almost double the number of language centres it has in China , aiming for a total of 100,000 students through 50 additional institutions .

  7. 此项目基本囊括了中国的语言和文化。

    The program is basically a capsule of Chinese language and culture .

  8. 我认为中国的语言学习者经常对自己过于苛刻。

    I think Chinese language learners are often too harsh on themselves .

  9. 客家话是传自中国的语言之一。

    Hakka is one of the languages that were brought over from China .

  10. 而这一观念也深深扎根于中国的语言教学中。

    This concept has deeply rooted in the context of English teaching in China .

  11. 在她61岁的时候,她对中国的语言文化一无所知。

    At the time of her61 she knew nothing about the Chinese culture of language .

  12. 中国的语言教育工作者很早以前就意识到了文化的重要性。

    Chinese educators have long been aware of the importance of culture in language acquisition .

  13. 当代中国的语言规划

    The Language Planning in Contemporary China

  14. 除了以上这些,我们知道您还对中国的语言和文化都非常精通。

    Apart from these areas , we know that you are well-versed in Chinese language and culture .

  15. 我们也非常高兴能有机会来研究中国的语言、历史和社会。

    And we welcome the chance to study your language , your history , and your society .

  16. 南非的五所顶尖大学里已经建立了孔子学院,以推动中国的语言和文化。

    Confucius Institutes are already well-established at five top South African universities to promote the language and culture .

  17. 风险一词在中国的语言中,即指某一特定危险情况发生的可能性和后果的组合。

    Risk , in Chinese , refers to the constitution of the possibility and result of a dangerous situation .

  18. 当然,许多美国同学也只是开始学习中国的语言,或者一些有关古代文化的知识。

    And quite a number of Americans who come to China intend to learn the language or something about its culture .

  19. 日本学者的研究,对中国的语言经济学的研究和语言政策有着重要的借鉴意义。

    The research done by the Japanese scholars in this respect can be used for reference in our study in lingu-economics and in our language policy-making .

  20. 对于喜剧小品中千变万化的幽默语言,中国的语言研究者主要从修辞、句法、语用、认知、语义等方面对其进行研究。

    Many Chinese linguistic researchers have studied the humorous language in comic sketches from the perspectives of rhetoric , syntax , pragmatics , cognition , and semantics .

  21. 能够懂得中国的语言当然是个好事,但这个解决起来就容易很多,而文化却会直接影响你处理事情的方式。

    The language is ok but there are many ways to solve this . I can always carry a translator so it 's not a big deal .

  22. 他希望提高新东方的市场份额。目前,中国的语言培训业市场规模为30亿美元,较为割裂,新东方所占的市场份额约为5%。

    He wants to increase New Oriental 's market share , which is estimated at 5 per cent of the country 's fragmented $ 3bn language-teaching industry .

  23. 造成中国的语言濒危的因素有民族杂居、族际通婚、使用人口少等等。

    There are many factors that could cause language be endangered , such as the living together of different ethnic groups , intermarriage and fewer speakers and so on .

  24. 我们还会借助自己在全球的资历、教育和学习资源以及出版业务,继续将中国的语言文化带到更广阔的世界。

    We will also continue to do more to bring Chinese language and culture to the wider world through our global qualifications , teaching and learning resources and publishing activities .

  25. 卡梅伦表示:“我希望英国能紧跟世界经济发展的脚步。其中重要的一方面就是让我们的年青一代学习正在崛起的中国的语言。”

    Cameron said : " I want Britain linked up to the world 's fast-growing economies . And that includes our young people learning the languagesto seal tomorrow 's business deals .

  26. 从对两张皮现象的重新分析出发,认为外国语言学研究的最终目标应该为中国的语言建设服务;

    From a re-analysis of the " two-skin " phenomenon , the paper argues that the ultimate aim of studying foreign theories of linguistics should be to help develop Chinese linguistics .

  27. 中国的语言学习者有着特殊的学习背景和传统的学习方法,因此,在语言技能的培养和获得中,背诵扮演了极为重要的角色。

    And in the development and acquisition of the skill , recitation plays a very important role in China where the learners have their own particular learning background and traditional learning strategy .

  28. 这并不是批评北京过度推广普通话,也不是暗示中国的语言问题像印度一样具有爆炸性。

    That is not to criticise Beijing unduly for promoting the use of Mandarin , nor to suggest that the language issue in China is anything like as explosive as it has been in India .

  29. 中国英语的语言变异现象也是一种交际策略。

    Language variation in China English is also a communicative strategy .

  30. 20世纪90年代以来中国新诗的语言探析

    The Language Analysis of Chinese New Poetry since the 1990 's