
  • 网络Medicine;China Medicine
  1. 中国医药期刊有一篇论文。

    There was an article in the Journal of Chinese medicine .

  2. 中国医药学会有限公司

    " Society of Practitioners of Chinese Herbal Medicine Limited , The "

  3. 基于SVM的中国医药制造企业财务危机预警研究

    A Research on Financial Distress Prediction in China 's Pharmaceutical Companies Based on SVM

  4. 阐述加入WTO后中国医药行业面临的抉择,对我国医药业现状进行分析。

    This paper presents analyses on the choices of tile Chinese medical profession after China 's joining WTO , and on the present conditions of the chinese medical profession .

  5. 随着我国加入WTO,中国医药产业融入国际医药大市场已成为必然趋势,面临的市场竞争将日趋激烈。

    It is an inevitable tide that Chinese curatorial industry will merge into the international market after entered the WTO . The competition will be more and more fierce .

  6. 本文分析了加入WTO将为我国医药业带来的发展机遇和严峻挑战,并提出了中国医药产业应采取的对策,以其为近期我国医药产业的改革和发展提供参考。

    This paper presents an analysis on the opportunities and challenges brought to us as a result of the joining of WTO and countermeasures that the Chinese medical industry should adopt .

  7. 在我国加入WTO之后,各个行业都在发生深刻变化,尤其引人注目的是医药行业。从价值链角度看,中国医药行业正处在剧烈“洗牌”之中。

    With the membership of the WTO , China has seen great changes in various sectors , especially in the medicine sector , which is experiencing drastic shuffling in the aspect of chain-value .

  8. 我国药用植物学研究的回顾与展望中国医药产业CRO的发展前景

    PROGRESS ON CHINESE PHARMACEUTICAL BOTANY The Prospect of CRO of Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry

  9. 综述了中国医药行业的产业特性、市场状况、存在问题,介绍了加入WTO对我国医药行业的影响及我国医药行业的发展趋势。

    In this paper , the characteristic , market status and main problem of Chinese medical industry is introduced , and the development currency and the influence of WTO on Chinese medical industry is recommended .

  10. 中国医药产业CRO的发展前景

    The Prospect of CRO of Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry

  11. 2003年,中国医药开支占总体医疗开支的比例接近45%,而经合组织(OECD)国家这一比例的平均水平仅为15%。

    China 's share of pharmaceutical expenditure relative to total health expenditure was nearly 45 per cent in 2003 , compared with an OECD average of about 15 per cent .

  12. 比如,和黄中国医药科技正在跟阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)与礼来(EliLilly)合作,而百济神州与德国的默克(Merck)进行合作。

    China-MediTech , for example , is working with AstraZeneca and Eli Lilly , while BeiGene is paired with Merck of Germany .

  13. 第二章为文献综述,对生产效率和医药制造业相关研究进行系统梳理。第三章应用PEST框架和SCP模型研究中国医药制造业特征、环境与产业组织。

    Chapter two is the literature review of related research works . Chapter three tries to clarify the characteristics , environment and industrial organizations of the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry based on the PEST framework and SCP model .

  14. 由此关于中国医药产品GMP验证的研究与分析这篇论文旨在通过分析研究先进的、系统的和适应中国国情的高质量的GMP验证流程,提高中国医药产品的安全性和质量。

    This paper aims to this on the research and analysis of Chinese medical products GMP validation by advanced systems and high-quality GMP validation process , improve the safety and quality of medical products in China .

  15. 医疗咨询机构IMS称,过去10年,传统中药在中国医药市场的份额已从1%上升到11%,如今年销售额逾25亿美元。

    IMS , the healthcare consultancy , says TCM has grown from 1 per cent to 11 per cent of the Chinese pharmaceuticals market over the past decade , with annual sales today of more than $ 2.5bn .

  16. 在制药业每天都宣布最新临床试验的大背景下,和黄中国医药科技(HutchisonChinaMediTech)上周宣布已征募病患参加结直肠癌研究的消息,算不上令人振奋。

    Amid daily updates from the pharmaceuticals industry on the latest clinical trials , last week 's announcement by Hutchison China MediTech that it had enrolled patients for a study of colorectal cancer was hardly cause for excitement .

  17. 其核心内容是以跨国医药公司默沙东制药(MSD)为案例,总结默沙东在中国医药行业中,培育核心竞争力的途径和方法。

    This is the core of the pharmaceutical multinational pharmaceutical company Merck Sharp & Dohme ( MSD ) as a case , summarized in the Merck pharmaceutical industry in China , cultivating core competitiveness of ways and means .

  18. 纠正措施包括,新德里希望北京撤销对印度信息技术、宝莱坞(Bollywood)电影以及新鲜食品出口的限制,并增加印度企业在中国医药与IT行业的投资机会。

    Among other measures , New Delhi wants Beijing to end restrictions on Indian exports of information technology , Bollywood films and fresh food . It wants greater investment opportunities for Indian companies in sectors such as pharmaceuticals and IT .

  19. 中国医药行业并购绩效研究

    The Study of M & A Performance in Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry

  20. 中国医药知识产权保护热点问题概述

    Overview of the Hotspot Issues in Pharmaceutical IPR Protection in China

  21. 中国医药产业研究开发战略选择

    The Selection of Pharmaceutical Research and Development Strategy in China

  22. 现在我们在中国医药市场上已达成了相当的规模。

    We 've now reached a decent size in China pharmaceutical market .

  23. 中国医药分销物流变革存在的问题与前景展望

    Reform of Medical Distribution and Circulation in China : Problems and Prospect

  24. 关税降低对于中国医药企业的影响及引申意义

    Impact of WTO Free-Trade Tariff Agreement on Chinese Pharmaceutical Firms

  25. 坚持两个生命观打造中国医药质量大厦

    Persevering Two Lives Values and Constructing China Pharmaceutical Quality Building

  26. 中国医药流通业的现状及发展策略

    Present Situation and Developing Strategy of the Pharmaceutical Circulation Enterprises in China

  27. 中国医药知识产权保护现状分析

    A Study on the Present Protection Situation of Pharmaceutical Intellectual Property in China

  28. 中国医药保健品进出口商会

    China Chamber of Commerce for I / E of Medicines and Health Products

  29. 中国医药流通业现状及发展对策分析

    Development of the Present Situation and the Strategy on Chinese Medicine Circulation Industry

  30. 开发中国医药卫生管理文献全文数据库的构想

    Conception of Exploiting Complete Text Database of Medicine Sanitary Administration Literature in China