
  1. 辽宁地区远古人类及其文化的初步研究

    The human and the culture of the Paleolithic period from Liaoning district

  2. 我认为这和远古人类的精神相契合。

    something I regard as highly compatible with the ancient human spirit .

  3. 宁夏史前远古人类文明的序幕

    The Prologue to the Civilization of Ancient People in Ningxia

  4. 汉字与远古人类的居住习俗

    Chinese Characters and the Inhabitation of the Primitive People

  5. 探究远古人类思维的产生和艺术思维的萌动是非常复杂的。

    ? It is very complicated to explore the birth of primitive art thought .

  6. 中国远古人类的进化

    The evolution of humankind in China

  7. 在埃塞俄比亚发现的远古人类化石“露西”证明,非洲是人类的诞生地;

    The Lucy Fossil discovered in Ethiopia has established Africa as the birth place for mankind .

  8. 星号符号据认为讲述是远古人类对占星术的理解。

    The asterisk character is believed to be related to the understanding of ancient people on astrology .

  9. 长江三峡地区远古人类埋葬习俗(墓葬)资料的考古发现与研究

    Archaeological Discoveries and Studies for the Material of Human Burial Custom in Remote Antiquity in Sanxia Area

  10. 原始神话把远古人类的图腾信仰表现出来,带有行为和道德规范化意义。

    Ancient myths expressed Totem belief , of early mankind , with the regulating effect of behaviour and morality .

  11. 远古人类的历史不仅对人类普遍而言一直是一个谜,对地球也如此。

    The ancient human history has been a mystery not only to humanity at large , but also to Earth .

  12. 民以食为天,在物质不丰裕的古代,吃饭问题是远古人类所面临的最大问题。

    Therefore , in the abundance of ancient material not eat the problem is ancient human , the biggest problem facing .

  13. 这是远古人类的休闲方式,与之对应的现代人坐在电视前,通过遥控器不断的换台或是看报纸。

    It was a prehistoric man 's version of flicking TV channels with his remote control or being absorbed in a newspaper .

  14. 在英国东部诺福克海滩上发现的足迹似乎属于远古人类。

    Footprints of what appears to be a group of ancient humans were discovered on a beach in Norfolk , in eastern Britain .

  15. 远古人类祖先在自然界资源的有限性和生存竞争的现实压力下,结成了人与人相互依存的社会关系。

    Ancient ancestors of human beings enter into social relations suffering from the cruel stress of restricted natural resources and competition for existence .

  16. 霍克斯反驳说现在就开始通过和远古人类近亲的遗传对比得出有关人脑进化的结论还为时尚早。

    Hawks counters that it might be a little early to begin drawing conclusions about human brain evolution from genetic comparisons with archaic relatives .

  17. 远古人类用树枝、土、石块构筑巢穴,躲避风雨和野兽的侵袭,开始了最原始的环境创造活动。

    The ancient human branches , soil and stone building nests , from the rain and beasts , started the most primitive environment creation activities .

  18. 兴源于远古人类的原始思维方式,产生于原始宗教的祭祀文化。

    " Hsing " technique is derived from the primitive thinking ways of the ancient people , and developed from the primitive culture of sacrifices .

  19. 本文简介:在非洲崎岖的沙漠中发现的远古人类使用过的古老石器正引起科学世界的热情关注。

    In this article : Ancient rocks used as tools by early man and found in a rugged African desert are being acclaimed by the world of science .

  20. 中国科学院日前宣布,科学家们近日在陕西省商南县过风楼遗址发现了一具2400岁、高达193厘米的远古人类遗骸。

    Chinese scientists have found a4200-year-old193-centimeter-high human 's fossilized bones at the Guofenglou Ruins in Shangnan county of Shaanxi Province , according to the Chinese Academy of Sciences .

  21. 但它又不仅仅是远古人类生存的手段,它同时也是初民们理论化了的生存经验,上升为一种信仰。

    But it is not only ancient human means of survival , it is also the beginning of China was the theory of survival experience as a rising belief .

  22. 诗性智慧视野中的《红楼梦》就是一条在集体无意识心理作用下回荡着远古人类声音的神秘而富有诗意的心灵之河。

    《 A Story of the Stone 》 is like a mysterious and poetic river of soul under the function of unconciousness , which resounded the voice of ancient man .

  23. 远古人类的思维是一种诗性思维,其文化是一种“表象文化”,这是咏物诗发生的原动力。

    Ancient people thought in a poetic way and their culture was a kind of " presentative culture ", which formed the original motive power of the poetry chanting objects .

  24. 比如,上远古人类,让他们想象,再比较,给他们绘声绘色读“北京人的日日夜夜”;

    For example , on the ancient it is the human , let by they it imagine , compare again , give them read vividly " Beijinger day and night ";

  25. 据报道,科学家在南非豪登省的一个岩洞里发现了一些距今八十万至两百万年的远古人类的头骨碎片、下颚骨、牙齿及其它部分骨骼。

    According to a report , scientists found some two million-to800,000-year-old fossil-skull pieces , jaws , teeth , and other bones at the Sterkfontein caves complex in South Africa 's Gauteng Province .

  26. 木是大自然赐予人类最宝贵最完美的礼物,从远古人类的钻木取火开始,人类的生活和发展便和木息息相关。

    Wood is the most precious gift of nature 's most perfect gift from the ancient human started fire by rubbing sticks , human life and development is and wood are closely related .

  27. 壁画作为人类最古老的艺术形式之一,从远古人类的岩画到现代壁画,经历了漫长的发展历程。

    As one of the oldest art forms , mural painting , from the paintings on the rock in the ancient times to modern moral painting , has undergone a fairly long process of development .

  28. 从确定物种的生存年代到发现古人类的食人习俗(感谢出土的远古人类粪便化石中发现的人类蛋白质),粪化石的用处非常广泛。

    Coprolites have been used for everything from dating the timeline of certain species to proving the existence of cannibalism in ancient human cultures ( thanks to the discovery of human proteins in unearthed paleofeces ) .

  29. 5-迷信:这种奇怪的使人安心的习惯流传至今始终毫无长进,虽然远古人类因不会把狮子在草丛中的声响误听作风声而获益良多。

    - Superstition : unusual but reassuring habits make no evolutionary sense ; however , ancient humans would have benefited from not dismissing a lion ` s rustle in the grass as a gust of wind .

  30. 科学家近日在前苏维埃社会主义共和国格鲁吉亚境内一处已被挖掘的化石遗迹考察时惊讶地发现,早期离开非洲大陆迁徙到其他地方的人类祖先兼具远古人类和猿类双重特点。

    The earliest-known human ancestors to migrate out of Africa possessed a surprising mix of human-like and primitive features , according to scientists who studied remains dug up at a fossil-rich site in the former Soviet Republic of georgia .