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  1. 唐代淮泗地区的的经济开发

    On the Economic Exploitation of Huai-si Area in the Tang Dynasty

  2. 而在争夺黄河以南地区和随后在争夺淮泗地区的过程中,北魏也占据了军事上的优势,扩大了其统治区域。

    In the area south of the contention of the Yellow River and the subsequent process compete for Huai Si region , the Northern Wei Dynasty also occupied the military advantage to expand its domination region .

  3. 总体结论为:唐代淮泗地区的经济无论从广度还是从深度都有了相当程度的开发,在全国经济重心南移过程中起了相当重要的作用。

    Then the conclusion is obvious : in the Tang dynasty , the economy of the Huai-Si Area had been considerable developed , the roles it had played during the course of the shifting of economic center from the north to the south should not be ignored .