
huái hǎi zhàn yì
  • Huaihai Campaign;the Huai-Hai Campaign the second of the three decisive campaigns in the Chinese People's War of Liberation;Huaihai Batttle
淮海战役 [huái hǎi zhàn yì]
  • [Huaihai Batttle] 第三次国内革命战争时期,中国人民解放军,以徐州为中心与国民党军进行的一次决战,经过两个多月,歼灭国民党军55万人,与辽沈战役、平津战役合称为第三次国内革命战争时期的三大战役

淮海战役[huái hǎi zhàn yì]
  1. 其他两个是淮海战役和平津战役。

    The other two were the Huai-Hai and the Peiping-Tientsin campaigns .

  2. 淮海战役长而且非常复杂。

    The Huai Hai Campaign was long and very complex .

  3. 他自称他参加过淮海战役。

    He represented that he had fought in the Huai Hai campaign .

  4. 淮海战役一打完,以后就没有什么大仗了。

    No major battles were fought after the Huai-Hai campaign .

  5. 淮海战役对解放战争的胜利至关重要。

    The Huai-Hai Campaign was essential to the victory of the war of liberation .

  6. (四)你们以十一、十二两月完成淮海战役。

    You are to complete the Huai-Hai campaign in two months , November and December .

  7. 迎接淮海战役的时候,总的形势很好。

    When we prepared to join in the Huai-Hai Campaign , the general situation was excellent .

  8. 于是,淮海战役发展成为中国人民解放战争中三个有决定意义的最大战役之一。

    The Huai-Hai campaign was one of the three greatest campaigns of decisive significance in the Chinese People 's War of Liberation .

  9. 在教学过程中,进行些小研究并不难,但是淮海战役的课题之大却让我感觉难上加难。

    While teaching , conducting small research projects was possible , but writing on a topic as large as the Huai Hai Campaign was not .

  10. 托这次活动的福,我参观了中国徐州,并且又一次探访了淮海战役的所有主战场。

    As a result of that involvement , I visited Xuzhou , China , again and went to all of the Huai Hai Campaign 's major battlefields .

  11. 数年时间里,我手头有关淮海战役的资料都摞在家中书架上,而我本人则去完成一些其他的写作任务,比如对缅北麦瑞尔突击队部队进行简单的研究。

    For several years my Huai Hai Campaign material sat on shelves at home while I pursued other projects such as writing a short study of Merrill 's Marauders in northern Burma .

  12. 如果把淮海战役当作为自然而然的连续的三个阶段来考虑,那么就无法显示指挥官对瞬息万变的局势所做出的反应里面体现的战役法功底。

    Thinking of the campaign as three sequential phases that were set to follow one another in a natural order would mute the command artistry that emerged in response to a very fluid situation .