
  • 网络huaibei plain
  1. 利用DRASTIC指标体系评价安徽省淮北平原浅层地下水脆弱性

    Evaluation of vulnerability of shallow groundwater in the Huaibei plain with DRASTIC index system

  2. 淮北平原地下水水质空间分布特征分析

    Analysis on Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Groundwater Quality in Huaibei Plain

  3. 综合小麦产量和施肥的经济效益,在当前生产水平下,淮北平原砂姜黑土地区小麦钾肥(K2O)的适宜施用量为90kg/hm2左右。

    At present production level , the suitable rate of potassium fertilizer application for winter wheat was about 90 ? kg K 2O / hm2 in Shajiang black Huaibei plain .

  4. 近50年安徽淮北平原降水变化特征分析

    Analysis of Precipitation Changes in Huaibei Plain over Last 50 Years

  5. 安徽淮北平原农田灌溉的基本特征

    Analysis of Irrigation Character in the Huaibei Plain of Northern Anhui

  6. 淮北平原煤矿塌陷区的综合开发

    Integrated development of Coal Mine Subsidence Area in HuaiBei Plain

  7. 安徽淮北平原地下水超采评价与限采规划

    Overdraft Evaluation and Pumping-limit Planning of Groundwater in Huaibei Plain of Anhui Province

  8. 淮北平原上第三系划分和孢粉序列

    Division of the Upper Tertiary of the Huaibei plain and sporo pollen sequence

  9. 淮北平原杨-麦间作系统的小气候效应与土壤水分变化研究

    Microclimatic effect and soil moisture change of poplar-wheat intercropping systems in Huaibei Plain

  10. 淮北平原几种高效集约种植方式的研究

    Study on the Model of Intensive Cultivation with High Efficiency in Huaibei Plain

  11. 安徽省淮北平原土壤资源评价

    Evaluation of Soil Resources of Huaibei Plain in Anhui

  12. 淮北平原2009年特旱期浅层地下水分析

    Analysis of phreatic water of Huaibei Plain in special drought period in 2009

  13. 淮北平原中深层承压水开发利用现状与问题

    Exploration and utilization of confined water of intermediate focal depth in Huaibei Plain

  14. 淮北平原浅层地下水氟的水化学特征及影响因素分析

    Chemical characteristics and influential factors of fluorine ions in shallow groundwater of Huaibei Plain

  15. 淮北平原有无作物生长条件下潜水蒸发规律试验

    Experiment on phreatic evaporation of bare soil and soil with crop in Huaibei plain

  16. 安徽淮北平原更新世&上新世地层划分及第四纪下限

    Pliocene-Pleistocene stratigraphic division and lower boundary of Quaternary in the Huaibei plain , Anhui

  17. 淮北平原全年粮食总产气象卫星遥感预报方法研究

    Estimation of the annual grains yield of Huaibei Plain with NOAA remote sensing method

  18. 淮北平原地处我国南北过渡带,是我国涝渍灾害严重的典型区域之一。

    Huibei Plain is one of several areas affected severely by water logging disaster in China .

  19. 安徽淮北平原钙质结核土的分布及成因研究

    Study on Distributing and Formation of the Calcareous Concretions Soil in Huaibei Plain , AnHui Province

  20. 淮北平原麦区小麦矿质元素含量分析

    An analysis on the contents of mineral elements in Wheat in the northern Huaihe Wheat Region

  21. 安徽淮北平原浅层地下水氟的分布特征及迁移试验研究

    Study on Distribution and Transfering Test of Fluoride in Shallow Groundwater of Huaibei Plain in Anhui Province

  22. 淮北平原涝渍兼治的组合排水工程形式

    Combined Drainage Engineering Formations for Comprehensive Treatment of Water Logging and Waterlogged in the Northern Huai River Plain

  23. 淮北平原四水转化模型实验研究与应用

    A Study of the Four Water Phases Transformation Lumped Model in the Region of Huaibei Plain and Its Application

  24. 乾隆朝淮北平原水利事业与农业生产稳定性的关系&以江苏徐州府为例清乾隆年间制钱的流通与政府应对

    The Relations between the Irrigation Works and the Stability of Agriculture in Huaibei Plain in Qianlong Period of Qing Dynasty

  25. 安徽省第四纪地层主要发育于淮北平原、江淮波状平原和沿江丘陵平原。

    The Quaternary strata of Anhui Province are developed mainly in Huaibei Plain , Jianghuai Undulating Plain and Yanjiang Hilly Plain .

  26. 本文主要是从人类学的视角来描述和分析典型的淮北平原上的葬礼仪式的过程,并对其功能和变革作了一定的阐述。

    This paper mainly describes and analyzes the process of the funeral ceremony of the Han nationality from the angle of anthropology .

  27. 淮北平原砂姜黑土兰考泡桐立地分类与评价及生长模型的研究

    Site Type Division , Site Quality Appraisal and Growth Model Establishment of Paulownia elongata Forest in Shajiang Black Soil Region of Huaibei Plain

  28. 通过田间试验研究了淮北平原砂姜黑土地区小麦施钾的增产效应。

    Five field experiments of response of wheat yield to K application were conducted for two years in lime concretion black soil region of Huaibei plain .

  29. 介绍淮北平原在中深层地下水分布及开发利用,对与中深层地下水开发利用相关问题进行了分析。

    The paper introduces the distribution and utilization of confined water of intermediate focal depth in Huaibei plain , and analyses some relevant questions about it .

  30. 徐-盱丘陵岗地省和淮北平原省古北界区系特征最明显,古北界鸟类分别占68.31%、68.57%。

    Xuzhou-Xuyi Hilly Land Province and Huaibei Plain Province have obvious features of Palaearctic fauna and Palaearctic birds were accounting for 68.31 % , 68.57 % respectively .