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  1. 虽然终点并未预先设定,心衰竭住院在ARB为基础的治中更少。

    Although the end point wasn 't prespecified , heart-failure hospitalizations were significantly fewer among those getting ARB-based therapy .

  2. 循证医学在中医临床辨证论治中的应用

    Application of Evidence-Based Medicine in the Syndrome Differentiation of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  3. 彩色超声多普勒在肝硬变和门脉高压症疹治中的应用

    Color Doppler Flow Imaging in Patients with Portal Hypertension and Liver Cirrhosis

  4. 风药在脾胃病证治中的应用

    The Application of Wind-dispelling Drugs in the Treatment of Spleen and Stomach Illness

  5. 民国初年山西村治中的法律问题研究

    Research on Legal Issues about Village Autonomy of Shanxi in the Early of the Republic of China

  6. 利用拟定的方法应用于头发和胃铋治中微量铋的测定,结果满意。

    The method has been successfully applied to the determination of trace bismuth in hair and compound bismuth aluminate .

  7. 论乡政村治中乡村关系的两种极端走向及调适

    Concerning on the rural area 's two extremes of " rural politics " and some suggestions about the adjustment

  8. 方法:采用体外照射加腔内后装放疗,初治中晚期宫颈癌患者114例。

    Methods : 114 patients with middle and advanced stage cervical carcinoma received external beam radiotherapy to pelvis plus brachytherapy .

  9. 选用早、晚熟萝卜品种,混剂挑治中熟萝卜品种的综合防治技术可以有效控制萝卜蚜的为害。

    An integrated management technique , choosing early and late ripening varieties and spraying the mixture on middle ripening varieties could control its damage effectively .

  10. 自1980年以来,随着社会经济的分化,各种民间组织重新兴起,并在村民自治的背景下成为村治中的重要力量。

    Since 1980s , with the disintegration of social economy , various folk organization have been in the remaking and become the significant power of village governance on the background of village self-governance .

  11. 对疫病来说,不能正确把握“六气”病因,就难以在辨证论治中体现天人相应的中医本色。

    To epidemic disease , not correctly knowing reasons of " 6 pathogens ", it is hard to embody TCM true quality of nature and human being corresponding mutually in differentiation of signs .

  12. 接下来,本文对村治中的行政组织系统及其运行机制做了梳理,在这种组织系统的运行下村治的具体实施情况也是不得不提及的。

    Next , this article the village in the administrative organization system and its operation mechanism and made a comb , in this organization system operating under the specific implementation of the village also have to mention .

  13. 用Gillies颞肌移位术及其Johnson氏改良法,矫治21例麻风患者的30只兔眼,受治者中男18例,女3例,年龄33~54岁;

    Thirty lagophthalmos in 21 leprosy patients have been corrected with Gillies temporal muscle transposition and the method modified by Johnson .

  14. 肝纤维化的改善在核苷类似物初治患者中2个治疗组相似,在拉米夫定失效患者中,ETV明显优于LMV。

    Improvement in fibrosis was similar between treatments in nucleoside-naive patients and superior in ETV treated LMV-refractory patients .

  15. 采用上海塑料研究所和我院协作研制的微孔聚四氟乙烯心脏补片(PTFE)经动物实验和600余人次先心病纠治术中的应用,效果满意,使用安全。

    The expanded polytetrafluoroethylene ( PTFE ) cardiac patch was designed and produced by Shanghai Plastic Research Institure and Xinhua Hospital . It was used in animal experiment and in over 600 patients with satisfactory result .

  16. 结论方丝弓桥治技术中对支抗牙进行控制,移动牙齿时应用适当的矫治力及深覆牙合患者减小其Spee曲线是矫治成功的关键所在。

    Conclusion Good anchorage control , proper orthodontic force and sufficient reduction of spee curve might lead to an effective application of edgewise appliance .

  17. 目的介绍右房异构、单心室伴完全性肺静脉异位引流(TAPVC)的外科治疗经验和TAPVC在右房异构纠治手术中意义。

    Objective : To present the experience of surgical treatment of single ventricle and total anomalous pulmonary venous connection ( TAPVC ) with right atrial isomerism , and demonstrate the significance of TAPVC to the surgical treatment in the right atrial isomerism .

  18. 第五章是对术治思想中的控制术进行研究,本章首先分析了高效控制手段。

    This chapter first analyzes the efficient means of control .

  19. 善治视野中我国公民的行政参与

    Civil Administrative Participation of Our Country from the View of Good Governance

  20. 村治变迁中的权威与秩序

    Authority and Order in the Change of Village Governance

  21. 村治过程中的家族

    Clans in the Village Political Process

  22. 研究复发性、难治性中高度恶性非霍奇金淋巴瘤的解救治疗。

    To study the salvage treatment of relapsed or refractory intermediate-high aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma ( NHL ) .

  23. 初治病例中位生存14个月,无瘤中位生存13个月。

    Medial survival for primary treated patients was 14 months , disease free medial survival was 13 months .

  24. 对气血并治方中的甙类化合物抗氧化能力的初步研究

    The Rudiment Study on Antioxidation Action of Glycoside Compound in Treating both the Vital Energy and Blood Decoction

  25. 结论以针刺加灸是非手术治疗腰椎间盘突出症外治方法中最理想方法之一。

    Conclusion Acupuncture plus moxibustion is the most ideal method of nonsurgical external treatments for lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion .

  26. 方法:分析161例初治白血病中患者临床和出凝血实验室特征。

    Methods : By analyzing 161 newly diagnosed acute leukemia patients , we investigated clinical and laboratory features of leukemia-associated DIC .

  27. 复治组中,广泛期患者血清胃泌素释放肽前体水平显著高于局限期,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);

    Serum pro-gastrin-releasing peptide levels of patients who had had prior therapy in extended stage were markedly higher than those in limited stage ( P < 0.05 ) .

  28. 因此分析民营经济在依法治省中的定位,应从考察民营经济的生存状况入手。

    Therefore we begin with the search on the living condition of private-owned economy before we can define the role it plays in Rule of Law in our province .

  29. 农村老年人福利成为影响中国农村发展的重要问题,同时反映了村治变迁中村庄权威的转变。

    Welfare for the old in villages is a vital problem influencing Chinese rural development and it reflects the switch of rural authority in the process of rural reconstruction .

  30. 目的评估认知行为干预对肺癌患者化疗治管中的影响,以提高肺癌患者的认知行为能力,以最佳状态配合化疗。

    Objective To evaluate the effect of cognitive behavior on chemotherapy management for lung cancer patients , to improve the cognitive behavior ability and obtain best cooperation for chemotherapy .