
zhì hé
  • River management;regulate a river
  1. 生物治河工程&深栽柳树坝

    River Regulation by Biological Measure & Planting Willows Deeply into Levee

  2. 大治河有机污染源分析及防治对策

    Analysis and Harness Countermeasure of Organic Pollution in Dazhi River

  3. 摘要植物护岸是生物治河措施之一。

    Bank protection by vegetation is one of biological river regulation methods .

  4. 传统治河文化应用于航道工程设计

    Application of Traditional River-Control Culture in Waterway Engineering Design

  5. 路的驾驶人士可改经治河路。

    May travel via Chi ho road to .

  6. 强潮河口治河围涂工程促淤方法探讨&以钱塘江河口尖山一期促淤围涂工程为例

    Research on Accretion Promotion Method of River Regulation and Reclamation Project in Strong-tide Estuary

  7. 1996年黄河洪水异常原因分析及治河探讨

    Causes of the Severe Flood of the Yellow River in 1996 and Its Control

  8. 论“稳定主槽、调水调沙”的治河方略

    On general plan of river harnessing of " stabilizing main channel and regulating water and sediment "

  9. 如何维持河流健康生命,实现人与河流和谐发展,是我国新时期提出的新的治河思路,对其理论和实践的研究已受到了国家和相关部门的高度重视。

    The study on the theory and practice has been highly valued by the state and relevant departments .

  10. 黄河下游治河工程安全实时监测关键技术研究

    Study of key technology of safety monitoring of real time of training project in lower reaches of Yellow River

  11. 湖北省保康县尧治河村构建社会主义和谐山村的道路具有一定的代表意义。

    It is a successful experience about constructing socialism harmonious village of Yaozhihe in Baokang County in Hubei Province .

  12. 伪政权不得不加快建立治河机关的进程。

    In that case , the puppet regimes had to accelerate the speed to set up the river controlling authority .

  13. 潘季驯是明代杰出的治河专家,是明代的“技术官僚”。

    Pan Ji-xun , the Ming Dynasty outstanding water conservancy experts , is the Ming Dynasty " technical bureaucracy " .

  14. 1856年任河东河道总督时,病逝于治河工地。

    He was dead of disease at the site of river harnessing when he was a governor of Hedong in 1856 .

  15. 黄河河道整治应遵循的原则为:全面规划、团结治河;

    The principles should be obeyed in the Yellow River Channel Realignment are as follows : overall planning , unified river realignment ;

  16. 为了探索透水桩坝在黄河治理中的应用前景和应用技术,进一步研究和探讨该工程的透水落淤机理和导流效果,为防洪治河提供理论依据。

    To improve the river reconstruction technique , it is necessary to investigate mechanism and effect of flow control and aggradation for permeable pile dike .

  17. 加上该段时间,华北、华中日军对决口的不同处置策略,伪政权的治河交涉更形艰难。

    During this period , the different strategies to the crevasse between the Japanese army in Northern China and Central China made the negotiation even more difficult .

  18. 治河亦成为一时之重。这使得仁宗及其臣僚们意识到,朝廷必须有专职机构来管理这日益繁乱的河务。

    It made the emperor and his ministers recognized that there must be full-time institutions in the court to manage the river works which was increasingly complex .

  19. 同时在治河中引用流量概念,开治河史中定量分析之先河。

    In the meanwhile , they had introduced the concept of discharge in harnessing the river , creating a precedent of quantitative analysis in the history of harnessing .

  20. 根据整治方案,结合治河实际情况,推荐了网罩护根防冲和混凝土四脚体护脚这两种比较有效的护根措施。

    According to renovation scheme and connecting with practical river harness situation , netlike cover protection and quadruped concrete hose measurements , which are comparatively effective , are commended .

  21. 拓展署透过代理部门或顾问,继续实施治河及乡村防洪等大型改善工程。

    The Territory Development Department continues to implement the major improvement works , such as river training and village flood protection works , either through agent departments or consultants .

  22. 而边界河流水资源较为丰富,北部有库内内河、奥卡万戈河,南部有奥兰治河。

    But there are rich water resources in the boundary rivers , the kunene River and the Okavango River on the north , the Orange River on the South .

  23. 研究结果不仅在河道水力学的理论方面具有较好的学术意义,也可供实际的治河工程的河道断面优化设计的借鉴参考,具有较好的实用价值。

    Results will not only be a useful value for theory of river hydraulics but also be a good reference for design of the cross-section in the practical river regulation .

  24. 论述了黄河下游治河工程安全实时监测关键技术研究的目的意义及目标;

    This article deals with the target and significance on study of key technology of safety monitoring of real time of river training project in lower reaches of Yellow River .

  25. 总结历史和现在的治河经验与教训,四川省的防洪整治有其自身的规划原则、治理思路和特点。

    Specific principles , ideas and characteristics of flood control and river planning and harnessing in Sichuan are presented according to experiences and lessons in the past and at present day .

  26. 经过实践验证,可有效应用于防洪治河,河道工程规划设计、河道管理和清障等方面的水文水力计算。

    It can effectively use to hydrologic and hydraulic calculation of the flood control and river control , the planning programming of the river project , the river management and the clearing barrier .

  27. 以两个航道工程设计实例说明传统治河文化在航道整治工程设计中的应用,倡导航道工作者更好地承传和发展传统文化。

    This paper expounds the application of traditional river-control culture in waterway engineering design based on two examples of waterway engineering design . It is advocated to succeed and develop traditional river-control culture .

  28. 开始蓄水拦沙运用,水库严重淤积回水迅速上延,引发设计输沙量和水沙综合调节治河新理论。

    During the operation of storing water and retaining sediment , serious deposition in the reservoir leads to backwater level rising rapidly . Therefore it also brings out new river-trained theory of design sediment load and integrated regulation of water-sediment .

  29. 对清代防汛、抢险、堵决、浚河等方面以水治水的科学治河策略与方法加以钩稽与总结,目的是为当今治理黄河提供借鉴与启迪

    Aiming at providing the enlightenment to the control of the Yellow River , the strategies and methods for controlling water by water in flood prevention , emergency service , blocking-up or dredging river in a scientific way in the Qing dynasty are summarized

  30. 弯道水流运动规律的研究,在水利工程学中占有重要的位置,在治河工程、港口修建、引水防沙、桥墩防冲及改善河道航运等方面都得到了广泛的应用。

    The study on bend flow , which plays an important role in hydraulic engineering , is widely used in river regulation project , harbor construction , water diversion and sediment prevention , anti-scour of bridge pier , and improvement of river navigation .